新理念大学英语学习大厅第三册单元测试答案 下载本文

There are some exceptions. We may accept the fact that people may (5 us on the bus or (6 in

the rush hour because we can (7 for it.

What we should do when we have to stand or sit in a crowded place? We don't look at the other

people, we try not to touch them and we show (8 .

We may be annoyed by someone in a crowded cinema. He or she may want to take all the (9

between us. But when the show starts we forget about it because we (10 the performers who are

far away. 1. psychologist 2. 50

3. very aggressive 4. unusually friendly 5. press against 6. on the subway 7.

see the reason 8. an expressionless face 9. armrest 10. concentrate on SET 2

About whom is the story? My father and my mother.

What were they? My father was a salesman for a (1 . My mother was a (2 at a radio station.

Where did they meet? They met in a (3 .

How did they happen to meet? My father stopped by (4 that Saturday morning to (5 and then

the manager of a local radio station invited him to their (6 .

What does my father comment on meeting my mother? It was (7 that he was at the picnic that


What were my mother's dating experiences at that time? She dated other men, including a car

salesman who entered our (8 . The car salesman gave her (9 for her birthday, which in those

days meant the relationship was moving toward an (10

What's the end of the story? One night a few months later, my mother woke her mother and told her

she was going to marry Dave. Answer:

1. big electronics company 2. writer

3. poker game 4. the branch office 5. make some calls 6. annual

picnic 7. blind luck 8. family lore 9. a watch 10. engagement Listening Comprehension

Directions: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are True or False.

The passage will be read ONLY ONCE. SET 1

1. Popular belief holds that \2. Meteors are not visible to the naked eye even at night. True False

3. Most meteors are burned into ashes when they enter the earth's atmosphere. True False

4. After successful landings upon the earth, huge meteors are given different names. True False

5. There is no satisfactory explanation about the source of meteors traveling through space. True

False Answer:

1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True SET 2

1. England's mad cow disease has caused understandable hysteria. True False 2. The government is facing a loss of millions of dollars. True False

3. Researchers have different explanations to the cause of the mad cow disease. True False

4. Basic research cannot help prevent tomorrow's crises. True False

5. Unresolved scientific disputes have become a fact of modern life. True False Answer:

1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True

Listening Comprehension