词汇学复习提纲 下载本文

Part 1从B栏中选出A栏各词的释义: 1. word_____ 2. lexis______ 3. lexicon ____ 4. vocabulary _____ 5. glossary________ 6. phrase ____ 7. expression _____ 8. diction______ a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n)


a list of the difficult words used in a piece of writing or subject, with explanations of their meanings a group of words that form a unit within a clause

unclassified linguistic unit of any length: words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, etc. the choice of words used in a speech or piece of writing

words in general known, learnt, used, etc. or a list of words, usually in alphabetical order and with explanations of their meanings

all the words and phrases in a language or a dictionary all the words in a language

the smallest unit of spoken or written language which has meaning and can stand alone the study of origins and development of words the writing and making of dictionaries the study of words and their meanings the study of meanings and uses of words

the study of how words are formed in a language

the words and phrases used in a particular profession or activity, or a particular way of putting words together to express something

a group of words which “naturally” go together through common usage


9. collocation ______ 10. phraseology______ 11. morphology _____ 12. lexicology _______ 13. etymology_______ 14. lexicography______ 15. lexical semantics______


Keys:1. h 2. g 3. f 4. e 5. a 6. b 7. c 8.d 9. o 10.n 11.m 12.l13.i 14. j 15. k

Part 2.借助词典将下列与词汇学有关的英语单词或词组翻译成汉语: 1. acronym 2. antonym 3. Synonym 4. hyponym 5. affix 6. morpheme 7. lexeme 8. Idiom 9. collocates 10.function words 11.content words 12. corpus 13. corpus linguistics 14. lexical chunks 15. Polysemy16. wording 17. word class 18. Headword

Keys: 1.首字母缩略词 2.反义词 3.同义词

4.下义词 5.词缀 7.词位、词汇单位 10.功能词 11.实词 13.语料库语言学 14.词块 16.措辞、用词 17.词类


8.习语、成语、熟语 12.语料库 15. 一词多义 18.词目


Part 3. 选择与所给词意义相近的正确答案: 1. calamity A. disaster B. storm

C. conference

D. breeze

2. comprehensive A. accidental B. including much C. delicate D. small 3. venture A. turn aside B. urge C. misrepresent D. risk 4. conventional A. large B. at a conference C. outstanding D. ordinary 5. enhance A. reject B.get C. improve D. free 6. attribute A. admiration B. program C. disease D. quality 7. dispatch A. recall B. remove C. send D. plant 8. exemplify A. construct B. represent C. plan D. test 9. concurrent A. apart B. happening together C. north D. off-and-on 10. recession A. parade B. amusement C. giving in D. business decline 11. predominant A. smallest B. most noticeable C. having a tendency D. hidden 12. default A. jump B. fail to do something

required C. do automatically D. seize

13. sanctuary A. opinion B. hardship C. place of safety D. something complicated 14. degenerate A. give up B. improve C. stay the same D. worsen 15. implausible A. possible B. hard to believe C. imaginary D. historical 16. incoherent A. not logical B. well-spoken C. quiet D. unable to read 17. obsolete A. current B. difficult to believe C. out-of-date D. not sold 18. encounter A. meeting B. total C. departure D. attack 19. discern A. see clearly B. devise C. rule out D. consider 20. tangible A. more than normal B. touchable

C. hidden D. orderly

Part 4. 写出下列首字母缩略词的汉语意思: 1. WHO 4. GATT 7. IP 10. CPU 13. ISP 16. GM 19. VIP 22. IOC 25. ID

2. ASEAN 5.PLO 8. IT 11.PNP 14. WPS 17. TP 20. CEO 23. CIA 26. TB

3. WTO 6. EEC 9. WWW 12. CAI 15. PM 18. PA 21. GMT 24. BBC 27. SST

28. VOA 29. NBA

Part 5写出下列首字母拼音词的汉语意思: 1.ROM 4. BASIC 7. FAT 10. OPEC 13. AIDS 16. SAM 19.laser

30. FBI 3. DOS 6. SMOS 9. NATO 12. SALT 15. radar 18. WIN


Part 6. 把方框内词语编入三个不同的语义场: shoulder pencil book rose dictionary notebook neck leg chrysanthemum head pen tulip hand lotus daisy 1.flowers 2.body parts 3.stationery

