黑龙江省哈尔滨市第六中学2019届高三冲刺押题卷(二)英语试题(附答案) 下载本文

49. D 根据本空前的“This was a real expert with great”可知,他的口碑(reputation)很好。

50. B 根据本空后的“it would be to deal with the stain”可知,他对我说这些污迹很难(difficult)处理。 51. C 根据本空前的“unloaded his”可知,他卸下装备(equipment)准备干活。

52. A 根据本空前的“My expectation at that point was low; however, I told him to put in his best”可知,尽管


53. D 根据上文中的“Committed to getting rid of the stain”可知,我希望这些污迹被去除(removed)。 54. C 根据本空后的“and disappointment can be our expectations”可知,这次经历让我认识到生活中快乐


55. C 根据本空后的“the expectation line drawn by ourselves is placed incorrectly.”可知,如果(if)我们自


56. D 由句意可知,此处说的是一种相反的(On the contrary)情况。 57. C 此处与前面的“incorrectly”相对应,表示“正确地”。

58. D 根据本空前的“ In the carpet cleaning scenario above”可知,此处是说第二个清洁工(cleaner)。 59. C 根据本空前的“but he also overdelivered by getting the stain out”可知,污迹被清理掉超出(went



60. A 上文说污迹被清理掉了,我自然是很高兴(glad)。61.

62. about 63. that 64. misunderstood 65. Faced

66. A 67. trying 68. which 69. determination 70. So/As 改错

1.what--which/that /删掉 2.result -- resulting 3. factor-- factors 4. them --it 5. brought 前加has 6. Severely-- severe 7. For-- to 8. the 删掉 9. drives-- drive 10. until-- before

Dear Peter,

I am terribly sorry that I couldn’t practise spoken Chinese with you this time. I should have told you in advance , but something happened beyond my expectation . My teacher called me to send his computer to his office. Unfortunately, my mobile phone got a flat battery after I received the call . Worst of all , I was caught in a traffic jam on my way back.

Next Saturday afternoon , I’d like to meet you at three o’clock at the gate of the park near our college. We will talk about Chinese table manners . You may as well make some preparations in advance if possible.

Once again , I am sorry for any inconvenience caused . Hope to see you soon .


Li Hua