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潍 坊 学 院 本 科 毕 业 设 计 摘 要




该项目采取ThinkPHP+mySql模式进行项目构建,快速实用,不拖泥带水。该项目分为两大模块,分别是前台模块和后台模块,前台模块可以对系统新闻进行浏览和搜索,并可以在相应的新闻详情下进行留言。后台模块担负了本系统大部分的功能,分别是新闻的添加和修改,用户的添加和修改,新闻分类的添加和修改,以及浏览次数的统计。 关键词:校园新闻系统 ThinkPHP+mySql 信息系统


潍 坊 学 院 本 科 毕 业 设 计 摘 要


Abstract: Contact the traditional network information system, starting from the college students, the campus news system analysis, to create a comprehensive, user-friendly design of the network information platform for the purpose of the campus news system to do a full range of modular design, To make up for the lack of traditional information.

In particular, the current campus network this high-speed development period, with the students of this special group, the demand for the Internet than other social groups to be higher. Therefore, the campus news system more and more attention by today's colleges and universities, how to build a fast and efficient campus news system, a university of a top priority.

The project to take ThinkPHP + mySql model for project construction, fast and practical, not dragging its feet. The project is divided into two modules, namely the foreground module and the background module, the front desk module can browse and search the system news, and can be in the corresponding news details of the message. The background module is responsible for most of the functions of the system, namely, the addition and modification of news, the addition and modification of users, the addition and modification of news categories, and the statistics of views.

Key words:Campus-news System;ThinkPHP + mySql;Information System


潍 坊 学 院 本 科 毕 业 设 计


1 校园新闻系统设计思想 .............................................................. 1

1.1 校园新闻系统简介 ............................................................ 1 1.1.2 校园新闻系统的目的 ........................................................ 1 2 校园新闻系统的可行性分析 .......................................................... 3

2.1 项目可行性分析 .............................................................. 3 2.2 技术可行性 .................................................................. 3 2.3 校园新闻系统的需求分析 ...................................................... 5 3 数据库设计 ........................................................................ 8

3.1 管理员表 .................................................................... 8 3.2 学生表 ...................................................................... 9 3.3新闻表 ..................................................................... 10 4详细设计 ......................................................................... 11

4.1普通用户模块 ............................................................... 11 4.2 管理员模块 ................................................................. 20 5 系统测试 ......................................................................... 35

5.1 测试简介 ................................................................... 35 5.2 白盒测试 ................................................................... 35 5.3 黑盒测试 ................................................................... 35 5.4 该系统的测试过程 ........................................................... 35 结束语 ............................................................................. 36 参考文献 ........................................................................... 37 致谢 ............................................................................... 38


潍 坊 学 院 本 科 毕 业 设 计

1 校园新闻系统设计思想

1.1 校园新闻系统简介

1.1.1 校园新闻系统的描述


1.1.2 校园新闻系统的目的


1.1.3 校园新闻系统构型

图 1.1 系统构型