Part7. 从下列七组词语中各找出一个不属于该组语义场的词: 1. pen, pencil, ink, wallpaper, pencil-box, ruler, pads 2. soap, towel, bathtub, oven, basin, sink, perfume 3. driver, professor, clerk, student, nurse, guard, porter 4. walk, stride, pace, plunge, run, stroll,roam, parade 5. car, truck, bus, train, bicycle, airplane, steamboat 6. red, green, purple, pink, blue, sand, brown, orange 7. cup, mug, glass, stick, howl, pot, plate

Part 8. 将方框内有关食物或人身体部位的词语填入比喻词组中,使其意思完整: pancakeflourporridgeeggscucumber arm beans butter skeleton ears blackberry beef toast onionspotatoessausage

1. as lean as _________ 3. as white as_________ 5. as warm as_________ 7. as plain as_________ 9. as naked as_________ 11. as strong as_________ 13. as red as_________ 15. as thick as_________

2. as long as_________

4. as flat as_________ 6. as yellow as_________ 8. as round as_________ 10. as sweet as_________ 12. as tasteless as_________ 14. as plum as_________ 16. as cool as_________

Part9. 将方框内有关家居、材料. 工具及饰品的词语填入比喻词组中,使其意思完整:

clumsysoftflatdry heavy safe rigid dark thickdead white red firm cold clear fair pure trueeasysmooth 1.as_________ as a house 2. as _________ as keys 3. as _________ as cellar 4. as _________ as wood 5. as_________ as soap 6. as_________ as log 7. as_________ as a doornail 8. as _________ as steel 9. as_________ as crystal 10. as _________as pearl 11. as_________ as ivory 12. as _________as granite 13. as_________ as iron 14. as _________as wax 15. as_________ as sawdust 16. as _________as board 17. as ________ as oil 18. as _________as coral 19. as _________as wall 20. as_________ as silver

Keys to Part 8

1. skeleton 2. arm 3. flour 4. pancake 5. toast 6. butter 7. ears 8. sausage 9.eggs 10. beans 11. onions 12. potatoes 13. beef 14. blackberry 15. porridge 16. a cucumber

Keys to part 9

1. safe 2. cold 3. dark 4. clumsy 5. Soft6. heavy 7. dead 8. true 9. clear 10. pure

11. smooth 12. firm 13. rigid 14. white 15. Dry16. flat 17. easy 18. red 19. Thick 20. fair

Part10.将下列20个形容词分成四组同义词: nervous depressed dynamic harmonious agreeable active crestfallen apprehensive discouraged energetic fearful matching concerned low-spirited forceful friendly balanced disheartened anxious vigorous


1. indeterminate A. qualified B. definite C. stubborn D.effective 2. diverge A. bypass B. enclose C relay D.come together 3, anomalous A. viscous B. essential C. normal D.elemental 4. stabilize A. penetrate B. minimize C. fluctuate D.isolate 5. anchor A. unbend B. disjoin C. disrupt D.dislodge 6. refute A. associate B. recognize C. prove D.understand 7. boisterous A. angry B. clever C. frightened D.quiet 8. emit A. absorb B. demand C. mistake D.prevent 9. ally A. mediator B. adversary C. inventor D.conspirator 10. offhand A. accurate B. universal C. appropriate D.premeditated 11. profuse A. sequential B. scant C. surly D.supreme 12. extant A. extensive B. extricable C. extinct D.extra 13. persevere A. put into B. send out C. take away D.give up 14. pungency A. boredom B. redundancy C. blandness D.insignificance 15. sedulous A. ponderous B. careless C. useless D.treacherous 16. flustered A. mute B. calm C. heavy D.courageous 17. expire A. evolve B. stabilize C. come to life D. grow to fruition 18. morose A. agitated B. overawed C. decisive D.cheerful 19. gist A. artificial manner B. trivial point C. eccentric method D. singular event 20. endorse A. provoke criticism B. receive payment C. submit unwillingly D. oppose publicly

