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The name of Dallas Mavericks reflects Texas cowboy past maverick is rebellious person who refuses to obey social norms(规范) 达拉斯小牛队的名字反映了德克萨斯牛仔过去特立独行的叛逆人拒绝遵守社会规范

The ablility to keep calm in a dangerous or critical situation is onr of her many strengths(优势)


You must not take her criticisms of your plan personally(个人) Actually what she said does make sense to us all


We need to look fot ways to make things safer ,but we shouldn’t dismiss(辞退) anidea because it isn’t 100% safe


He isn’t going to shift (推卸)his responsibility to anyone else ,Instead he is going to handle the problem himself

他不打算把责任推卸给别人,相反的他打算如何来解决这个问题 The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve(存储) of knowledge experience and ability


Some of my friends are experts in this regard .from them you can

seek professional(专业) advice on the issue


The objective(目的) of college education is to provide the young with an opportunity to learn how to educate themselves throughout their lives


Being competent (主管) means being more successful or better than somebody else who is trying to do the same as you

作为主管意味着要比别人同样事情你做要得更成功或更高 At 15,he left his hometown to look for employment(就业) in the city because he had to support the whole family


A firm belief in yourself is all that is needed to alter (改变)your life no one except you alone can change it

在自己坚定的信念是所有需要改变你的生活只有你能改变它 The TOEEL is designed to assess(评定) the English proficiency for those who intend to study abroad

托福是用来评定那些打算出国留学的学生的英语水平 Building a healthy and productive(生产) workplace relationship is the key to improving productivity

建立一个健康的和富有成效的工作关系是提高生产力的关键 Since it is valid(有效的) to ask for sick leave ,he often uses it as an excuse for staying away from school


The villagers are not merely(仅仅) satisfied with enough food to eat they are also eager to learn modern advanced skills for farming 村民们不仅仅满足于足够的食物他们也渴望学习现代先进农业技能

After making some conventional(传统的) opening remarks ,she made an inspiring speech on environment protection


This report is written from the viewpoint(观点) of a psychologist and it provides some deep insights into the outlook and expectations of today’s young people in our country


People differ(不同) from one another in their ability to handle stress 人们从一个不同的处理压力的能力

If you have any questions ,please feel free(随时) to ask me 如果你有任何问题,请随时问我

You must keep some money in reserve(储备) because you may need if for some unexpected expensen

你必须把一些备用的钱因为你如果需要一些意外支出费用 To his credit(值得赞扬) he won the first place in the 1000 meter race in spite of his illness


In view of (鉴于)the late hour ,we’ll have to put off that discussion until our next meeting

由于迟到了一个小时,我们不得不推迟到下次会议讨论 I wish you were here now ,so that I might thank you in person(亲自)

我希望你能现在能来到这里,那样我会亲自感谢你的 Since what he says sounds logical I’d like to take up(接受) his suggestion and drop my own


He is a man of creative thinking and hates to follow the herd(随波逐流) in everything he does


We must assess(评估) each plan with fairness and on its merits,not according to our personal preference

我们必须评估每个方案的利弊与公平,不是根据我们的个人偏好 Be flexible and you won’t be taken by surprise when something in your life take an unexpected turn

灵活的,你不会感到惊讶,你的生活中有一些意外的 She became the first black woman to be elected(当选) to the position of chairman of the board


Their experiment stretched(延长) of ten years, at last, their efforts paid off.

他们的实验研究了十年,最后,他们的努力得到了回报。 Communication is the only remedy(补救) conflict within the family 沟通是解决家庭内的冲突唯一的补救办法

You had better confine(局限于) your summary to the main idea; do not try to talker about the trivial things

你最好把你总结的主要思想;不要试图对琐碎的事情,健谈的人 A lot of children are near-sight, we cannot emphasize(emphasize) the importance of protecting our eyes too munch.

很多孩子近视了,我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要也要重复。 Thank you for your kind help- I think I owe(欠) you’re a favour 谢谢你的帮助,我觉得我欠你一个人情

when he sleeps by the window on hot summer afternoons, he tends to lower (较低的) the curtain to keep out the sun.


