英语习语集锦 下载本文

ody can get a better hand over him yet. B:He’ll make a successful sportsman, I think. 甲:大卫很擅长网球。


甲:那是肯定的。所有运动他都擅长。事实上,还没人能胜过他。 乙:我想他会成为一个成功的运动员的。 22、school of hard knocks 艰苦的磨练

A:My boss is such a shrewd businessman everyone admires him. B:Which university did he graduate from?

A:He never went to high school. He was educated in the school of hard knocks. B:That’s incredible.

甲:我的老板是个非常精明的生意人,每个人都很欣赏他。 乙:他是从哪所大学毕业的?

甲:连高中都没上过。他是受了艰苦的磨练而成长起来的。 乙:真是难以置信。

23、something the matter with 出问题

A:Hey, Richard! What’re you doing right here?

B:My recorder has something the matter with its speaker; I want to have it fixed.

A:It broke down again? You really need a new one. 甲:嘿,里查德!你在这儿干什么呢? 乙:我录音机的喇叭坏了。我想找人把它修好。 甲:又坏了?你真该买个新的了。


24、under age 未成年

A:Why not take me to the party, Mom? B:You’re too young, dear. A:Oh, I’m really as tall as you. B:Oh, you’re still under age. 甲:为什么不带我去参加晚会,妈妈? 乙:你还未成年,亲爱的。 甲:不,我都快和您一般高了。 乙:但你还是没长大啊。 25、the matter 麻烦 A:Is the anything matter?

B:I’ve been watching the game on TV. One of our athletes is seriously injured.

A:My goodness! Has she been sent to hospital? B:Yes, poor girl. She’s only your age. 甲:出什么事了吗?

乙:我一直在看电视上的比赛,我们的一个队员严重受伤了。 甲:天哪!她被送往医院了吗?

乙:送了。可怜孩子,她只有你这么大。 26、rat race 激烈的竞争

A:America is a rich country. Many people are dreaming of going there but you came back.

B:To tell you the truth, I’m very happy with my modest job here and the peaceful life.

A:New York is exciting, isn’t it?


B:Yes, but I have no desire to take part in the rat race there. 甲:美国是个富裕的国读。很多人都梦想去那儿,但你却回来了。 乙:坦白地说,我很满意自己在这里的普通工作和平静生活。 甲:纽约很令人兴奋,不是吗?


27、take someone’s mind off something 使某人忘记某事

A:I need a week’s vacation so that I can take my mind of my troubles.

B:Yeah, maybe things will changes for the better. A:I am hoping so.

甲:我需要一周的假期,这样我可以忘记我的烦恼。 乙:是啊,也许事情会有转机。 甲:我正希望如此。

28、think twice about 仔细考虑

A:You’re a native of the city and you have lived here for many years. How do you like it?

B:Well, I’d have to think twice about that. A:It’s familiar to you, isn’t it?

B:Well, I think it’s beautiful. I especially like the weather here. 甲:你是本市人,在这儿呆了很多年,你觉得这座城市怎么样? 乙:恩,我得好好想一想。 甲:你不陌生吧?

乙:恩,我想,这儿很美,我特别喜欢这儿的天气。 29、Take the turning 拐弯

A:Could you tell me how to get to the bank?


B:Let me think. Well, take the second turning on the right and it’s opposite the supermarket. A:I see. Is it far?

B:No, not really, only a few minutes. A:Oh, good, thank your very much. A:请告诉去银行怎么走,好吗?

B:让我想想,恩,在第二个路口向右拐,就在超市的对面。 A:我明白了,很远吗?

B:不太远,只有几分钟的路程。 A:非常感谢。

30、search me (非正式)不知道 A:Where’s Annie? B:In the house.

A:In the house? Where is she?

B:Search me, I don’t know where she is now. A:安妮呢? B:在屋里。

A:在屋里?在哪儿呢? B:不知道,我也搞不清。

31、have it in one 有能力(做某事)

A:Harry was elected monitor at the class meeting yesterday. B:Do you think he has it in him to be a good monitor?

A:He’s a good student as far as his achievement is concerned. But I really can’t tell whether he’ll make a good monitor. A:昨天哈里在班会上被选为班长。