新版新概念第一册WORD笔记 下载本文

③ v. 染上(疾病)

I have caught a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。 [语法]



I have my way, and she has hers.



名词所有格有两种属性:形容词性、名词性 This is Tim's shirt. (形容词性) This shirt is Tim's. (名词性) [课文]

TEACHER: Whose shirt is that?

Is this your shirt, Dave? This is my shirt. My shirt's blue.

DAVE: No. Sir. It's not my shirt. TEACHER: Is this shirt Tim's?

DAVE: Perhaps it is, sir. Tim's shirt's white. TEACHER: Tim! TIM: Yes, sir?

TEACHER: Is this your shirt? TIM: Yes, sir.

TEACHER: Here you are. Catch! TIM: Thank you, sir.


Here you are. 给你

这是给对方东西时的用语,也可用Here it is.或Here they are.(指复数的物)。句中的are和is一般应重读。


Lesson 12 Whose is this…? This is my/your/his/her…

Whose is that…? That is my/your/his/her…


father mother blouse sister tie brother his her

n. 父亲 n. 母亲 n. 女衬衫 n. 姐,妹 n. 领带 n. 兄,弟

possessive adjective. 他的 possessive adjective. 她的

Lesson 13 A new dress


colour green come upstairs smart hat same lovely

★colour n. 颜色=color(美) what colour is??

What make is ?? 什么车牌?

★come v. 来

come on:快点来;拜托,得了吧;过来

Come on. I’m not 18 years old again. 拜托,得了吧。 go:去,加油

★smart adj. 时髦的,巧妙的 ① 漂亮的,时髦的,巧妙的 You look smart in that new dress. ② 聪明的,伶俐的,精明的 He is a smart businessman.


n. 颜色=color(美) adj. 绿色 v. 来 adj. 楼上

adj. 时髦的,巧妙的 n. 帽子 adj. 相同的 adj. 可爱的


LOUISE: What colour's your new dress? ANNA: It's green.

Come upstairs and see it.

LOUISE: Thank you. ANNA: Look! Here it is! LOUISE: That's a nice dress. It's very smart. ANNA: My hat's new, too. LOUISE: What colour is it? ANNA: It's the same colour. It's green, too. LOUISE: That is a lovely hat! [课文注释]

It’s the same colour. 一样的颜色。

same通常与定冠词the连用,表示“同一的”、“相同的” two boys of the same age 两个同龄的男孩子

Lesson 14 What colour's your…?


case carpet dog

n. 箱子 n. 地毯 n. 狗

Lesson 15 Your passport, please.


customs officer girl Danish friend Norwegian passport brown

tourist [????????]

★customs n. 海关

customs,Customs n. [复]海关;征收关税的程序


n. 海关 n. 官员 n. 女孩,姑娘 adj.& n. 丹麦人 n. 朋友 adj.& n. 挪威人 n. 护照 adj. 棕色的 n. 旅游者

The spy was stopped at the Customs and questioned. 那个间谍在海关被截住并被加以盘问。 custom n. 风俗,习惯

When risiting a foreign country, we might find the country’s customs strange to us. It is his custom to go for a walk in the evening.

★friend n. 朋友 friend:朋友(正式) pal:好友,伙伴(随意) buddy:伙伴,朋友(随意) friendship:友谊

A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真朋友。

★tourist n. 旅游者 tour n. 观光,旅游 tour guide 导游 travel n. 旅行(泛指) traveler n. 旅行者 trip v.&n. 旅行(短途) [语法]

名词: 名词有五种:

1、普通名词(可数名词):a pen、a book 2、物质名词(不可数名词):water、milk

3、专有名词:Mt. Tai(泰山)、the Great Wall(长城)、Summer Palace(颐和园) 4、集体名词:police、people、family 5、抽象名词:beauty、wisdom

可数名词单数变复数的规则: 1、普通的名词后边直接加 s a book/ two books

加 -s 后的读音 [?] [?] [??]

2、以辅音字母加 y 结尾的单词要把 y 变 i 加 es baby -> babies

3、以 -ch -sh -x -s -z 结尾的单词要加 -es 读音为[??] 4、以 f 或 fe 结尾的单词要变为 ves knife -> knives

wife -> wives

zoo -> zoos

5、辅音字母加 o 结尾的单词要加 es potato -> potatoes

元音字母加 o 结尾的单词要加 s