Joseph did give me a quick reply this time, but I wonder why he made no response(相应) to my last question


History will reveal(揭露) the truth in the future and they will realize what a wrong thing they did

历史将揭示未来的真相,他们会意识到他们做什么错事 It is hard to picture him as a government official because he looks so funny, but I bet he makes a good one


.Men should open up their minks and adopt a correct attitude towards women


Since all of us were tired, Martin proposed that we take a short rest before continuing our work

既然我们都累了,马丁提出再继续我们的工作我们休息一会儿 Seeing a big snake under the table, Sophia could not trembling from head to foot


A smart appearance tends to make a favourable(有利于)impression at an interview.

一个整洁的外表往往会在面试中给人留下个好印象。 .The scientist failed in his experiments many a time, but he was never discouraged(气馁) ;instead, he stuck it out and finally make a

great scientific discovery.


When I asked my mother if I could marry George, she consented(同意) but rather unwillingly.

当我问妈妈我是否能和乔治结婚,她同意了但很不情愿地。 The garden has fallen into a state of neglect(忽视) since its owner died two years ago.

花园已处于荒废的状态因为它的主人两年前就去世了。 Coming home late, the boy crept(爬) quietly into the home to avoid waking his parents.

晚回家,男孩蹑手蹑脚地进入家庭避免吵醒父母。 If you want to learn a language well , sufficient(足够) time is necessary.


The origin of Chinese writing can be traced(追溯) back to ancient Chine although we are not certain of the date of its invention. 中国文字的起源可以追溯到古代中国虽然我们不能肯定它的发明之日。

The price was somewhat(有些) higher then I had expected, However, it was still acceptable.

价格稍高我所期望的,然而,它仍然是可以接受的。 When you feel tied, a rest and a cool drink will refresh(刷新) you

当你累了,休息一下,喝点清凉的东西会使你恢复精神 As I sit here today, I could not be more grateful for the opportunity, not only to be alive, but also to apply my life to such a(n) worthy(值得) effort.


More and more people in big companies are enrolling in English courses to improve their promotion prospects(前景).

在大公司中越来越多的人参加英语课程来提高他们的晋升前景。 At the end of the interview, she remarked(说) “You have proved your worthiness more then well enough

在采访结束时,她说:“你已经证明了你的价值并不够好 I hope that I shall never again have to undergo(经过) such a terrible experience


Susan started singing to her baby and was rewarded(奖励) with a smile.


since the summer vacation has started ,let's pack up(收拾) and spend aweek in the country with my grandparents


the boy is so interested in the popular novel entitled harry porter and

the deathly hallows that he has read it for many a(许多) time 这男孩对哈利波特与死亡圣器很感兴趣,他已经过了很多次了。 i admin Steve very much for in very much for in his pursuit of a successful life he always stay the course(坚持到底)and never gives up in spite of the many


i mailed out 250 letters to complete strangers for help and within 6 weeks the stream of money came flood in(涌进) from all over the country


when searching for some news online last night i come across(偶遇) interesting website devoted to computer games


he is so clever that the can always come up with(想出) solutions at the last moment

他是如此的聪明,总是能想出在最后一刻的解决方案 at the sight of the big fish the fisherman plunge his hands into(把..放入)

the water and caught it with graceful ease 在大的鱼,渔夫都很容易的把它抓起来

Rosa was single out(单) praise by the teacher because her art project was so creative


the Chinese people love peace long for(渴望) peace and are ready to fight for peace


Rebecca told us most of the story but keep back(保持背部) the bit about herself because she didn't want to make her good deed known 丽贝卡的关税,美国必须保持这个故事是关于自己的后位,因为她不想让她知道好的行为

the local people tell me it is all but(几乎) impossible to climb up to the top of the snowy mountain


Marilyn Monroe went to Hollywood in search of(在寻找) fame and fortune


in heaven let us be two birds flying ever together and on earth(在地) two trees with branches interlocked forever 在天愿作比翼鸟 在地愿为连理枝

last but not least i would like to thank all of you and in

particular(特别是) the chairman Dr rogers for his full support over the last three years



Oliver is a respected engineer manager and teacher but first and foremost(首先) he is a kind father and loving husband which is something he takes great pride in


when he took in(在) what was happening and realized something was wrong he decided to get away quickly

当他发生了什么事,意识到一些事情错了,他决定马上离开 As he grew and matured(成熟) he was asked to take on a wide variety of responsibilities

当他长大成熟后,他被要求承担各种各样的责任 I feel bored with the history class dates and battles and all that stuff(的东西)

