毕 业 论 文
Title:Primary School English Class Teaching Model Research
题目: 小学英语活动课教学模式研究
系 别: 英 语 系 指导教师: 高 超 姓 名: 程秋月 学 号: 2009364
Primary school English activity intended to change too pay
attention to the tendency of knowledge in the teaching process, and to practice as a student learning and the main channel to acquire language knowledge and skills, students get emotional experience in the activities, make activity process of students learning to learn, learn to use the process. To cultivate students' ability of collecting and processing language information, the ability of acquiring new knowledge, use of the English language ability and the ability of communication and cooperation, thus improve the classroom efficiency and teaching quality.
Key words:The teaching of thinking in English class ;teaching mode ;teaching principle; teaching characteristic.
关键词: 英语活动课;教学模式; 教学原则 ; 教学思维; 教学特点
摘要························· 正文·························· 一、小学英语活动课的涵义················ 二、英语活动课的教学目标················· 三、英语活动课的特点················· 四、小学英语活动课的教学新思维············· 五、小学英语活动课的教学原则··············· 1. (1)、座位的“自由”。 ················
(2)、活动“自由”。 ·················· 2. “轻”形式,重实践·················· 3. 真实性和趣味性相结合·················· 4. 注重培养文化意识···················· 5. 评价多元化原则···················· 6. 小学英语活动课必须贴近生活··············· 六、 如何开展小学英语活动课················ 1 开辟英语小天地················· 2 自己创办英语板报················· 3 举行英语素质能力竞赛··············· 4 大力开展游戏教学················· 参考文献