Part12. 现代英语中大量专门术语进入日常生活并扩大了词义范围,从B栏中 找出与A栏术语对应的一般意义: A B

1. alibi 2. scenario a. practical opinion or body of opinions b. obsession of any kind

3. charismatic 4. compulsive 5. catalyst 6. ambiance 7. osmosis 8. psychology 9. syndrome 10. subliminal 11. parameter 12. philosophy 13. complex 14. schizophrenia 15. interface 16. neurotic 17. sadism 18. bottom line 19. paradigm 20. exhibitionism c. of which one is not consciously aware d. nervous, eccentric, given to worry e. compelling

f. any mental or emotional disorder g. cruelty

h. showing off i. mental process

j. having popular appeal

k. quality, feeling, etc. of a place

1. description of a possible course of events m. typical example of something n. conclusion, clincher o. connection

p. any stimulus in hastening a result

q. subtle or gradual absorption or mingling r. determining factor, characteristic s. excuse

t. distinctive or characteristic pattern of behavior

20. h

Keys: 1. s 2.1 3.j 4.e 5.p 6.k 7.q 8.i 9.t 10. c

11.r 12. a 13. b 14. F 15.o 16. d 17.g 18. n 19. m

Part13. 用树形图表示以下现代语言的关系:

Celtic Greek Swedish DanishPersian German Welsh Italian

Romance Polish English SlavicBulgarian Hindi Indo-Iranian Bengali French Spanish Russian GermanicIranian Indo-Aryan Indo-European

Part14 从B栏中找出与A栏对应的谚语表达: A B

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Two heads are better than one. The leopard can’t change his spots. A bad penny always comes back. East or west, home is best. After supper walk a while. Seeing is believing. Never try to prove what nobody doubts. All are not thieves that dogs bark at. Anger and haste hinder good counsel. When the cat’s away, the mice will play. It is as well to know which way the wind blows. Sow nothing, reap nothing. God?s mill grinds slow but sure.


b.山中无老虎,猴子称大王。 c.此地无银三百两。 d.百闻不如一见。 e.识时务者为俊杰。

f.留着青山在,不怕没柴烧。 g.人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。 h.远水解不了近渴。 i.江山易改,本性难移。 j.金窝银窝不如家里草窝。 k.无功不受禄。



14. He who has health has hope. n.恶有恶报。 15. While the grass grows the horse starves. o.小不忍则乱大谋。 Keys:

l.m 2. i 3. n 4. j 5. a 6. d 7. c 8. g 9.o 10. B 11. e 12. k 13.1 14. f 15. h

Part 15

写出与下列汉语谚语对应的英语谚语: 1.一言既出,驷马难追 2.趁热打铁 3.有志者事竟成

4.满瓶不响,半瓶叮当 5.岁月不待人 6.三思而后行_ 7.有其师必有其徒 8.言多必失 9.旁观者清 10.熟能生巧


12.刀伤有法治,舌伤无术医 13.窃钩者诛,窃国者侯 14.蛟龙要有海来游 15.纸包不住火 16.害人者终害己 17.覆水难收

18.智者千虑必有一失 19.人生何处不相逢 20.塞翁失马,焉知非福


1. A word spoken is past recalling. 2. Strike while the iron is hot.

3. Where there is a will there is a way. 4. Empty vessels make the greatest sound. 5. Time and tide wait for no man. 6. Second thoughts are best. 7. Like teacher,like pupil. 8. He that talks much errs much.

9. Standers-by see more than gamesters. 10. Practice makes perfect.

11. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 12. Many words cut more than swords.

13. Little thieves are hanged, but great ones escape. 14. A great ship asks deep waters. 15. Murder will out.

16. He that mischief hatches, mischief catches. 17. It?s no use crying over spilt milk. 18. Homer sometimes nods.

19. Men may meet but mountains never. 20. No great loss without some small gain.


1.You must be very careful. The work ________ precision.

A. retails B. repels C. retains D. entails 2.Some criminals were printing dollar bills until they were arrested.

A. false B. suspicious C. conspicuous D. fake

3.His________words produced the effect he wanted and people gave money to help them.