我觉得历史课的日期、战争之类的东西感到很很烦 a good attitude to life helps to turn failure into success and convert(转变) misery into happiness

一个好的生活态度,有助于把失败变为成功的转换成幸福和痛苦 in the heavy traffic a luxurious classic(经典) car attracted my attention it turned out to be a Rolls Royce wedding car


being painfully aware of his own shortcoming(缺点) Peterson has

made up his mind to get rid of them


Some people believe that failure is the mother of success while others think nothing breed(生产) success like success


pressure is an essential part of all work and helps to keep us motivated but too much pressure can lead to stress(压力) which can make people ill


whether we can succeed or not depends on how well we can develop and maintain(保持) good relationships with our customers so in the long run it is worth the efforts we have made


that night he felt very lonely and had string impulse(冲动) to make a long distance call to his mother

那天晚上,他感到很孤独,冲动,打长途电话给他妈妈 to release your tension after a day's hard work sit quietly in a rel axed pose(姿势) breathe deeply and smoothly and then close your eyes



if no one claim(声称) the lost suitcase within a week then we will deliver it to the police station

如果没有人认领遗失的手提箱,一周内我们会送到派出所 with his deeds and worthiness he managed to create a identity(身份) for himself as a biologist in spite of his personal handicaps 他一直努力为自己创造价值,尽管他是一个有个人障碍的生物学家

in order to unlock your own creativity you need to tap(挖掘) into the sources of inspiration


everything happens for a reason but not everything is reasonable(合情合理)

事情的发生都是有原因的,但不是每件事情都是合理的 during the past 10 years I've managed to graduate with honours(以优异的成绩毕业) from Yale university got my PhD and even published a book despite all the difficulties and obstacles 在过去的10年我以优异的成绩从耶鲁大学毕业,成功拿到我的博士学位,甚至出版了一本书,尽管有许多的困难和障碍 jane gets excited easily and she often fires her up(发火)about trivial things


I'm beginning to discover the truth about life if you want to live a

worthy life you must take it by the throat (将其进行到底) 我开始发现生活的真相如果你想活的高尚的生活你必须要坚持到底

you can make an excuse(找借口) for your mistake but the boss might not buy your story

你可以为自己的错误找借口,但是老板可能不会买你的账 as an 18 year old boy you have your whole life ahead of you it's time to take action(采取行动) if you want to make a change in your life 作为一个18岁的男孩,你人生的路你如果你想改变你的生活,是采取行动的时候了

pass the flower of kindness on and let it wipe another is tears.and in king (保持)that kindness will flow for kindness grows in this way the

peopel in that mountain village have proved to be so courageous in the face of(面对) adversity and disaster 住在山顶的人们,他们面对灾难很有勇气

I don't think i have a particularly good chance of getting the job but it is certainly worth try for(尝试,争取)

我不认为我有一个特别好的机会获得工作,但肯定是值得尝试的 despite her own sufferings she managed to nures brother through (细心照顾)serious tuberculosis


My neighbours are a friendly bunch(群) of people 我的邻居是友好的一类人

Dave amaze(惊奇) his friends by leaving a well paid job to travel around the world

戴夫对他朋友放弃掉高薪的工作去环游世界感到很惊讶 The employees in this company work an eight hour shift(换班) 这家公司的员工每天工作八小时

The professor came to the classroom with a bundle(捆) of newspapers under his arm


A passenger asked the driver: “Could you drop(下车) me off near the post office? I’d like to post a letter

一个乘客问司机:“你能让我在邮局附近下车吗?我想寄一封信 The little girl’s capacity (能力)for learning languages astonished me


How many countries will be participating(参与) in the Olympic Games?


I like the typically French style(风格) of living. It is so romantic 我喜欢生活的典型的法国风格。因为它的浪漫

They have made their fortunes from industry and commerce(商务) 他们从工商发财。

They threatened to shoot(射击) him and rob him of all his possessions


In many cultures, the lion is the symbol(符号) of courage 在许多文化中,狮子是勇敢的象征

Your help was greatly appreciated(欣赏) We are very grateful to you for it


It’s the first time the painting has been displayed(展示) to the public


During the exam, the naughty boy tried to slip(滑稽) a note to his classmate while the teacher wasn’t looking.


