⒌ Consider the closed-loop system having the following open-loop transfer function:
GH(S)?K. ① Sketch the polar plot ( Nyquist diagram). ② Determine the
S(TS?1)stability of the closed-loop system. (12%)
⒍Sketch the root-locus plot. (18%) Im Im Re Im Im Re
⒎ Obtain the closed-loop transfer function
Im Re Re Im Re Re C(S). (15%) R(S)G4 R G1 G2 G3 H2 H1 C ⒈
G1G2G3G4?G1G2G4G5(1?G3H1)C(S)? R(S)1?G3H1?G2G3H2?G1G2G3G4H2?G1G2G4G5H3?G3H1G1G2G4G5H3?G4H3?H2G2G4G5H3E(S)? N(S)1?G3H1?G2G3H2?G1G2G3G4H2?G1G2G4G5H3?G3H1G1G2G4G5H3⒉0?K?3.45
⒌S: N=1 P=1 Z=0; the closed-loop system is stable ⒎
⒈ Consider the system shown in Fig.1. Obtain the closed-loop transfer function
C(S)C(S), . (16%) R(S)N(S)N G3 G2 G4 G5 H C
R G1
⒉ The characteristic equation is given
1?GH(S)?S4?20KS3?5S2?10S?15?0. Discuss the condition of stability. (14%)
⒊ Consider a unity-feedback control system whose open-loop transfer function is
G(S)?0.4S?1 . Obtain the response to a unit-step input. What is the rise time for
S(S?0.6)this system? What is the maximum overshoot? (10%)
⒋ Sketch the root-locus plot for the system GH(S)?K(1?0.5s). (The gain K is
S(1?0.25s)assumed to be positive.)
③ Determine the breakaway point and K value.
④ Determine the value of K at which root loci cross the imaginary axis. Discuss the stability. (15%)
⒌ The system transfer function isG(s)?4,H(s)?1. ①Determine the
s(s?5)steady-state output c(t) when input is unit step1(t)、unit ramp t. ②Determine the
KVand Ka, obtain the steady-state error eSS when input is r(t)?2t. KP 、(12%)
⒍ Consider the closed-loop system whose open-loop transfer function is given by:
KKK①GH(S)?; ②GH(S)?; ③GH(S)?. Examine the stability
1?TS1?TSTS?1of the system. (15%)
⒎ Sketch the root-locus plot。 (18%) Im Re Im Re
Im Re Im Re Im Re Im Re