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We have obtained your e-mail address from the Internet. We are writing you to explore the possibilities of doing business with you.

We are one of the largest exporters of textiles in China, specializing in home textiles. Our products are popular in some European countries and enjoy good reputation among our customers. We mainly deal in home textiles, such as bed sheets, bed covers, bathe towels and also deal in cotton prints.

Enclosed are our catalogues.

Please let us know as early as possible if you are interested in any particular products. We are looking forward to your early reply. (2)

We are a well-established company with a lot of knowledge of local customers’ needs. We have been distributors of bags and cases for more than 10 years and for 4 years of your backpacks. We believe that with our good reputation and connections we can sell your products very well. So we are writing to you in the hope that we can sign a sole agency agreement with you on this item for a period of 3 years.

We are planning to sell 10000 backpacks in the area in the first year; 15000 backpacks in the second years; 20000 in the third year. A commission of 5% is expected.

If we are granted the sole agency, we can assure you that we’ll double the turnover. We are looking forward to receiving your reply. (3) Dear Sirs,

We have received your letter of May 8 inquiring about the packing of our silk ladies’ pyjamas. Each of Our pyjamas are packed in a plastic bag, then to a box. Every 12 dozen boxes are packed in a carton lined with plastic sheets. Besides, “Keep Dry” will be indicated on the outer package of each carton.

Our packing is novel in design and attractive in appearance,therefore it is very suitable for display in supermarket. We can also meet your special requirements for packing but the extra expenses should be borne by you. (4)

We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of theBritish Embassy in Beijing, who has informed us that you are in the market for chemical products.

We are now approaching you today in the hope of establishing mutually beneficial trade relations with you.

We are a state-operated corporation, handling exclusively the import and export of chemicals.

Enclosed is a copy of our latest export list, covering the main items available for export at present. If you require any items outside the list, please let us know. We shall be glad to provide you with your requirement.

In our trade with merchants of European countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote, by joints efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage.

We look forward to your enquiries soon.


Thank you very much for your confidence in our electric products.

Owing to the cold weather, there is heavy demand for our heaters this quarter. The brand you required is out of stock at present. Our manufacturer has promised to continue supplying them next month. If you can wait till then, we will deliver your requirements in due time.

Now we are sending you a new sample book separately, giving details of similar products we has produced recently. If your order reach us before 20 this month, we will give you a special discount of 2.5% as our regular clients.

We look forward to the pleasure of serving you. Yours faithfully


We thank you very much for your order for our earphone. It has received our immediate and careful attention.

You may rest assured that the earphones have been carefully packed in special cartons to ensure safe and sound condition on arrival. We will make shipment by May and shall send you the shipping advice and the invoice then.

The terms of payment you proposed are acceptable. We feel sure you will be happy to collect good comments about our earphones from your consumers, and build up a market for the product in your country.

We look forward to further orders from you.

5月6日来函中提到你公司AD-2号订单项下3000箱药材 (Herbs)运抵到港时,发现50箱变质,对此,我们甚感遗憾。我公司经营出口药材多年,药材于出口前均经严格检验,在国际市场上享有盛誉。但如经证实我公司对货物受损负有责任,我们总是乐于赔偿。但是,对这一事件我们必须指出,清洁提单中已注明:货物装船时状态良好。因此, 建议你公司向有关船公司提出索赔。如你公司需向我方再购50箱,以补足变质部分,请即通知,我公司很愿照办。

We are sorry to learn from your letter of May 6 that 50 out of the 3,000 cartons of Herbs supplied to your Order No. AD-2 were found deteriorated

on arrival at the port of destination.

We have been exporting Herbs for many years. All our Herbs are subject to strict inspection before export and enjoy a good reputation on international markets. But for any possible deterioration for which we are found liable, we shall always be ready to compensate. In this particular case, however, we have to point out that the goods were in good condition when shipped, which was clearly stated in the clean Bill of Lading. We,

therefore, suggest that you file a claim against the shipping company for compensation.

Should you wish to place an order for a new batch of 50 cartons to make up for your deteriorated goods, please let us know and we will be

willing to do so.

Yours faithfully



澳洲公司名称、地址:Solburne Farming Supplies Pty, Ltd, ……. 中方公司名称、地址; 浙江康大生物制品有限公司 浙江省嘉兴市平湖县城关区大北街5号 邮编:314061

Zhejiang Kangda Biological Products Co., Ltd

5 Dabei Street, Chengguan District, Pinghu County, Jiaxin

Zhejiang, China

September 1,2010

Solburne Farming Supplies Pty, Ltd Dear Sirs,

I saw the sample of your gallbladders during my visit to Australia and was very impressed by their quality. We are an importer of biologic products and have engaged in this particular line of business for many years.

Would you please send us your latest price-list and catalogue for gallbladders? We would find it most helpful if you could also supply some samples for our reference. Should the quality and price be acceptable, we’ll place large orders with you. We await your early reply. Yours faithfully,