As the saying goes, conquer(征服) the desires, or they will conquer you


Before the dinner party, Mother has ordered a roast(烤肉) from the butcher


I didn’t wait for you at home because I figured(估计) that you wouldn’t come


In this painting, a single red rose stands in rich contrast to(形成对比) the grassland

在这幅画中,一朵红玫瑰矗立在绿色的草地说上形成鲜明的对比 The factory workers are exposed to(暴露) poisonous gases and many of them suffer from lung diseases

厂里的工人暴露在有毒气体下工作和因此许多人患肺部疾病 During the war, the soldier risked his life(冒着生命危险) helping others to escape


Do trust me. You can rely on(依靠) me to keep your secret 相信我。你可以依靠我保守你的秘密

If you are attacked or robbed at knifepoint(在刀尖) , how would you react then?

如果你受到攻击或持刀对你抢劫,然后你会如何反应? She is such an extraordinary girl that she always stands out(站出来) in a crowd

她就是这样一个平凡的女孩,她总是在人群中显得突出 Obviously, this foolish idea run contrary to(背道而驰) common sense


I was very tired and had to flag down(停下) a taxi in order to get home early


The mother picks/picked up(拿起) her children from the kindergarten at 5:00 p.m. every day 母亲每天下午5:00到幼儿园接他的孩子

The publishers took a gamble(下赌注) on an unknown author, and the books have sold well


The driver waved to us as he pull away(远移动) 司机向我们挥手当他正要开车的时候

The driver pull over(停下)to the side of the road to see what was wrong with his truck


Don’t just make a negative complaint about our service; give us some positive(积极的) advice

不要让我们的服务负面投诉;给我们一些积极的建议 The noise of the car startled(大吃一惊) the birds and the whole flock flew up into the air

汽车的声音吓到鸟二,因此他们成群的飞到了空中 Viewed from an international perspective(透过) , it appears absolutely essential to emphasize the importance of potential customers’ needs in the developing countries


In this terrible job you have to harden(变硬) your heart to pain and suffering


We can have many choices in life and the choices that we make will shape(塑造) our life


Efforts should be made to address(和..说话) the communication problem existing between teenagers and their parents


That couple has endured so many emotional and financial crises(危机) . It is amazing that their marriage has lasted for so many years 那对夫妻已经经历了太多的情感和金融危机。令人吃惊的是,他们的婚姻持续了这么多年

Just before the speech contest (演讲比赛), he fell ill and was not able to participate in it; he could only curse(不幸诅咒) his luck 就在演讲比赛,他病倒了,没能参加;他只能怪自己的运气不够好

It is incredible(不可思议) that her four-year-old boy can write some 600 Chinese characters


You can add the liquid to the powder, or conversely(相反的), the powder to the liquid

你可以将液体的粉末,或相反也可以将粉末加入液体 The next big issue(问题) confronting the workers is the question of social security


I wrote to them a month ago but haven’t gotten a response(响应) yet


I shall have to refuse your invitation because of a prior(之前) engagement


There used to be various kinds of birds here, but now they are rare(罕见) due to lack of food resources

以前这里有各种鸟类,但现在他们是罕见的由于缺乏食物资源 Is it true that visualizing a task by positive thinking helps to accomplish(完成) the task better

这是真的,可视化任务的积极思考有助于更好地完成任务 You may feel awkward when you start learning how to drive, but it’s easy once you get the hang of(上手) it


As one of those who have lived through(经历) two world wars, Uncle Sam understands the value of life far better than his grandchildren


When you are learning driving a car, it makes a difference(有区别) whether you have a good teacher or not

当你在学习驾驶汽车,你是否有一个好的老师这是有很大的区别 He is so stubborn. We have no idea(不知道) how to persuade him to accept our proposal

他是如此的固执。我们不知道如何说服他接受我们的建议 Be more concerned with(关注) your character than your

reputation(名声), because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is just what others think you are


To our surprise, Mr. Thompson slipped over(溜过) an important point in his analysis — the cause and effect of the problem 令我们吃惊的是,汤普森先生把在他的分析中一个重要的问题的原因和影响

To my pleasant surprise, I ran into(跑进) my best friend Helen in Paris last week

令我惊喜的是,我遇到了我最好的朋友海伦上周在巴黎 I hit the tree behind me when I put the car in reverse(在背面) without looking back first 我撞到树后面时我把车倒回来

I’ll leave you alone here so you can mull over(仔细考虑) the problem and make a decision on your own
