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first-class service they need for a pleasant and cozy stay at the hotel. The guests are ensured to feel at home while staying at the hotel. And when they leave, they will bring with them many happy memories.


The Shanghai Autoin Center is located at the North Exit of the Shanghai-Jiading Expressway, quite close to the Cosmo Wonderland, an amusement park known as the \With an ideal location and easy transportation, it takes only 20 minutes by car to get to the Hongqiao Airport and 30 minutes to the Shanghai Railway Station. Its location also provides easy access to Shanghai's commercial and business center, as well as to the world-famous scenic Bund.


我们这次旅游的目的地是举世闻名的大熊猫故乡,列入世界自然遗产的九寨沟自然保护区。 The destination of our trip is the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve, the natural range of the world-famous giant pandas, listed as one of the world natural heritage sites.

九寨沟位于我国四川省阿坝藏族自治州境内,是一片纵深达35公里的自然风景区。风景区内那终年积雪的山峰、苍翠繁茂的森林、宁静悠远的湖泊、品种繁多的珍禽奇兽,这些都构成了九寨沟风景区的独特风貌。进入九寨沟如同进入世外桃源一般,人间烦恼都会置于脑后。 Jiuzhaigou is located in the Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, covering a land of natural beauty35 kilometers long. This land features perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests, stretches of serene lakes, and various rare and precious birds and animals, all contributing to the unique views of Jiuzhaigou. Upon entering the resort, you will find yourself strolling in a haven of peace leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and vexations. 九寨沟是水的天地,九寨沟的水是人间最清澈的水,水构成了九寨沟最富魅力的景色,是九寨沟的灵魂。无论是宁静的湖泊,还是飞泻的瀑布,都是那么的神奇迷人,令游人流连往返。 Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, the clearest in the world .Water brings Jiuzhaigou its most enchanting views; water is the soul of Jiuzhaigou. Whether you are met with serene lakes or plunging waterfalls, you will enjoy yourself so much among the charming sights as to linger on with no thought of leaving for home. 当地人把九寨沟的湖泊叫做“海子”。九寨沟有108个“海子”,虽大小不一,形状各异,却都清澈见底。这些湖泊有的隐匿在峡谷中,有的镶嵌在原始森林中。晴日天,湖底的水藻和沉淀物在阳光的照射下,发射出一圈圈色彩斑斓的光环,所以又被人们叫做“五花海”。 The local people of Jiuzhaigou call these lakes \\\the lakes are hidden in the valleys, and others inlay the virgin forests. On sunny days, algae and sediments at the bottom of the lakes project colorful light rings in the sunshine. The lakes, thus, have acquired another name \


A romantic local legend has it that a long, long time ago, there lived a beautiful and kind-hearted goddess in the mountain east of Jiuzhaigou and an industrious and chivalrous god in the mountain west of Jiuzhaigou. As time went by, they fell in love. One day the god presented a big and shiny divine mirror to the goddess as a token of love. The goddess reached out to take the mirror, but she was so excited and nervous that the mirror slipped from her trembling fingers and dropped to the valleys, breaking into 108 pieces. The 108 mirror pieces turned out to be 108 winkling and glittering crystal lakes of different sizes, covering the land of Jiuzhaigou.



Hello dear friends, I am the Director of the Administrative Committee. Before you visit the scenic area, I would like to give you several tips:


First, we will provide you with an English-speaking guide. Please take his advice during the trip and follow the schedule. Please don't forget his phone number and your bus's number. Please don't turn off your mobile phone so that we can reach you in case you get lost. Should you lose your way, stay calm, our guide will soon find you.


Second, safety first. Please don't venture to climb or have photos taken in dangerous places. Please take good care of your valuables. You can contact our staff in case of emergency.


There will also be a performance at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. in the Ethnic Performance Section. The cost is included in the entrance fee, so you are welcome to the show. 最后,祝大家在景区玩得愉快。 Finally, I wish you a happy tour, thank you.



Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang Province. It is a world-famous tourist destination, a city with long history and profound culture, and also one of the seven ancient capitals in China.


Hangzhou has a long history, and extensive cultural heritages. As early as in the New Stone Age, 4,000 to 5,000 years ago, its first inhabitants created the splendid Liangzhu Culture, reputedly

called the twilight of civilization. Hangzhou was called Qiantang in ancient times. Over 2,200 years has passed since it was designated as the seat of Qiantang County in the Qin Dynasty. In 1129, Hangzhou was renamed Lin'an. In 1138, the Southern Song Dynasty made Lin'an (which stood in presentday Hangzhou) its capital, and since then it served as the capital in the following 140 years.

