Application 机械类外文翻译-基于事例推理的夹具设计研究与应用 下载本文

case is substituted by this new case, and the previous prototype case is saved as a reference case.

3) If a new case does not match any existing case family, a new case family will be generated automatically and the case is stored as the prototype case in the case library.

4 Process of CBR in Fixture Design

According to the characteristics of fixture design, the basic information of the fixture design such as the name of fixture, part, product and the designer, etc. must be input first. Then the fixture file is set up automatically, in which all components of the fixture are put together. Then the model of the workpiece is input or designed. The detailed information about the workpiece is input, the case index code is set up, and then the CBR begins to search the analogical cases, relying on the similarity measure, and the most analogical case is selected out. If needed, the case is adapted to satisfy the current design, and restored into the case library. The flowchart of the process is shown in Fig.3.


5 Illustrating for Fixture Design by CBR

This is a workpiece (seeFig.4). Its material is 45# steel. Its name is seat. Its shape is block, and the product batch size is middle, etc. A fixture is turning fixture that serves to turn the hole, which needs to be designed.

The value of feature, attribute, case index code and weight of the workpiece


is show n in Tab.2.

Through searching, and calculating the similarity, the case index code of the most similar case is 19325513321402000, and the detailed information is show n in Tab. 3.

The similarity is calculated as follows:


So the value of similarity measure of the fixture which needs to be designed with the most analogical case in case library is 0.806, and the structure of the most analogical case is shown in Fig.5.

After having been substituted the component, modified the locating model and clamp model, and adjusted the relative dimension, the new fixture is designed, and the figure is show n in Fig.6.