第九章悬垂结构 下载本文



所谓悬垂结构,是指现在分词( V-ing)或过去分词(V-ed)在句子中作状语时,其逻辑主语(即该动作的发出者)从文法的要求来看,必须是句子的主语,但如果该主语和现在分词或过去分词在逻辑上又没有联系,那么现在分词或过去分词就变成了一个没有依附的分词,文法上称这样的错误情况叫悬垂结构。


例:After reading the book,一. (A)I fed the dog

(B) the dog was fed by me (C) feeding the dog was his task (D) the dog was hungry

如果reading the book作状语,作主语的成分就必须是reading the book的动作发出者。在各选项中,只有A符合条件,而其他选项的主语均不能作为reading the book的动作发出者,故正确选项为A。

当句子以V-ing开头,则句子的主语必须是该动作的发出者;当句子以V-ed 开头,则主句必须和该V-ed构成被动关系。当我们看到一个句子以V-ing或V-ed 开头时(有时前面有after、before、while或when之类的连词),首先要考虑句子主语必须和V-ing或V-ed在逻辑上有关系,凡是没有关系的必定是错误选项。

例:(A) Writing in a free style, the novelist is popular among the children (B) Written in a free style, the novel is popular among the children 在A句中,write的动作是由主语the novelist发出的,故采用V-ing形式; 在B句中,the novel是被写的,故采用V-ed形式。

为进一步了解悬垂结构,我们来分析下列例句的正误: (A) Waitine for a bus,a brick fell on my head

(B) Driving on the road that night,a squirrel suddenly leapt out of the jungle.

(C) Getting down from the bus, my ankle was sprainecL

(D) Looking out of the window, there were many people on the streets. (E) Sitting under an apple tree one night,a new idea came to Newton (F) Looking in this way,the situation didn't seem that bad (G) WritinS in a free style, the novelist is popular.

(H) Ranked as one of the top ten university, many students are eager to have the chance to study in Princeton 【分析】

(A)错。因为brick不能发出writing这样的动作。该句为典型的悬垂结构。应改为: WaitinS for a bus,1 was hit by a brick

(B)错。因为a squirrel不能发出driving这样的动作。应改为:

DrivirX; on the road that night,Tom saw a squirrel leaping out of the jungle. (c)错。发出getting down from the bus动作的是句子主语my ankle,而这从逻辑上是讲不通的。应改为:

Getting down from the bus,I got my ankle sprained

(D)错。发出looking out of the window这个动作的行为主体应是句子的主语。可改为: LookinS out of the window,Mary saw many people on the street

(E)错。是Newton发出sitting under an apple tree这个动作,故要把Newton 作为主语。可改为:

Sitting under an apple tree, Newton was hit by a new idea.


Looked in this way,the situation didn't seem that bad (G)正确。the novelist作为主语可以发出writing这一动作。 (H)错。显然,这里是Princeton必须是主语。应改为:

Ranked as one of the top ten university, Princeton is the dream of many students who are eager to study in it.




如:strictly speaking, frankly speaking, generally speaking, seriously speaking 等


例:Generally speaking, women live longer than men

此句中,虽然women不是speaking的动作发出者,但由于generally speaking 为习惯表达,全句依然正确。 b.V-ing+介词

如:j uding from(从?上看),talking of(谈到?一),assuming( =if),allowing for(一considering,考虑到)

例:Allowing for his age, he has done a good job. Speaking of English writing,I have an excellent tutor. Juding from his accent, he must be from Northern China. c·V-ing+从句

supposing /supposed that从句-if从句 providing /provided that从句=if从句 granting /granted that从句一although从句 allowing /considering /given that从句

例:Supposing that l would die tomorrow, what should I do today7

Assuming (if) the proposal is accepted, where can we get enough money? Given (Considering) that there was little time left,I think we should accelerate our progress.


1. While shopping for a birthday present for Anna, that was when Julie remembered a clearance sale at the outlet mall.

(A) that was when Julie remembered a clearance sale at the outlet mall (B) Julie remembered a clearance sale at the outlet mall

(C) then Julie's memory of the outlet mall's clearance sale took place (D) the outlet mall's clearance sale was what Julie remembered (E)a clearance sale at the outlet mall was remembered by Julie 【分析】


另外,A中的that不可以单独使用(除非在比较结构中);C选项主语是Julie 的memory,不是Julie,故排除;D选项中无生命的the outlet mall的所有格不能用 ’s的形式;E采用了被动语态。 正确答案:B

2. While studying at the University of Michigan, that was when Arthur Miller developed a profound passion for writinS.

(A) that was when Arthur Miller developed a profound passion for writing (B) Arthur Miller developed a profound passion for writing

