英语6级听力主题词汇大汇总 下载本文


一、学生生活场景 1. 教育相关

technical school 技校 admissions office 招生办公室

2. 图书馆场景

written permission 书面同意 reference desk 咨询处 reference stacks 书库

library card/admission card 借书卡 date slip/deadline/date of expiry 期限

in circulation 在发行中 out of circulation 停止发行

3. 课程作业谈论

polish one’s paper 将论文润色

finishing touches on paper 对论文进行最后的润色 brochure 小册子

lay great emphasis on academic excellence 把重点放在学术成就上 tie up with study 忙于学习

brush up on 温习 draw up a plan 作计划 skip the class 逃课 causal attribution 归因理论 reading list 读书清单 TA(teaching assistant) 助教 reference book 参考书 seminar schedule 论文安排 be fed up with 受够了 pull one’s weight 尽本分 come in handy 迟早有用

read it through the way 按章节顺序读

read a book from cover to cover 完整地读完一本书

keep drifting away 一直走神 hold your interest 抓住你的兴趣

take sb. out of sth. 说服某人不做某

go over 温习

introductory poetry course 诗歌介


fill up 课程人数已满

information science 信息科学 go over one’s notes 复习某人的笔记

on-line education 网络教育

poll 民意测验

project (学生独立钻研的)课题

presentation (针对某一专题发表的)演讲

class list 班级名单

the English speech contest 英语演讲比赛

get frozen up 僵住

cover every aspect of the topic 包括主题的每个细节 lecture notes 课堂笔记

fill sb. in 给某人补课

attendance/participation 出勤率

course arrangement 课程按排

assessment 综合评估

give to lecturer for marking 交给老师批改 enforce attendance/participation


fixed answer 固定答案

specialized course 专业课

required course 必修课

optional/selective course 选修课

4. 教授评价相关

make a lot of sense 很有道理

office hour 坐班时间

consultant 顾问

be lost/be all at sea/in the dark 听不懂 figure


sense/catch/follow words 听懂 drop off 放弃 doze off 打瞌睡

punctual/prompt 不迟到/不早退

run over time/late 拖堂

5. 考试相关谈论

get straight A in the exam 在考试中


get a poor grade 得分很差 pass score 过分数线 self-study book 自学课本

credit system 学分制

report card 成绩单

pop test 抽考

make out/recognize handwriting 辨认字迹

final examination 期末考试 be backed up 堆积(作业) make up the exam 补考

6. 校园生活场景

run for class president 竞选班长 high school exchange program 高校交流项目

the housing office 住宿办公室 dormitory deposit 宿舍保证金

room and board 食宿

cafeteria 自助餐厅

orientation program 新生训练 teaching facilities 教学设施 social investigation 社会调查 register/enroll 登记、报到

a grant-aided student 领助学金的学生

teaching building/lecture theatre 教学楼/阶梯教室

opening ceremony 开学典礼

orientation meeting (介绍学校综合情况的)介绍会

expel sb. from school 开除某人 graduation ceremony 毕业典礼 loan application 贷款申请 closing date 截止日期

opening date 开始(申请贷款的)日期 cover the topic of? 包括??的主题

light bulbs 电灯泡

on an average day 平时,在平常的一天

suspense 悬念,疑虑

accounting department 财务部/科

二、工作生活场景 1. 工作选择场景

win-win situation 双赢局面 pollutant release 污染物排放 a real good impression of sb. 对某人有好印象

fair treatment 公平对待

at the counseling center 在心理咨询所

in a suit and tie 穿着正式

no obligation 免费的 line of business 公司行业

leave a good impression on sb. 给某人留下好印象

a junior sales manager 初级销售经理

big salary 高薪

regular scheduled news program 规律的新闻时间表

grape-vine gossip 比喻消息的传播途径,道听途说

brainstorming 群策群力,合力攻关 take over the position 接任职位

an extension of the deadline 延期

odd job 零工

join efforts together 共同努力

look for a needle in a hay stack 大海捞针

The early bird catches the worm. 捷足先登

cope with the difficulty 解决困难

full scope to show one’s ability 完全发挥个人能力

count the days until retirement 数退休前的日子

immediate boss 直接上司

professional expertise 专业技能 further talk 进一步谈判

sales/marketing manager 销售/营销经理

appeal to sb. 适合于某人

drop off one’s resume/CV 投简历 help-wanted section 招工广告栏

the want ads in the newspapers 报纸上的招聘广告

be equally competent for job 同样能够胜任工作

stack of papers 成堆的文件

overtime/extra hours 加班

on business trip 出差

2. 相关工作谈论

interview spot 采访现场 radio-active waste 核废料 a pad of lined paper 一叠写作纸 a columnist for the New York Sun

《纽约太阳报》的专栏作家 go into business 做生意 give sb. two more days off each month 给某人每月多放两天假