熊海虹主编《高等学校研究生英语综合教育教案-上》Unit7-Unit10课本学习知识翻译及课后练习进步规范标准答 下载本文


from the normal does it attract attention. The good neighbor, the conscientious citizen, the kind father and faithful husband pass unnoticed. But the murderer, robber or wife beater is singled out for ublicity, because such conduct is unusual. 8人们想当然地认为人类是伟大和高尚的,尽管他的过错和弱点不断地暴露在我们面前。只有当人类行为偏离常规时才会引起人们的注意。人们对好邻居、良民、慈父和贞夫视而不见,但杀人犯、抢劫犯或殴打妻子的人却成为公众瞩目的焦点。因为这些行为非同寻常。 9 Man's inherent goodness, moreover, is revealed by his countless acts of heroism, unselfishness and sacrifice. Daily one reads of men saving others at the peril of their own lives. One plunges into the surf and rescues a swimmer from drowning; another

dashes into a burning house and carries a stranger to safety; others snatch a child from

the wheels of death; many give their blood so that others may live. Countless unnamed and unrecorded men have given their lives for their fellowmen, not only on the battlefront but on the home- front as well.


10Human nature does not and cannot change but unfolds its inherent pattern. Man has a nature and its laws can be known. We can only endeavor to understand man


as he is.


Unit Eight

It's almost a common sense that wearing a seat belt can keep passengers from being injured or being killed in a car accident. But recent research done by John Adams shows more complicated statistics. More car accidents are caused by the reckless drivers who wear seat belts.

THE HIDDEN DANGER OF SEAT BELTS David Bjerklie 安全带可以避免乘客在车祸中受伤或死亡,这几乎是常识。但是,约翰.亚当斯最近所做的研究得出了更加复杂的统计数据。当司机系着安全带时,他们开车无所顾忌,更多车祸因此而发生。 座椅安全带的隐患 大卫·布杰克里

1 Seat belts still decrease our risk of dying in an accident, but the statistics are not all black and white. In fact, according to one researcher, seat belts may actually cause people to drive more recklessly.


2 If there's one thing we know about our risky world, it's that seat belts save lives. And they do, of course. But reality, as usual, is messier and more complicated than


that. John Adams, risk expert and emeritus professor of geography at University College London, was an early skeptic of the seat belt safety mantra. Adams first began to look at the numbers more than 25 years ago. What he found was that contrary to conventional wisdom, mandating the use of seat belts in 18 countries resulted in either no change or actually a net increase in road accident deaths. 2对于这个有危险的世界,如果有一件事我们还算了解,那就是座椅安全带可以救命。当然,它确实可以救命。但实际情况通常要更混乱、更复杂。伦敦大学学院的风险专家、地理学荣誉教授约翰·亚当斯早就质疑安全带能保证驾车安全的信条。亚当斯最早开始查看统计数字是早在25年前的事了。他的发现与人们的普遍看法恰恰相反——在18个强制使用安全带的国家,要么交通事故死亡率根本没有变化,要么实际上反而导致了死亡率的净增长。 3 How can that be? Adams' interpretation of the data rests on the notion of risk compensation, the idea that individuals tend to adjust their behavior in response to what they perceive; as changes in the level of risk. Imagine, explains Adams, a driver negotiating a curve in the road. Let's make him a young male. He is going to be influenced by his perceptions of both the risks and rewards of driving a car. The considerations could include getting to work or meeting a mend for dinner on time, impressing a companion with his driving skills, bolstering his image of himself as an accomplished driver. They could also include his concern for his own safety and desire to live to a ripe old age, his feelings of responsibility for a toddler with him in a car seat, the cost of banging up his shiny new car or losing his license.




Nor will these possible concerns exist in a vacuum. He will be taking into account the weather and the condition of the road, the amount of traffic and the capabilities of the car he is driving. But crucially, says Adams, this driver will also be adjusting his behavior in response to what he perceives are changes in risks. If he is wearing a seat belt and his car has front and side air bags and anti-skid brakes to boot, he may in turn drive a bit more daringly.


4 The point, stresses Adams, is that drivers who feel safe may actually increase the risk that they pose to other drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians and their own passengers (while an average of 80% of drivers buckle up, only 68% of their rear-seat passengers do). And risk compensation is hardly confined to the act of driving a car. Think of a trapeze artist, suggests Adams, or a rock climber or motorcyclist. Add some safety equipment to the equation- a net, rope or helmet respectively- and the person may try maneuvers that he or she would otherwise consider foolish. In the