health problems do result from the
smog, lung cancer, one of the most prominent, for instance. 第三段: 版本一: 第一句:
毒雾正渐渐席卷大江南北,此刻,我们无法再忽视自然的示警,只将“雾霾”当成八卦的话题或笑骂权 贵的谈资。 第二句:
We are under the imperative to meet the challenges head-on, government agencies, NGOs, professionals and
civilians all alike, working together hand in hand, in a bid to leave a beautiful habitat for our offspring to thrive on.
我们必须直面这些环境挑战,政府、民间团体、专家、平民应该携手合作,共同努力将美丽的世界留 给我们的子孙后代。 版本二: 第一句
For a long time, the environment protection advocates advance the cause in an independent manner, which is
attention-catching for sure, thus good for awareness-raising, but this alone-fighter tactics is very ineffective. 很长一段时间,环保人士都是以独立的方式来提倡环保。虽然他们的行为吸引了关注,从而提升了
公众的意识,但是这种孤军作战的策略实在效率太低。 第二句
我们迫切需要的是一个企业、政府和公众能一起合作的机会:集中资源,将环保当成常事来做。 第三句
Only by taking these concrete and practical steps one after another, can we finally reach our common cherished goal.
版本三: 第一句
Therefore, to combat this seemingly invincible enemy and to restore the beauty of our beloved home,
concerted efforts across all sectors are called for, so that overwhelming momentum can be formed;
因此,为了战胜这个看上去无法战胜的敌人、还我们挚爱的家园以洁净和美丽,各领域都应该携手并 6.
7. What we most urgently need is a chance for business sector, government
and the general public
to work together, to pool resources and to undertake environmental protection as a daily practice. 2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 12
肩,形成强大动力。 第二句
Furthermore,in order to address such an wide-ranging issue, it only makes sense to reckon every aspects that
may have directly or indirectly related to this problem and to draw on brilliant proposals of professionals and enthusiasts from various spheres . 进一步的讲,要应对这样牵连甚广的社会问题,只有考虑各方面与这一问题有关系的直接或间接因素、
集中各行业专业人士和有志者的优秀建议才是有意义的。 网络谣言传播 第一句
1. The picture does illustrate a fact that new communication technology has ushered human beings into an
age of information explosion, when the news, facts, opinions and even rumors have been bombarding us from
every corner of the world and any information becomes available on our screen the instant a mouse-click is made. 图画展示了一个事实:新的传播技术带领我们进入了一个信息爆炸的时代,一点鼠标信息就显示在眼 前的屏幕上。 第二句
2. The internet, notwithstanding facilitating spread of knowledge and filling in the information gap across
social divisions, has become a hotbed of digital wildfire, and dangerous rumors can wreak havoc.
虽然互联网大幅提高了知识的传播,并有益于消弭信息鸿沟,但却成为了网络谣言的温床,谎言也会 带来危险。 第三句
一些和谣言相关的案子浮出水面,引发了一场关于如果有效区别社交网络上好友分享的真相与谎言的 激烈争论。
但任何一个敏锐的观察者都能感知不可能有大家都接受的解决方案。 第三段 第一句
Nevertheless, if the users of Internet social media treat all the information with just a hint of reasonable doubt
and refrain from reposting suspicious ones, the digital wildfire may be
prevented or curbed to some extent.
能在一定程度上阻止网络谣言的生发和传播。 第二句:
另外,如果社交网络的营运者能谨慎地,并有决心的及时更正错误,那么图画中的遗憾局面也将会只是 过眼云烟而已。
8. Surfacing of some cases concerning rumors has aroused a heated debate about how to effectively
differentiate the facts and the rumors, information shared through networks of friends via Internet.
10. And in addition, if Weibo, We Chat and other online media were to exercise caution and
determination to right the wrong in time, this sorry state of affairs reflected in the picture would be a passing fad. 9.
2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 13
名人代言的非模板式表达: 第二段
Obviously, the message the picture tries to convey is that celebrity endorsement could bring about potential
problems despite its many advantages. That is, without regulations, it could be used by those with bad intentions to
trick people into buying commodities that are either poor in quality or harmful to people’s health. 第三段
With celebrity endorsement increasingly used by companies and manufactures in our society to promote their
products, we, as customers, should always keep a clear mind and make sensible decisions. Meanwhile, it is also
our government’s responsibility to make laws and regulations for celebrity endorsement to ensure the rights of
customers and create a safe and sound environment for the development of advertising business.
“个人能力和品质”的写作步骤 某种品质对成功很重要: 可能出现的主题词:
1.顺境与逆境( Favorable Circumstances and adverse Circumstances) 2.勤奋(hard working, diligence, painstaking efforts) 3.谨慎(prudence and determination)
4.坚持/毅力(perseverance,persistence, determination)
5.热情和乐观(enthusiasm and optimism) 6.博学和求知(learnedness and seeking knowledge/pursuit of knowledge) 7.活力(vitality)
8.身强体壮,充满活力(bursting with vitality and good health) 9.独立 (independence)
10.感恩(gratitude ,gratification)
11.创新( creation, innovation, critical mind, critical thinking ) 12.鼓励 (encouragement) 13.真诚(sincerity)
14.宽容(humanity, love, understanding and tolerance) 15.自满和谦逊(Being self-satisfied and being modest) 16.勇敢(courage and bravery)
17.敬业精神(professional dedication and professional ethics ) 18.业务水平(competence)
19.苦难(suffering and hardship) 第二段的写作: 第一句:
The picture tells us that nothing can be compared with creation or innovation when it comes to the cultivation
of individual characteristics./ for the personal growth. 或者:
The author of the picture attempts to convey with a certain amount of confirmation the distinctly clear
message that the spirit of creation seems to underlie almost all human successes. 或者
This human quality is part and parcel to the personal growth and its absence will definitely lead to one’s poor performance and lower achievement. 第二句:
Put it another way, without it, one could hardly/barely taste victory/ achieve their goal. 或者:
2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 14
Put it another way, the adventure spirit is a key ingredient of the modern recipe to success, either for individuals or for a nation. 或者: To be sure, without the courage to engage in unknown journey and to embrace unexpected detours or
setbacks, we would have no any advance to speak of. Fairly speaking, people or organization being able to do the next big thing must have this urge to take on the