7年级期末英语试卷及答案 - 图文 下载本文


第一部分 听对话,回答问题

本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听一段对话,每段对话读两遍。在听每段对话前,你有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后你将有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案 1. M: Excuse me, what’s the time please? W: It’s about half past two.

2. M: Millie, what do you want to have after lunch? W: I don’t like bananas, but I want to have pears. 3. M: Mary, which is your favourite festival? W: Dragon Boat Festival.

4. M: Does Mike often go to Shanghai by bus, Lucy? W: No, he goes there in a car.

5. M: Do you have biology every day, Sandy? W: No. I have it on Tuesday and Thursday. 6. W: What do you think of the red gloves? M: They are nice. They feel soft and smooth. W: Yes, but blue is my favourite colour. 7. M: What would you like to order?

W: I’d like some green beans. They taste good. 8. M: What can I do for you?

W: I want some basketball cards. How much do they cost? M: They’re two yuan each. W: OK, I’ll take five.

9. M: What do you like to do at weekends, Millie?

W: I like to go on picnics with my family. What about you, Tommy? M: I like to visit the museums.

10. W: I often do morning exercises in the morning. What about you?

M: I like football. And I have football lessons in the morning every day.

你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,听两遍,在听每段对话或短文前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读相关题目,听完后你将有时间选择最合适的备选答案。 听第一段对话,回答11-12 小题

M: I like vegetables. What about you, Sandy? W: I love vegetables too, and I like carrots best. M: How often do you eat carrots?

W: I eat them three or four times a week. What about you? M: I eat them every day.


Jim is a student in No.7 Secondary School. He likes playing football very much. He has a football match with No. 8 Middle School this Saturday afternoon. The players from No.8


Middle School are all big and strong. But Jim and his friends play very well. They will get a pair of sports trainers after the game. 听一篇短文,回答16-20小题。

Every month is different.January is the beginning of the year.People love January because they love New Year’s Day.April is usually the beginnig of spring, it is warm. People love it. Families often go to have trips.August is always very hot ,but some people still love it , because they love beautiful skirts and eat ice creams.Boys like it because they can swim everyday.Which month does Millie like best ? Millies says ―I love June best.Because the first day of June is Children’s Day.All children are happy on that day.Daniel’s faviourite month is October, we celebrate Halloween in this month,too.Daniel like playing a game called trick or treat very much. 一、听力

1-5 BABA B 6-10 CBCAB 11-15 CACAA 16-20 CAACB 二、选择

21-25 BDABB 26-30 BADCA 31-35 CDCCC 三、完形填空 36-40 CADCA 41-45 DBBCA 四、阅读理解 46-50 CCDBD 51-55 BBCDC 五、 任务型阅读

56. How/Ways 57. plan 58. bad 59. less 60. homework 61.better 62. play 63. because 64. fun 65.activity 六、阅读表达

66. It’s Sunday. 67. All Tom’s classmates and his teacher. 68. At 2:00 p.m. 69. In No.2 Middle School. 70. An English teacher/A teacher. 七、词汇运用

71. teeth 72. expensive 73. really 74. smooth 75. special 76.fits 77.Celebrating 78. to keep 79.don’t be 80. people’s 八、句型转换

81. doesn’t do 82. go, by 83. There’re libraries 84. How often 85. is flying 九、首字母填空

86. English 87. gardens 88. free 89.finish 90. lunch 91. noon 92.weekend 93. home 94. when 95. open 十、书面表达参考范文

In the winter holiday, I always do something to keep healthy, studying and happy.

I usually get up at eight o’clock. I have more healthy food for every meal, and do more sports. I often help my parents do some housework and I am kind to others. What’s more, I always wear warm clothes and comfortable trainers. I think they are good for health.

I also study hard and finish my homework carefully. After that, I will read some books or newspapers. Dancing is my hobby. I always practice dancing every day.


Sometimes I play badminton with my friends. I think the most exciting thing in the winter holiday is to celebrate the Chinese New Year with my family. All my family members get together to eat dumplings and many kinds of other nice Chinese food.