2020高中英语 Unit 14 Careers Section Language Points() Warm-up 下载本文


Section Ⅱ Language Points (Ⅰ)

(Warm-up & Lesson 1)

[语 言 基 础 自 测] [高频词汇必会]



1.He rewarded(回报) us handsomely for helping him. 2.We won't charge(要价) you for delivery.

3.When planning a discussion,choose a topic(话题) which will interest and involve most students. 4.With the aid(帮助) of a neighbour,she managed to put out the fire. 5.Before making a decision,consult(咨询) your parents and friends.

6.They all came in their best clothes and I felt out of place in my casual clothes. 7.My only quarrel about this plan is that it's going to take far too long. 8.According to the timetable,there was another train at 6:15.

9.The plane crash was caused not by a technical fault but by human error(s). 10.The whole family survives on the mother's monthly income of less than $ 500. Ⅱ.拓展词汇


1.consult vt. 请教;查阅→consultor n. 顾问;主教顾问团成员 2.chemist n. 化学家→chemistry n. 化学

3.receive vt. 接收→reception n. 接待;接待处;招待会→receptionist n. 接待员 4.insure vt. 保险;确保→insurance n. 保险 5.comprehend vt. 理解→comprehension n. 理解 Ⅲ.补全短语

根据提示补全下列短语 1.take charge of 2.make sure 3.on time 4.so far 5.set an example 6.run across 7.send...off... 8.rather than 9.at all times

接管,控制 务必,一定 按时,准时 到目前为止 树立榜样 偶然遇到

将……寄出/发出;给……送行 而不是





1.These are political rather than social matters. 2.I ran across an old friend in the street.

3.Can you take charge of this class please,Miss Li? 4.The rule is that someone must be on duty at all times.

5.She arrives at the office early to set an example to the others. 6.Do you think you'll get the work finished on time? [寻规律、巧记忆]

v.+-er→n. teacher 老师 waiter 侍者 singer 歌唱家 v.+across→动词短语 get across 被理解 go across 穿过 come across 偶然遇到 [经典句式必背]

背教材原句 记句式结构 “疑问词+不定式”’引导从句 仿写促落实 我必须得问问老师下一步做什么。 I have to ask the teacher what to do next. 至今我们没有过这种投诉。 1.Make sure they know what to do. 确保他们明确自己该干什么。 2.So far,nothing has been done and there are only ten days until the performance.离表演只剩下10天了,但到目前为止,什么都还没有做。 3.Listen rather than speak—learn as much as possible about your job rather than连and the company.听而不是说——尽可能多学与你的工作和公司有关的知识。 接并列成分 现在完成时 So far we had not have any complaint of this kind. 他喜欢当外科医生而不愿作内科医生。 He prefers to be a surgeon rather than a physician. 这种手套保暖好。 This kind of gloves will keep your hands warm. 4.Keep your desk tidy at all times. keep+宾语+让你的桌子始终保持整洁。 宾补 [核 心 要 点 探 究] 精品


reward n. 奖赏,回报 v.奖赏,酬谢,报答

(教材P21)The old lady is offering a reward of $ 50 to anyone who finds her cat for her! 这位女士要给为她找到猫的人提供50美元的奖赏! [归纳拓展] as a reward for give/offer a reward to sb.for sth. in reward of in reward=in return reward sb.with...for sth. 作为(对某事的)报酬/奖赏 因为某事而给某人报酬 为酬谢……;作为对……的奖励 作为回报/报答 为某事而以……报答某人 ①He was given a medal as a reward for his service. 他因其服务获得一枚奖章。

②His effort was rewarded with remarkable success. 辉煌的成就是对他辛勤努力的回报。

③She got nothing in reward for her kindness. 她的好心未得到报答。

[明辨异同] award/reward/prize

award reward prize 多用于奖项名称,并不指具体的奖品;表示概念、荣誉上的奖 因某种善举、工作努力等而得到的奖励或报酬;悬赏金 多指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽奖获得的奖品或奖金 reward/award/prize ④He was nominated(提名)for the best actor award. ⑤She won the first prize in the 100-meter race.

⑥It is said that the police have offered a(n) reward for information. charge vt.收费,要价;指控 n.负责

(教材P21)Lawyers charge higher fee than doctors. 律师比医生的酬金都高。 [归纳拓展] (1)charge sb.money for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而收某人的钱 charge sb.with sth.=accuse sb.of sth. 指控某人(犯)某罪 (2)in charge of in the charge of take charge of free of charge 负责,掌管某事 事被人所负责,掌管 接管,控制 免费的(地) ①John will take charge of the next meeting. 精品


②An experienced mechanic is in charge of the job. =The job is in the charge of an experienced mechanic. 一位有经验的机械师负责这项工作。

③Recently some officials have been charged with a lot of crimes. 最近,一些官员被指控犯有很多罪。 guidance n. 指导;领导

(教材P22)Tell her to phone you if she needs any more guidance. 告诉她如果需要更多指导可以给你打电话。 [归纳拓展] guidance+on/about... under sb.'s guidance 关于……的指导 在某人的指导下 ①I went to a career counselor for guidance on how to start my job search. 我到一位就业顾问那里求教如何开始找工作。

②Activities all take place under the guidance of an experienced tutor. 所有活动都在经验丰富的导师指导下进行。 aid n. 援助,帮助 v. 帮助

(教材P22)You are working for an institute that gives aid to the poor in a small village. 你在一家给某个小山村的穷人提供援助的机构工作。 [归纳拓展] (1)first aid in aid of... come to one's aid 急救 为帮助…… 帮某人的忙 with/without the aid of...=with/without one's aid 在有/没有……的帮助下 帮助某人做某事 在某方面帮助某人 (2)aid sb.to do sth.=aid sb.with sth. aid sb.in (doing) sth. ①They all came to my aid yesterday. 他们昨天都来帮助我了。

②With the aid of my English teacher,I have made great progress this term. 在我的英语老师的帮助下,这个学期我取得了很大进步。 ③They aided in solving(solve) the problem. 他们帮助解决这个问题。

run across跑过,穿越,横跨;偶然遇到,不期而遇

(教材P22)You are on a school trip and the coach has an accident when a deer runs across the road. 在一次学校组织的旅游中,长途车在躲闪一只跑着穿过马路的鹿时出了事故。