A. elegant B. eloquent C. evil D. excessive 4.The farmers received a________ from the government to grow this crop.

A. subsidy B. subsidiary C. subordinate D. successor

5.If you are always sitting up late at night, you may________ from overwork soon.

A. collapse B. fall C. descend D. benefit 6.If he doesn?t pay them the money, they will________ him soon.

A. suffice B. sue C. summon D. inform 7.To________ the risk of theft, install a good alarm system.

A. decrease B. minimize C. lessen D. eliminate

8.Old generation tends to recall the________ of the past and contrast it with the happinessof today,

A. misfortune B. adversity C. disaster D. accident 9.Try to________ sailing through the sky on a cloud.

A. practice B. visualize C. recommend D. appreciate

10.Sally likes to________ her brother about his girl friend, which often makes him awkward.

A. chase B. tempt C. tease D. charm

11. When his mother scolded him for his wrong doings,he________ instead of listening toher: “It is entirely your

fault” A. reacted B. nodded C. retorted D. blamed 12.Anne is so calm and________. She does everything well.

A. practicable B. applicable C. practical D. appreciable 13.The two cities were connected to each other by a________ after flood cut them off.

A. suspension B. diversion C. highway D. harbour

14.In the 1980?s,four cities in southern China were first________ as special economiczones, enjoying special


A. designated B. judged C. emerged D. nominated 15.Children like to play in the________ of trees in summer,

A. shadow B. shade C. darkness D. obscurity 16.It is that government?s policy to________ black people from white.

A. divide B. distribute C. isolate D. segregate

17.If he?s in trouble, it,s his own fault. I personally wouldn?t________ a finger to help him.

A. lift B. burn C. bend D. hold 18.These tight shoes have given me________ on my ankles.

A. scars B. scratches C. bruises D. blisters

19.The place did not appear to be popular, for it was completely deserted, and in any case________ to traffic.

A. inadequate B, inaccessible C. incompatible D. insignificant 20. The desert stretching away before the traveler seemed frighteningly________.

A. hollow B. blank C. void D. vacant 21. His musical talent remained________ through a lack of training.

A. latent B. intent C. patent D, content 22. Justice has ________;the guilty man has been punished.

A. presided B. preferred C. prevailed D. dominated 23. The man then________ her and went off to live in Nigeria.

A. abandoned B. resigned C. released D. rejected 24. The children________ in country life.

A. rival B? rebel C. revel D.revive 25. ________ a bit of enthusiasm into your performance. Try it again,OK?

A, Reject B. Suspect C. Inject D. Insert

26. There are so few bald eagles left in America that many people fear that they are in danger of becoming________.

A. dying B. flourishing C. extinct D. instinct 27. A desire to please his parents made him ________ to make good grades in school.

A. strive B. trend C. swear D, spur 28. He fell off his bike andbadly ________ himself.

A. wounded B. damaged C. injured D. harmed 29. “We are very lucky,” wrote Professor Julian Huxley, “to live in a period of history when the earth?s________

is beautiful and interesting.” A. scenery B. view C. sightseeing D. scene

30. The technicians are quite confident of their success, because the results of the first experiments are

very________ . A. promising B. prominent C. proper D. progressive 31. Cigarette smoking is a major factor________ to cancer.

A. attributing B. contributing C, distributing D. constituting

32. He went to work every day until heavy smoking and drinking________ him and put him out of action.

A. restricted B. resisted C. restrained D. retained

33. The president made a________ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meetingwhich encouraged the

sportsmen greatly. A. vigorous B. tedious C. flat D. harsh 34. I thought the boat only held four. How did you________ five seats?

A. reserve B. deserve C. preserve D. reverse 35. The patient________ quickly to the medicine and was well in a few days.

A. accepted B. replied C. responded D. absorbed 36. A good night?s sleep could be the best________ for your headache.

A. remedy B. remnants C. prescription D. measures 37. The teacher arranged the pupils? seats according to their________ heights.

A. respectful B. respectable C. respective D. retrospective 38. The economic crises in that country have threatened the________ of the government.

A. stability B. capability C. persistence D. permanence 39. Usually we give________ to problems requiring immediate solution.

