A9-Test Bank Part II-Chapter 7 Organizaing the Body of the Speech 下载本文

Test Bank for The Art of Public Speaking Stephen Lucas & Suya Yin

FLTRP Book Development Project

c. Transition. d. Sub points.

39. According to your textbook, if the following statement occurred in the body of a speech, it

would be an example of what kind of connective?

In short, a bone marrow transplant is a standard treatment option for patients with life-threatening blood, immune system or genetic disorders. A transplant replaces the patients’ unhealthy blood-forming cells with healthy ones.

a. Transition.

b. Foreshadowing. c. Internal summary. d. Internal preview.

40. According to your textbook, brief statements that help listeners follow your ideas by

indicating exactly where you are in the speech are called __________. a. transitions b. signposts c. dividers d. lead-ins

Short Answer Questions

1. Strategic organization refers to putting a speech together in a particular way to achieve a particular result with a particular audience.

2. Speeches organized chronologically many narrate a series of events in the sequence in which they happened.

3. In speeches organized in spatial order, the main points proceed from top to bottom, left to right, front to back, inside to outside, east to west, or some other route.

4. Problem-solution order is a method of organization in which the first main point deals with the existence of a problems and the second main point presents a solution to the problem.

5. The following main points are arranged in topical order. I. The first major type of environmental pollution is land pollution. II. The second major type of environmental pollution is air pollution. III. The third major type of environmental pollution is water pollution.

6. The following main points are arranged in spatial order. I. The raised right arm and torch of the Statue of Liberty symbolize America’s role as

a beacon light of liberty to people the world over.

II. The body of the Statue of Liberty is lined with staircases, which give a good view of

the inside contours.

III. The base of the Statue of Liberty contains a plaque with the poignant lines beginning

“Give me your tired, your poor . . .”

7. The following main points are arranged in causal order. I. The major causes of airborne pollution are industrial and automobile contaminants.


Test Bank for The Art of Public Speaking Stephen Lucas & Suya Yin

FLTRP Book Development Project

II. The effects of airborne pollution are felt in cities and villages around the world.

8. The following main points are organized in problem-solution order.

I. Childhood obesity has reached crisis proportions in the United States.

II. Solving the problem will require changes in attitudes, eating habits, and exercise.

9. Connectives are words or phrases that join one thought to another and indicate the

relationship between them.

10. A(n) internal preview works just like the preview statement in the introduction, except that it

comes in the body of the speech.

Essay Questions

1. Explain each of the following guidelines for main points in a speech. Why is it important to

follow each guideline?

a. Limit the number of main points.

b. Balance the amount of time devoted to main points. c. Keep main points separate.

d. Try to use the same pattern of wording for all main points.

2. Write an essay in which you (a) identify the four kinds of speech connectives explained in

your textbook, (b) give an example of each, and (c) discuss the role of each in a speech.

3. What is wrong with the following set of main points for a speech about a spiral galaxy like

the Milky Way? Explain the problem and then rewrite the main points to solve it.

I. The first visible component of a spiral galaxy is the disk. II. The halo is the second visible component of a spiral galaxy. III. The third visible component of a spiral galaxy is the nucleus.

4. Describe and give an example of each of the following methods of speech organization:

a. chronological b. spatial c. topical

d. problem-solution

5. For speeches with the following specific purpose statements, what organizational pattern of

main points would be most appropriate? Explain your choice in each case.

a. To persuade my audience that social networking sites should do more to curb anti-intellectualism in cyberspace.

b. To inform my audience of the two major types of Earth’s natural resources. c. To inform my audience about the interior structure of the Moon. d. To inform my audience about the functions of the human heart. e. To inform my audience how to build a backyard greenhouse.


Test Bank for The Art of Public Speaking Stephen Lucas & Suya Yin

FLTRP Book Development Project