穿PRADA的恶魔 The Devil Wears Prada 中英文剧本 下载本文

Zac Posers doing some very sculptural suits. 扎克的追随者设计了 一些雕塑感很强的衣服

So I suggested that, uh, Testino shoot them at the Noguchi Garden.

所以我建议让泰斯蒂诺在 野口勇博物馆拍这组片 {\\an8}野口勇 - 日裔美籍雕塑家



Thank God somebody came to work today.


What about accessories for April? 四月的首饰版面呢?

One thought I had was enamel. Um, bangles, pendants, earrings.

我觉得可以考虑做一辑配饰 像手镯、吊坠、耳环之类

No. We did that two years ago. What else?

不行 那个两年前出过一次 还有什么?

Um, well, they're showing a lot of florals right now, so I was thinking...

这个,现在印花图案比较流行 所以我在想?

Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking. 印花?春季拍印花?真有创意

But we thought about shooting them in an industrial space.


We thought the contrast between the femininity of the florals...

通过印花图案的柔弱 与硬朗、粗糙环境的对比?

and the more raw, rough-hewn background would create this wonderful tension between... 可以促使一种特殊的张力在?

No. Which? 不行 在? No.


Does anybody else have anything I can possibly use? 你们能拿一点我能采用的东西出来吗?

Antibacterial wipes perhaps? 或者是消毒纸巾?

How's the cold doing? Like death warmed up actually. 感冒怎么样了? 死去活来

Oh, God. 噢,上帝

It's the benefit tonight. I've been looking forward to it for months.

今晚是慈善晚会 我已经盼望了好几个月

I refuse to be sick. I'm wearing Valentino, for crying out loud.

我不能生病 我要穿华伦天奴,气死我了

Right. Well, everybody will be leaving soon to get ready... 对,过会所有人都该去做准备了?

so I suggest you go and drop Miranda's Fendi bag off at the showroom...

我建议你去把 马琳达的芬迪包拿到陈列室?

and then I suppose you can just go home.


Yeah? Oh, well, that is great. Perfect actually. 是吗?噢,太好了 简直是完美

I need to get to Magnolia Bakery before it closes. It's Nate's birthday tonight.

我得赶紧去木兰面包房 今天是内特的生日

So we're, uh, having a little party for him. 我们要给他办个生日会

Yeah, I'm hearing this, and I wanna hear this. 是,真是啰嗦 还不闭嘴走人

Bye. 再见

I love my job. I love my job. I love my job. 我热爱我的工作



Before the benefit tonight, I need to make sure... 在今晚的慈善晚会开始前 我要求?

that you're both fully prepped on the guest list. ?你们两个把来宾名单背熟

But I thought that only the first assistant went to the benefit.

可是我以为只有首席助理 才能去慈善晚会

Only when the first assistant hasn't decided to become...


an incubus of viral plague.


You'll come and help Emily. 你去帮艾米莉的忙

That's all. Right. 就这样吧 好吧

These are all of the guests. Miranda invites everyone. 这是所有的来宾 马琳达把每个人都请来了

We have to make sure that they all think she knows exactly who they are.

我们必须确保让他们觉得 马琳达清清楚楚的记得每一个人

And I've been studying for weeks. 我已经研究了好几个礼拜

I have to learn all these by tonight?


No, don't be silly, Andrea. These too. 不,别傻了,安吉丽雅 两大本

Look, you better just start without me, okay? I'll get there as soon as I can.

你们还是先开始吧,别等我了 我会尽早赶回去

Andy, come on, it's his birth... 安迪,别这样,这是他的生?

Okay, but hurry. 好吧,不过快点

Oh, please, believe me, I will. This is the last thing that I wanna...

噢,拜托,相信我,我一定会 我最不想做的就是?

Ooh, I love that. Uh, I'll call you the second I'm leaving, okay?

噢,我喜欢这个 我走的时候给你打电话,好吗?

Will that fit me? Oh, yeah. 我能穿吗? 可以

A little Crisco and some fishing line, and we're in business. 弄点润滑油和鱼线 一定能把你塞进去

Well, nothing really. I mean, this is...


I mean, really, this is the social event of the season. 我是说,这是这一季的一件社交大事

Oh, oh, my God. Andy, you look so chic. 噢,上帝 安迪,你看起来很别致

Oh, thanks, Em. You look so thin.

噢,谢谢 你看起来很瘦

Do I? Yeah.

真的吗? 是的

Oh, it's for Paris. I'm on this new diet.

这都是为了巴黎 我在进行一项新的节食方法

It's very effective. Well, I don't eat anything. 非常有效 我什么都不吃

And then when I feel like I'm about to faint, I eat a cube of cheese.

当我觉得快要晕倒的时候 我就吃一块奶酪

Well, it's definitely working. I know.

效果真明显 我知道

I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight. 我的胃口才造成体重有增无减

That's John Folger, the new artistic director of the Chelsea Rep.

那是约翰·福尔杰 切尔西剧团的新任艺术总监

John, thanks for coming. Hey there.

约翰,谢谢你的到来 你好

Oh, thank you. It's always nice seeing you. Stop fidgeting. 谢你才对,每次见你都非常开心 别乱晃

I'm sorry. I'm so late.

对不起 我迟到太久了

Just deal with it. You have to be here. 别想了 你必须在这里待着

Emily, come here. 艾米莉,过来

Isn't that Jacqueline Follet from French Runway? 那是法国版《天桥》的杰奎琳·芙蕾吗?

Oh, my God, and Miranda hates her. 天哪!马琳达讨厌她

She was supposed to arrive after Miranda left. 她应该在马琳达走了以后才出现的

I didn't... Oh. Yeah.

我不? 是啊

Miranda, fabulous event as always. You brought Jacqueline.

马琳达,真是一如既往的盛会啊 你把杰奎琳带来了

Surprise. Quelle surprise.

惊喜吧 真是惊喜啊

Oh, wonderful. We're so happy you were able to come to our little gathering.

太好了 你能来参加我们这个 小聚会真是让人开心

Of course. I plan my whole year around this. 当然要来 我今年都在为这个聚会做准备

Well, we're so grateful that you do. 你这么有心,真让我们感动

Ciao. Have you gotten my note? 再见 你收到我给你的信了吗?

Yes, I did. We'll discuss it on Wednesday.

收到了 我们礼拜三再讨论

Yes, I agree. No business tonight. Not tonight. 好的 今晚不谈公事 不谈公事

Enjoy. 玩得开心

Oh, thanks. Thanks. 噢,谢谢,谢谢

Oh, um... Oh, my God. I just can't remember what his name is.

噢,上帝 我记不起来他的名字了

I just saw his name this morning on the list. 我今天早上还看过他的名字

It's... Oh, I know this. It's something to do with... 是?我记得的 他是在?

Wait, he was... he was part of the... Oh, God, I know this. Um...

等等,他是?他是一位? 上帝,我知道的?

It's Ambassador Franklin, and that's the woman that he left his wife for, Rebecca.

他是富兰克林大使 为了身边那个女人离婚了,丽贝卡

Rebecca. Ambassador. Miranda. 丽贝卡,大使先生 马琳达

You look fabulous. Oh, very kind. 你真是容光焕发 噢,谢谢

Thank you. 谢谢你

Look at you. Hello.

这是谁啊? 你好

You're... You're a vision. 你是?你真是个梦幻仙子

Oh. Thank God I saved your job. 噢 谢天谢地我帮你保住了饭碗

You know, I figured out a few things on my own too. 这个,我自己也认真的反省了一下

Turns out, I'm not as nice as you thought. 结果发现,我没有你想的那么好