A. privacy B. productivity C. priority D. privilege 40. Some people with disordered minds become a________ to fears of being murdered.

A. pray B. product C. prey D. prayer 41. With the demand for coal decreasing, thousands of miners may become________.

A. significant B. redundant C. critical D. desperate 42. Some airports are for bad security for passengers.

A. famous B. distinguished C. eminent D. notorious 43. The staff of our school is opposed to the________ changes in the system of education.

A. mobile B. spiral C. drastic D. floating 44. If you hurt that wasp, it will________ you.

A. sting B. prick C. bite D. stick 45. There is no easy solution to Japan?s labor________.

A. decline B. vacancy C. rarity D. shortage 46. He was so close behind me that he almost ________ with me when I stopped.

A. bumped B. knocked C. banged D. collided 47. The bank gladly________ to the extension of a loan.

A. permitted B. consented C. allowed D. confessed

48. In order to repair barns, build fences, grow crops, and care for animals, a farmer mustindeed be________ .

A. comprehensive B. versatile C. manifold D. diverse 49. He urged them to be________ to any possible persecution of the another.

A. wary B. cautions C. alert D. diverse

50. If you can?t give a(an) ________ reason for breaking your promise, I shall not trust you

A. void B. valid C. confidential D. deliberate

Keys: l.D 2.D 3.B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7.B 8. A 9. B 10. C 11.C 12. C 13. B 14.A 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. C 21. A 22. C 23. A 24.C 25. C 26. C 21. A 28. C 29. A 30. A 31.B 32. C 33. A 34.A 35. C 36. A 37. C 38. B 39. C 40. C 41.B 42. D 43. C 44.A 45. D 46. D 47. B 48. B 49. C 50. B

Part17判断下列陈述对错,对的打√,错的打 x:

1. It is usual that some affixes have far more frequent productive uses than others. There are often significant relations between affixes, especially antonymy, as with pre- and post-,-ful and -less.()

2.Though most prefixes can occur as independent words, they cannot on occasion be detached to permit coordination, as in pre- and post-hysterectomy.()

3.Of some prefixes, un- is by far the most productive, and it typically involves less lexicalization than the other prefixes.()

4.Non- differs from un- in frequently expressing a binary contrast (without gradability) rather than the opposite end of a scale.()

5. The assimilation variants of in- are to some extent paralleled with un- and other affixes, and with un- and most others, these variants are established in such a way as to be reflected in spelling.()

6. Both de- and dis- occur also in words that already had the prefixes when adopted into English; in such cases they frequently have no meaning analyzable by ordinary users of English, e.g. depend, discern.()

7. Although suffixes are by no means uniquely associated with a particular word class, it is convenient to group them according to the word class that results when they are added to a base.()

8.-ism means “doctrine of,,“practice of,,as in idealism,impressionism, racism.()

9. The following noun suffixes combine with noun bases to yield concrete and individualizing items over a rather wide semantic range, e.g. -er, -ess, -ful, -ing, -ery.()

10. The following suffixes combine with verb bases to produce largely abstract nouns, nominalizations of the action expressed by the base: -age, -al, -ation, -ment.()

11. A number of suffixes yield items that can be used both as nouns and as adjectives, such as -ese, -an, -ist, -ite.()

12. In some adjectives, -ic alternates with -ical, with a similarity of meaning: a classic performance/classical language.()

13.Sometimes a passive -able adjective can be predicated both inanimate and animate, where no such restriction obtains in the corresponding transitive clause: The error/The man is forgivable/pardonable.()

14. -ly can be very generally added to an adjective in a grammatical environment requiring an adverb, so that it could almost be regarded as inflexional.()

15. -ward forms nongradable directional adverbs where the base may be a noun as in earthward(s), a prepositional adverb as in onward(s), or a directional adverb as in northward(s).()

16. A great many of verb-forming suffixes occur with any great frequency in English, and all are highly productive.()

17. E- as in e-mail, e-prints, e-journals, e-groups, has taken the place of electronic nowadays. ()

18. Some new suffixes have the political meaning, such as Watergate, Hurricanegate.()

19. According to the changes of times, all these affixes are new ones: audio-, techno-, -friendly, -intensive, -seeking, -wise, -esque.()

