cats rabbits dogs pigs ƣ
ѧص㡿ʣtomatocucumberpotatoonioncarrot ѧѵ㡿potatotomatoĸʽ ѧ
Lets learn BֵĿμ¼ صĵʿƬ ѧ߲˵ʵ Lets chant¼ Story timeĿμ ѧ̡
(һ) Warm up Lets sing
ʦŸ¼ѧͼ͡ ѧ¼߳
ѧLets chantָҥʦҪݸʱӦͼƬ ¿γ֣Presentation
ʦ־һ˵I like tomatoes. Do you like tomatoes? ѧI like I dont likeԼʵ
ʦһƹϣ˵ȫ֣Ohits long and green. Its a cucumber. Do you like cucumbers? ѧڻشѧϰʡ
ʾDo you know itFrench fries are made of it. Its a potato. Do you like potatoes?
ѧI like I dont likeԼʵʽ ʦʾУIts pink and round. It is often used in pizza. Its an onion. Do you like onions? ѧʣonion
ѧThey are long and orange. Rabbits like eating them? What are they? ѧϰcarrot
7滭Ϸʦ˵ two potatoesthree carrotsa pink onionfive long cucumbers
four tomatoes
ѧ˭ֿȷ ѧϰԻ(B Lets learn) ѧμ ʦʣ
What do you think of the cucumbersAre they fresh ѧظThey are fresh..
ʦʵ(tomato, carrot)The tomato is fresh. The carrot is fresh.Ȼѧ˵˵fresh˼
ѧfreshһͼP63/73еݣThe are fresh. Look at the potatoesare they big
ѧظYesand the potatoes are big. ѧ¼ģ¶Ի
ʦѧѧݴʺɫͼе߲ˡ ģLets chant ʦѧҥ
ѧ۲ҥlike߲˵ʺLets learnеĵʲôͬ ѧ˵likeԸʽֵġ
壩 Ȥζ
ʦͳȫѧϲʲô߲ˡ չϰStory time ѧμ˽´⡣ ѧԼ£ҳʡ
Vegetablescucumberspotatoestomatoesonions and carrots are vegetables. TurkeysThey like hensbut they are bigger than hens. MuttonMeat from goats or sheep. Straw-hatA hat is made of straw.
4ѧԼͼĶԻе䣬ʦѲӴɡ ƣ