杭州是中国沿海经济发达地区的重要城市之一,工业以机械、电子、化工、轻工、纺织为支柱。杭州也是著名的旅游城市,风景秀丽,与苏州共享“上有天堂,下有苏杭”的美誉。 Hangzhou is an important city in China's coastal areas which are developed and wealthy in the country. Machinery, electronics, chemical, engineering, light industry and textiles are the backbone of Hangzhou’s industry. Hangzhou is also a famous tourist city in China. With its beautiful scenery, it shares with Suzhou the reputation of \

西湖是杭州最著名的景区,三面环山,山水秀丽,景色迷人,文物古迹非常多。湖中有三座石塔,称为“三潭”,塔身为球形,中间是空心,夜晚塔中点上蜡烛,烛光倒映在湖面上像一个个小月亮,因此人们称之为“三潭印月”。 The West Lake is the most famous tourist spot in Hangzhou. Surrounded by graceful mountains on three sides, it has charming scenery and many cultural relics and historic sites. There are three stone pagodas in the middle of the lake. The main body of the pagoda is the shape of a ball and hollow inside. At night, candles are lit in the pagodas, and their reflections on the lake look like many small moons, hence earning the name \

六和塔建于公元970年,现在塔高59.89米,外檐13层,里面7层,屹立在钱塘江边。 Built in 970, the Six-Harmony Pagoda, 59.89 m tall, stands by the Qiantang River. Viewed from outside, it has 13 floors. However, inside the pagoda, it only has seven floors. 钱塘江大潮是世界上最大的江海潮。它发生在杭州市东北方的海盐县境内,每年农历八月十五至八月十八,在钱塘江入海口处形成特大潮水,非常壮观。

The bore of the Qiantang River is the most powerful river bore in the world. It occurs in Haiyan County to the northeast of Hangzhou City. Every year from August 15 to 18 in the Lunar Calendar, the spectacular high tidal waves rush to the narrow estuary where the Qiantang River flows into the sea.



Hainan Island, the second largest island in China, lies in the far south of China, with an area of over 34,000 km2. It faces the Leizhou Peninsula across the Qiongzhou Strait to the north. Hainan Island is high in the middle and low on the rim.


The Five-Finger Moutain is the most Famous mountain on the island. Seen from the southeast, the mountain's main peak is like five fingers. That is how the mountain gets its name.


You may enjoy tropical scenery everywhere on Hainan. There is a large area of tropical forest, a variety of evergreen plants, plus many special biological phenomena, such as plate-like roots,

blossoms on old stems and so on.


Hainan is the main production area for tropical cash crops such as rubber, coconuts, oil palms, sisal and pepper, etc.

海南岛是著名的旅游胜地,被称为南海上的一颗“明珠”。特别是南部的三亚市,碧水蓝天,景色迷人。亚龙湾、大东海、天涯海角、鹿回头等著名景点,每天都吸引众多的国内外游人。 It is a famous tourist attraction, reputed as a pearl in the South China Sea. Moreover, Sanya City in the south has green sea water, blue sky and charming scenery. Many famous scenic spots such as Yalong Bay, Great East Sea, Tianyahaijiao (Remote Corner of the Earth) and Luhuitou (Deer's Turning Round), attract thousands of visitors every day.


On the island live the Li, Miao, Hui, Yao and Zhuang peoples. Among these ethnic minorities, the Li has the largest population.



We are going to ascend the Great Wall tomorrow morning. The Great Wall runs all the way across the eastern half of China with a length of about 6,000 kilometers. It is said to be the only building on the earth that can be seen from the outer space. The construction of the Great Wall took altogether over 2000 years. It started in the Zhou Dynasty in the 7th century B.C. and continued until the Ming Dynasty in the 15th century A.D.. The existing wall was built in the Ming Dynasty. It was constructed to guard against invasion by nomadic tribes from the north. When enemy troops approached, guards on watch would send smoke signals from the beacon-fire towers as an alarm. You know climbing the Great Wall is not an easy job. So please go to bed early and have a good sleep this evening. \

Welcome to New Zealand

Two million international tourists visit New Zealand each year: 每年有大约200万的国际旅游者到新西兰观光:

that's one tourist for every two locals. 每两个新西兰人就要接待一个旅游者。

Attracted by the country's natural beauty, they also find a thriving urban culture, and a society very much in touch with global trends.


When we show our country to visitors, we are reminded of just how spectacular New Zealand is. 当我们把新西兰展现给观光者时,我们也感受到它是如此的壮丽迷人。