20. With the development of internet, more and more new affixes are added to our vocabulary, which have close relationship with politics, economy, culture and society.() Keys:

Section B

1. Compounding is a main type of word-formation adding one base to another,such that usually the one placed in front in some sense subcategorizes the one that follows.()

2.Compounding can occur only in the three major word classes, nouns and, to lesser extent, adjectives,

and, to least extent, verbs.()

3. A compound can be formed by placing any lexical item in front of another.()

4. The relations consequently involved in compounding are frequently resemblance, function, or some other salient or defining characteristic.()

5. Although all compounds are directly “derived” from the clause-structure functions of the items concerned, we shall adopt a mode of presentation which links compounds to sentential or clausal paraphrases.()

6. “Bee-sting” is a noun compound, which belongs to the type “subject and verb”.( )

7. All the following items belong to the type “verb and object”: turntable, watchdog, pushbutton, treadmill and drawbridge.()

8. “Haircut,handshake, and letter-writing” are “object + verbal noun in -ing”. This type is very productive.( )

9. In “punchball: verb + object” and “chewinggum: verbal noun in -ing + object”,the syntactic paraphrase obscures the “purpose” relationship: “The ball is for punching,,,“The gum is for X to chew”,( )

10. In American English “compounds” are not usually written solid as soon as they have gained some permanent status.( )

11. Semantically, compounds can often be identified as having a main stress on the first element and a secondary stress on the second element.( )

12. Compounds indicate the relations of the compounding elements by syntactic paraphrases. ( )

13. English compounds can be analyzed according to different criteria,such as orthographic criterion, semantic criterion, and phonological criterion.( )

14. Compounds can be divided into three categories according to word classes: noun compounds, adjective compounds and verb compounds.( )

15. According to the following compounds, they have the similar expressions in meaning, “handshake, book review, meat delivery, and blood test”.( )

16. “Self-appointed,self-employed, self-styled, self-taught” are highly productive when the noun has the agential meaning and consists of “self’.( )

17. “Anglo-Polish,aural-oral, Russo-Chinese, dry-cleaned, and new-laid” belong to coordinate compounds, where the first element is on a parity with the second element in the semantic relation.()

18. “Ocean-going, lip-sucking, fist-fighting, man-eating” belong to the type “adverbial + -ing participle”.( )

19. “Quick-frozen, far-fetched, fresh-baked, and long-awaited” belong to the type “adjec-tive/adverb + -ed participle”.( )

20. “Grey-green”: adjective + adjective in a coordinating relation but where the phrasal stress

pattern implies that the first is focal, the second relatively thematic and hence semantically dominant.( ) Keys:

Section C

1. Conversion is the derivational process whereby an item is adapted or converted to a new word class without the addition of an affix.( )

2. There are two kinds of conversion: full conversion and partial conversion.( )

3. In the English language conversion is usually prominent as a word-formation process.( )

4. The types of conversion contain three major word classes: nouns, verbs and adjectives. ( )

5. Conversions from verb to noun and from verb to adjective are the most productive categories.( )

6. “Desire,dismay, love, favor, comer, empty” all belong to the type of conversion to noun.( )

7. When we mention conversion to noun, this type includes the following kinds: deverbal and de-adjectival.( )

8. There are three types of conversion to verb: denominal, de-adjectival and deverbal.( )

9. Pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, articles, etc. are all open-system words.( )

10. Very commonly, an affix may be converted to nouns, e.g. the pros and cons.( )

11. Conversion to verb is conversion from closed-class words and nonlexical items to verbs. ( )

12.“An up-in-the-air feeling __I feel very up in the air.” This conversion is the conversion from phrases to adjectives.( )

13. Conversion may be reclassified into two types according to the same word classes: the change of primary word class — nouns, and the change of secondary word class — verbs.( )

14. “An inch of cigarette” belongs to the type of countable nouns to uncountable nouns.( )

15. “The clock winds up at the back.” In this sentence, “winds” belongs to the type of intransitive verbs to transitive verbs.( )

