牛津译林版八年级英语下册单元测试题及答案 下载本文


Unit 2 单元检测卷 (100分 90分钟)

题 号 得 分 一 二 三 总 分 第一部分 英语知识运用(共两大题,满分30分)


( )1.—This is film I’ve told you many times. —It’s ’ve never seen better one. ;a




( )2.—I’d like to introduce my best friend to you,Peter. —Thank you, we already.

met meet

( ) book Lucy’!Her name is on the book cover. be

’t be be

’t be

( ) foreign teacher Wuxi for three years. to

been in gone to


( )5.—Did you enjoy the animal show?

— just couldn’t stop when the monkey began riding a bike. laugh

( )6. this term,I’m sure I’ll get better grades because I study very hard. the end

the end the end of the end of

( ) Smith,together with his two sons, Shanghai for about five months.

left left been away from been away from

( ) football match for an hour,but we are still very excited. finished

ended been over


( )9.—What’s your hobby,Diana?

—Well,I have many hobbies, dancing,singing and water sports. of

of as example

( ) 10. ,do you know where the nearest post office is? the way

the way the way

the way

( ) film was so and it made me feel so . ;excited

;excited ;exciting ;exciting

( ) forget to visit when you go to the USA,Lin Tao. Statue of Liberty

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Little Mermaid Tower Bridge

( ) 13. a cold winter morning he left New York. ;for

;to ;at ;for

( ) luck!We Mount Emei when it rained heavily.

climbing climbing climbed

( )15.—Why don’t we go camping if it is sunny tomorrow? — ’re right.

good! ’s right. a good idea!


阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 There are so many interesting places to 16 on vacation,for example, summer,my family and I had a 7-day trip 17 Lijiang, 18 day,we flew to was a beautiful city full of all kinds of call it “Spring City” because the 19 is never too hot or too next day,we 20 the Stone the third day,we reached was really a nice river there were so clear 21 we could see the water grass and the were a lot of old enjoyed 22 around the tried many different kinds of food in small 23 .Everything tasted really we went,we 24 also bought a lot of special things for

our the last day,we decided to go back by train to enjoy the wonderful scenery(景色) along the railway. 25 fantastic trip we had! ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )




第二部分 阅读理解(共两大题,满分40分)



A:Tom,I have exciting news to tell . B:Really,Mum? That’s will we go there? A:27.

B:That’s train is more comfortable than the . A:It costs about 210 yuan each. B:When will we leave? A:29.

B:How long does it take to get there?

A:30. Let’s find out some information about Xi’an. B: can’t wait.

have decided to go there by train. is the best time to go there? are going to the Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi’an for a trip. much does a ticket cost? ’ll leave at 6:30 on the evening of April 12th. is the best way to travel? takes about nine hours. Ⅳ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



If you have a chance to travel in Europe,you’d better choose Italy as a good place to Italy is a very famous country with a long history,and there are many interesting cities in this are three million people each year to visit the city of is known for the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

The tower looks as it is might fall at any fact,some visitors stop at the tower just to take a picture,then they hurry tower has 294 who can climb to the top and come down will feel like heroes.

Engineers say that the visitors are safe,though the tower does tower has been leaning for about eight hundred it leans a tiny bit more every this keeps on,the tower will fall at many engineers are trying their best to keep the tower standing as long as possible.

( ) is a good place to visit in Europe because . has a long history are many interesting cities is a very famous country of the above

( ) will the people who are standing near the tower be like? will be safe. will be bored. will be tired. will be sad.

( ) many years has the tower been leaning? years. years.

hundred years. thousand years.