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cats rabbits dogs pigs ƣ



ѧص㡿ʣtomatocucumberpotatoonioncarrot ѧѵ㡿potatotomatoĸʽ ѧ׼

Lets learn BֵĿμ¼ صĵʿƬ ѧ߲˵ʵ Lets chant¼ Story timeĿμ ѧ̡

(һ) Warm up Lets sing

ʦŸ¼ѧͼ͡ ѧ¼߳

ѧLets chantָҥʦҪݸʱӦͼƬ ¿γ֣Presentation

ʦ־һ˵I like tomatoes. Do you like tomatoes? ѧI like I dont likeԼʵ

ʦһƹϣ˵ȫ֣Ohits long and green. Its a cucumber. Do you like cucumbers? ѧڻشѧϰʡ

ʾDo you know itFrench fries are made of it. Its a potato. Do you like potatoes?

ѧI like I dont likeԼʵʽ ʦʾУIts pink and round. It is often used in pizza. Its an onion. Do you like onions? ѧʣonion

ѧThey are long and orange. Rabbits like eating them? What are they? ѧϰcarrot



7滭Ϸʦ˵ two potatoesthree carrotsa pink onionfive long cucumbers

four tomatoes

ѧ˭ֿȷ ѧϰԻ(B Lets learn) ѧμ ʦʣ

What do you think of the cucumbersAre they fresh ѧظThey are fresh..

ʦʵ(tomato, carrot)The tomato is fresh. The carrot is fresh.Ȼѧ˵˵fresh˼

ѧfreshһͼP63/73еݣThe are fresh. Look at the potatoesare they big

ѧظYesand the potatoes are big. ѧ¼ģ¶Ի

ʦѧѧݴʺɫͼе߲ˡ ģLets chant ʦѧҥ

ѧ۲ҥlike߲˵ʺLets learnеĵʲôͬ ѧ˵likeԸʽֵġ




壩 Ȥζ




ʦͳȫѧϲʲô߲ˡ չϰStory time ѧμ˽´⡣ ѧԼ£ҳʡ


Vegetablescucumberspotatoestomatoesonions and carrots are vegetables. TurkeysThey like hensbut they are bigger than hens. MuttonMeat from goats or sheep. Straw-hatA hat is made of straw.

4ѧԼͼĶԻе䣬ʦѲӴɡ ƣ