16. “He always seems (to be) sad.” In this sentence, “seems” belongs to the type of intransitive verbs to monotransitive verbs.( )

17. The change of secondary word class (adjectives) has two kinds: nongradable adjectives to gradable adjectives and stative adjectives to dynamic adjectives.( )

18. In some cases, conversion is related to certain changes of pronunciation, spelling and stress.( )

19. The most important kinds of alternation are voicing of final consonants, and shift of stress.( )

20. When verbs of two syllables are converted into nouns, the stress is sometimes shifted from the first to the second syllable.( )


Section D:

( )1.Motivation has nothing to do with the explanation for the reason that a particular form has a particular meaning.

( )2.Grammatical meaning refers to the part of speech, tenses of verbs and stylistic features of words.

( )3.The conceptual meaning of a word is often unstable and hard to determinate,

( )4.By etymological motivation, we mean that the meaning of a particular word is related to its origin.

( )5.Sense is concerned with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience, while the reference deals with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.

( )6.Linguistic forms having the same sense may have same references in different situations. ( )7.In semantics, meaning of language is considered as the intrinsic and inherent relation to the physical world of experience.

( )8.Contextualism is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from or reduce meaning to observable contexts.

( )9.The meaning of a sentence is the sum total of the meanings of all its words and phrases putting together.

( )10.Behaviorists attempted to define the meaning of a language form as the situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer.


1. x 2. √ 3. x 4. √ 5.x 6. x 7. √ 8. √ 9. x 10. √

Section E

1. Indo-European refers to the family languages spoken originally in Europe.( )

2. English, in origin, is close to French than German.( )

3. Latin and French belong to the different language groups.( )

4. English belongs to the West-Germanic language group of Indo-European language family. ( )

5. The first people in England about whose language we have definite knowledge are the Celts.( )

6. Certain Germanic tribes, Angles, Saxons, Frisians and Jutes were the founders of the English nation.( )

7. Inflection is most typical in middle English period.( )

8. About 95 percent of old English are no longer in use.( )

9. Old English is characterized by the frequent use of compounds which in turn is an important

linguistic feature of Germanic language.( )

10. Old English has much less loan words compared with modern English.( )

11. The early material of Middle English is of limited value, because it is largely written in Latin or French.( )

12. The Norman Conquest virtually introduced French-English bilingualism into England.( )

13. The increase in foreign borrowing is the most distinctive feature of the Renaissance for English.()

14. Modem English is a language of leveled endings.( )

15. From the point of view of lexis, Modem English may be characterized by three main features: the unprecedented growth of scientific vocabulary, the assertion of American English as a dominant variety of the language, and the emergence of other varieties known “New Englishes”.( ) Keys:

Section F选择正确的答案: 选择正确的答案:

1.Words formed by acronymy can be divided into initialisms and acronyms depending ___ A. the grammatical functions B. the pronunciation of the words C. the spelling way D. none of the above

2. Word formation excludes______ . A. affixation and compounding B. conversion and shortening C. clipping, acronymy and blending D. repetition and alliteration

3.Back formation is considered to be the opposite process of ______. A. prefixation B. suffixation C. acronymy D. conversion

4.Back formation is therefore the method of creating words by______ the supposedsuffixes. A. removing B. shortening C. adding D. writing

5.The overwhelming majority of blends are______. A. verbs B. nouns C. adjectives D. adverbs

Keys: 1.B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B

Section G :根据所给的首字母填入适当的词,使句子的意思完整:

1. S______can be defined as the study of meaning.

2. The conceptualist view holds that there is no d______link between a linguistic form and what it refers to.

3. R______means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.

4. Words that are similar in meaning are called s______.

5. When two words are identical in sound, but different in spelling and meaning, they are called h______.

6. R______opposites are pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the two items.

7. C______analysis is based upon the belief that the meaning of a word can be divided into meaning components.

8. Whether a sentence is semantically meaningful is governed by rules called s______. Keys: 1. Semantics 2. Direct 3. Reference 4. Synonyms 5. Homophones 6. Relational 7. Componential 8. semantic

