六年级下册练习册 下载本文


Tom is a singer . He likes singing very much. Every morning he gets up very early .He does morning exercises for 20 minutes . Then he sings for 30 minutes. Then he has breakfast at about 6:30 . He goes to work at 6:40 . It's very far to his workplace. So he usually goes there by subway . He teaches lessons , too. He is a good teacher. His students like him very much. He lives in a very big house . He likes playing the piano at night . Sometimes he reads newspapers. But he never watches TV. He often writes e-mails to his parents . He loves them.

( )1.Tom usually gets up at 6:00 . ( )2.He often plays the violin at night . ( )3.He doesn’t like watching TV. ( )4.He lives with his father and mother. ( )5.He often writes letters to his parents.


The tiger was the king in a forest. One day he was ill. All the animals were talking about that. They wanted to see him because he was the king of the animals.

Many of the animals went there. But the hare didn’t go.

The tiger wanted to know why the hare didn’t come. He sent the mouse to ask the hare.

―You know that tiger is ill. Why not go to see him? He is the king of us.‖ Said the mouse.

―I know that tiger is the king of the forest.‖ Said the hare. ―and I want to see him, but when I went near his house, I saw many prints(脚印)going into the house , but no one coming out.‖ ( ) 1. Who was the king of the forest?

A. The lion B. The monkey C. The tiger ( ) 2. Who was ill?

A. The mouse B. The tiger C. The hare ( ) 3. Who didn’t go to see the tiger?

A. The mouse B. The birds C. The hare ( ) 4. What did the hare see in front of the house?

A. Some foot prints. B. Some animals. C. nothing ( ) 5. What did the hare think about?

A. The animals had a party in the tiger’s house. B. The tiger ate up all the animals in the house. C. The tiger was very kind and friendly.


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阅读短文,完成表格。(5分) A: Hi,can I help you?

B:Yes,please. I want to join the art club. A:Good,may I know your name? B:Jones.

A:What’s your first name? B:Cindy.

A:How old are you? B:Twelve. A:Can you draw?

B:Yes,a little.I want to learn about art. A:Do you have an email address? B:Yes,it’s cindy@pep.com.cn, A:Great,thanks a lot. B:Thank you. Name: (1)___________ Age: (2)_______________ Email address: (3)___________________ What can you do? (4)___________________ Why do you want to join the art club?(5)__________________


用所给的短语描绘你家乡的冬天,语句通顺,无语法错误,50字左右。 windy and cold often snow clean the snow very funny make the snowman play with the snowball go skating _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



一.听录音,选择所听到的单词(每题1分,共10分) ( )1.A.film B. team C. fifth ( )2.A. clear B. hear C. clean ( )3.A. owe B. own C. show ( )4.A. thirsty B. thirty C. thirteen ( )5.A. letter B. land C. find ( )6.A. hear B. dear C. near ( )7.A. cloud B. blouse C. flower ( )8.A. fix B. six C. relax ( )9.A. strange B. fridge C. college ( )10.A. clothes B. clothing C. close 二、听录音,选择所听到的句子(共10分)

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( )1.A. What are you going to do?

B. Where are you going to ? C. What are you doing?

( )2.A. Would you like something to eat?

B. Would you like to go with us? C. What would you like?

( )3.A. I want to go shopping.

B. I want to go swimming.

C. I want to go fishing

( )4.A. I’m going to play games

B. I’m going to save a lot of money. C. I’m going to clean the room.

( )5.A. Mr White is going to take a long vacation. B. Mrs White is going to take a long vacation

C. Mr White is going to plant many trees in his yard.


( )1.Tom his grandfather’s house last week. A. cleaned B. visit C. visited ( )2.Tom’s grandfather lives in . A. Beijing B. England C. Tianjin ( )3.The weather beautiful.

A. is B. was C. were ( )4.Tom a lot of Ma Hua.

A. eat B. drink C. ate

( )5.Tom the delicious food and watched TV. A. enjoyed B. enjoy C. enjoying 四、听短文,选择正确答案(共10分)

( )1. Tim is a good sportsperson. He is _____.

A. my student B. my friend C. my teacher

( )2. I hate to _______

A. play football B. read books C. exercise my body ( )3. Tim likes to ________ and soccer.

A. play netball B. play tennis C. Judo ( )4. Tim thinks that I am ______ student in his class. A. the best B. the worst C. worst ( )5. But I think I am

A. a polite student B. a wonderful student C. a noisy student 笔试部分

一、从下列各项中选出不同类的单词,将序号填在题前括号中。 ( )1. A. baseball. B. vegetable C. basketball ( ) 2. A. saw B. drank C. send ( ) 3. A. spaceship B. bus C. space ( ) 4.A. bought B. made C. have ( ) 5. A. elephant B. animals C. monkey 二、单项选择。

( )1.This book is ____ England. A. of B. about C. at

( ) 2.This Chinese spaceship took a woman ____ space. A. into B. of C. for

( ) 3. They ____the first animal into space yesterday. A. send B. sent C. sending

( ) 4. Her mother bought a new dress ____ her the day before

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A. for B. my C. me ( ) 5. --- Dad, please buy ____ a new bicycle. --- Ok, I’ll buy it for you tomorrow. A. I B. my C. me ( )6 .This cat is for ______little brother.

A. Simon B. Simons’ C. Simon’s

( ) 7.You can’t take this book, _______you can take that one.

A. and B .but C. or

( )8.The girl ____ the apples ____ the basket. A.put,on B.put,in C.put,off ( )9.Who ____ this storybook to you?

A.gave B.give C.giving ( )10.The picture ____interesting.

A.likes B.look C.looks

( )11.My brother _____ back from Shanghai yesterday morning.

A.come B.comes C.came

( )12.Please tell me more _____Beijing.

A.of B.about C.from

( )13.---____ did you go to Beijing? ---By train.

A.What B.When C.How

( )14.---____ he play football after school yesterday?

---No,he _____.

A.Did,didn’t B.Did,did C.Does,doesn’t D.Does,does

( ) 15. They are _____the books.

A. read B. reads C. reading


1.give(过去式)________ 2.interested(名词)________ 3.travel(过去分词)_______ 4.family(复数)_________ 5.buy(过去式)_________ 6.long(比较级)_________ 7 ate(原形)________ 8.stop(第三人称单数)_______ 9.foot(复数)________ 10.went(原形)________ 四、用动词的适当形式填空。

1. I ________(buy) you this book about America. 2. I______(take) lots of photos yesterday. 3. We can _______ (have) a basketball team. 4. I’ve______ (get ) a football.

5. Last week I _____ (send) a postcard to my friend.

6.Yesterday _______(be) Monday. I_______(play) basketball in the park.

7.We ______(watch) a football match on TV this morning. The

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