江苏省南京市金陵中学、海安高级中学、南京外国语学校2018届高三第四次模拟考试英语试题+Word版含答案 下载本文

27.-I know the furniture is expensive but it will last for years. -I hope so too. A. can should

28. -Why do the researchers sometimes have to climb so high? It’s dangerous! -As far as I know, on the top of the mountain is a certain wild plant said to have some medical value. A. grown grown

29. He is we call Little Einstein, for he can explain such difficult scientific terms most of us haven’t even heard of. A. who; that

D. which; that

B. whom; which

C. what; as

B. growing

C. being grown

D. having

B. may

C. must


30. -What a surprise! I you still away on holiday.

-But it only a fortnight before our new voluntary project begins. A. think; is

B. thought; will be D. thought; is

C. had thought; was

31. Only two are open to them-either they accept our offer or they give up the fight completely. A. avenues versions

32. -Did you hear about the company’s second quarter loss?

-Almost everyone knows it Rumor has It that the company will lay off 25,000 employees . A. under its umbrella

D. to its knowledge

B. in its wake

C. beyond Its means

B. criteria

C. scales


33. -A student Is said to have got a suspension from school for cheating in the exam. -honesty is concerned, no compromise is acceptable. A. When Once

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B. Where C. What D.

34. -Is the poor man any better now?

-Don’t worry! The doctor will follow up his operation for occurrence of severe symptoms, . A. if necessary

D. If any

B. if so

C. if ever

35. -I believe Mike when he said what the employees of the company lacked was a sense of belonging,

-Absolutely, It’s no wonder that so many of them resigned in such a short time. A. struck home broke even

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


Leafing through your family’s antique media makes clicking through social media a feast of empty calories (36) we should throw our computers and phones away, then open every box in every attic and read whatever (37) such as what I recently found — diaries written by my grandmother when she was 16.

I (38) the diaries would be dark and old-fashioned, but my teenage grandmother had much fun and her genius was so well presented in labeling boys she cared for that I can (39) keep up with her crushes, wondering who the mysterious ‘Sunshine’ was, the sweetest young man in my grandmother’s eyes.

Arguments with adults are only referred to but never described in (40) . She doesn’t resist her mother’s strict (41) , even when she gets a “lovely (42) “ for finishing someone else’s ice cream. (43) , I recorded every (44) I suffered in my teenage diary. This, however, further (45) bitterness. I think my teenage grandmother’s superior (46) was due to her being 16 before the invention of ‘cool’ as a symbol of (47) , or for that matter, ‘teenager’ as an identity.

I have not (48) reading the diaries and I do not want to, But my favorite passage so far was the one (49) on a Monday evening in late summer in 1911.

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B. Mew smoke C. stay put D.

She was sitting on the porch with friends when a neighbor started playing an (50) tune. The girls ‘flew’ across the street to listen, and when the neighbor started up with ‘Put Your Arms (51) Me, Honey’, something (52) happened: ‘We couldn’t help dancing (53) on the street and felt so sweet arid nice’ And then, just when my teenage grandmother thought things couldn’t get any (54) , Harvey walked by, like a ray of (55) . 36. A. because

B. so

C. yet

D. while

37. A. falls out

D. drops out

B. pulls out C. holds out

38. A. concluded bet

39. A. closely

D. readily

B. assumed C. doubted D.

B. precisely C. barely

40. A. detail

D. effect

B. vain C. defence

41. A. treatment

D. discipline

B. control C. planning

42. A. credit

D. scolding

B. scream C. treat

43. A. In addition

D. In fact

B. In general C. In contrast

44. A. injustice loss

45. A. responds to

D. corresponds to

B. defeat C. disease D.

B. fends to C. leads to

46. A. habit

D. intelligence

B. personality C. effort

47. A. slogan

D. virtue

B. fight C. principle

48. A. finished

B. regretted

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C. skipped

D. opposed

B. recorded

C. remembered

49. A. mentioned

D. celebrated

50. A. Irresistible

D. odd

B. antique C. original

51. A. Over

B. Behind

C. Around

D. On

52. A. abnormal

D. magical

B. imaginary C. mysterious

53. A. right

D. hard

B. straight C. fast

54. A. easier sweeter

55. A. sunshine

D. comfort

B. quicker C. crazier D.

B. heat C. hope

第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)




Eight states voted to legalize marijuana for medical or recreational use in 2016, putting the total number of states with some form of legal pot at 28. In states where it is legal, doctors already prescribe it for things like pain, depression, migraines and PTSD — but research has been limited by federal drag laws. A growing quorum of scientists is calling for legitimate research into marijuana’s potential as a form of medicine.


In 2016, global, leaders promised to address the growing Issue of drug resistance ― meaning bacteria that can no longer be treated with antibiotics — during a historic meeting at the U.N. headquarters In New York City. Major progress is yet

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