Part 3答案

1-5 ABDDC 6-10 DCBBD 11-15 BBCDB 16-20 ACAAB Part 4答案

1.世界卫生组织 2.东南亚国家联盟 3.世界贸易组织

4.关贸总协定 5.巴勒斯坦解放组织 6.欧洲经济共同体

7.知识产权 8.信息技术 9.万维网

10.中央处理器 11.即插即用 12.计算机辅助教学

13.因特网服务提供者 14.文字处理系统 15.首相

16.总经理 17.交通警察 18.私人助理

19.贵宾 20.首席执行官 21.格林尼治平均时

22.国际奥林匹克委员会 23.美国中央情报局 24.英国广播公司

25.身份证 26.肺结核 27.超音速运输机

28.美国之音 29.美国全国篮球协会 30.联邦调查局


1.只读存储器 2.基本输人输出系统 3.磁盘操作系统 4.初学者通用符号指令码 5.通用商业语言 6.半导体存储操作系统 7.文件分配表 8.联合国教科文组织 9.北大西洋公约组织 10.石油输出国组织 11.托福考试 12.限制战略武器会谈 13.艾滋病 14.全球水平探测技术 15.雷达,无线电探测器 16.地对空导弹 17.作为第二语言的英语教学

18. “立即制止通货膨胀”运动(美国总统于1975年发动的对付通货膨胀及经济衰退的运动) 19.激光 20.雅思

Part 6答案

1. flowers: rose, lotus, chrysanthemum, tulip, daisy 2. body parts: shoulder, head, neck, leg, hand

3. stationery: pencil, book, dictionary, pen,notebook

Part 7答案

1. wallpaper 2. oven 3. Student 4. plunge 5. Bicycle 6. Sand 7. Stick


1. nervous anxious apprehensive concerned fearful

2. depressed crestfallen discouraged disheartened low-spirited 3.dynamic active energetic forceful vigorous

4. harmonious agreeable balanced matching friendly

Part 11答案

l.B 2. D 3.C 4.C 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. B 10.

D 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. D

For self-study:

Section A: 写出下列截短词的原词 ad 2. Memo 3. Auto 4. mike 5. Bike 6. Bus 7. phone 8. Champ 9. Photo 10. con 11. Co-op 12. Plane 13. copter 14. Dorm 15. Rhino 16. flu 17. Fridge 18. Gas 19. sub 20. Taxi 21. Gym 22.hippo 23. Lab 24. Limo 25.lunch 26. Math 27. Vet 28. zoo 29. Pub 30. Pop


memorandum 6. Omnibus 10. Convict 11. Co-operative 15. Rhinoceros 16. Influenza 18. gasoline 19. Submarine 20. Taxicab 22. hippopotamus 24. Limousine 25. Luncheon 27. veteran, veterinarian, veterinary

28. zoological garden 29 public house 30. Popular music



附录:常用英语词汇学术语 Acronym 首字母拼音词 Acronymy首字母拼音法 Affix 词缀

Affixation 词缀法 Antonym 反义词 Antonymy反义关系

Back-formation 逆构词,反成法 Blend 拼缀词 Blending 拼缀法

Collocation 搭配,组合

Complementaries互补反义词 Complete antonym 完全反义词

Composition 复合法

Compounding 复合构词法 Compound word 复合词、 Concept 概念

Conceptual meaning 概念意义 Connotative meaning 内涵意义 Context 语境

Conversion 词类转换法

Denotative meaning 外延意义

Degradation of meaning 词义的降格 Derivation 派生法

Elevation of meaning 词义的升格 Etymology 词源学 Euphemism 委婉语

Homonymy 同音(形)异义 Hyponymy 上下义关系 Idiom 成语

Inflectional affix 屈折词缀 Initialism:首字母缩略词 Metaphor:隐喻

Metonymy:换喻,转喻,借代 Morpheme 词素

Morphology 词形学,形态学 Motivation of word 词的理据 Neologism 新词语

Onomatopoeic word 拟声词 Phonetics 语音学 Polysemy 一词多义 Register 语域 Root 词根

Semantic field语义场 Semantics 语义学 Synonym 同义词 Synonymy 同义关系

Word-formation/building 构词法