(C) then the development of Arthur Miller's profound passion for writing took place

(D) Arthur Miller's profound passion for writing was developed (E)a profound passion for drama developed in Arthur Miller 【分析】

主语必须是能发出studying这个动作的人,所以只能是Arthur Miller,只有B 符合,其它选项都应排除。

另外,A选项单独使用that;C选项违反了动词优先的原则,D选项是Mller的 profotmd passion作主语,并且使用了被动语态。 正确答案:B

3. While taking a sightseeing tour of Paris, the Eiffel Tower was the Emily's first


(A) the Eiffel Tower was the Emily's first stop (B) the Eiffel Tower was where Emily stopped first (C) Emily's first stop was the Eiffel Tower (D) Emily's first stop being the Eiffel Tower (E) Emily first stopped at the Eiffel Tower 【分析】

主语必须能发出taking这一动作,故句子主语必须是Emily,其余选项均不符合要求。 正确答案:E

4. Brought up in a small suburban town, it was only when she began working in Boston that she realized how excitint; life in a metropolitan area could be. (A) it was only when she began working in Boston that she realized how exciting life in a metropolitan area could be

(B) when she began working in Boston she then realized how exciting life in a

metropolitan area could be

(C) going to work in Boston made her realize how exciting life in a metropolitan

area could be

(D) she didn't realize how exciting life in a metropolitan area could be until she

began working in Boston

(E) exciting life in a metropolitan area was unrealized by her until she began

working in Boston 【分析】

Brought up是过去分词,所以主语必须是被brought up的,从句中看应该是she作主语。只有D能满足。 正确答案:D

5. Although dismissed by Salon attendees for its subject matter, most artists viewed Manet's Olympia as a 8roundbreaking work

(A) most artists viewed Manet's Olympia aS a groundbreaking work (B) most artists viewed Manet's Olympia to be a groundbreaking work

(C)a groundbreaking work was what most artists viewed Manet's Olympia as (D) Manet's Olympia was viewed by most artists as a groundbreaking work (E) Manet's Olympia,a groundbreaking work in the view of most artists 【分析】

从句意上来看,应该是Manet's Olympia被dismissed,故只能在D和E中选择。但E选项是个不完整句子,故只能选D。

题干中的although后面省略了it was,是一种典型的状语从句省略形式。 本句中的viewA asB结构相当于regardA as B结构。 正确答案:D

6. Having lived away from home for many years, that his parents did not visit him

disappointed James extremely.

(A) that his parents did not visit him disappointed James extremely

(B) James's extreme disappointment resulted from his parent's not visiting him (C) James was extremely disappointed that his parents did not visit him (D) James's extreme disappointment at his parent's failing to visit (E) his parent's failing to visit was an extreme disappointment to James 【分析】

只有“人”才能发出having lived away from home这种动作,即主语必须是“人”。只有C满足条件。

A选项是一个包含了主语从句的复杂句。其中his parents did not visit him这一整句做disappointed主语,that做连词。请看下列主语从句的例子: That the earth is round is undisputable. That Mary is pretty is true.


B同时采用了名词和doing结构。 D为不完整句。 正确答案:c

7. ReturninS to work after a long and relaxinE; vacation, the office seemed duller to

Boris than it had been before he left.

(A) Returning to work after a long and relaxing vacation, the office seemed

duller to Boris

(B) Having returned to work after a long and relaxing vacation, it seemed a much duller office to Boris

(C) When Boris returned to work after a long and relaxing vacation, the office seems much duller

(D) Boris returned to work after a long and relaxing vacation, the office was seemingly much duller

(E) When Boris returned to work after a long and relaxing vacation, the office seemed much duller to him 【分析】



D为run-on,同时seemingly much duller不如seemed much duller简洁,并且改变了句意(seemingly的意思是“表面上”,和原句意思不符)。 正确答案:E

8. In the city, by just walking outside or taking the subway, new people and events can be seen

(A) new people and events can be seen (B) seeing new people and events (C) new people and events being seen (D) one can see new people and events

(E) it is new people and events that can be seen 2d 【分析】

A, B, C,E均为悬垂错误。A使用了被动语态。B和C均为不完整句子。 正确答案:D

9. Hauling the laundry basket up the fifth flight of stairs, exhaustion forced Maria

to stop and sit down on the landing for a moment. (A) exhaustion forced Maria to stop and sit down

(B) exhaustion was what forced Maria to stop and sit down (C) it was exhaustion that forced Maria to stop and sit down (D) Maria, forced by exhaustion to stop and sit down

(E) Maria was forced by exhaustion to stop and sit down 【分析】

根据悬垂结构的基本常识,只能选E。 D为不完整句子。



10. Sent to Canada after the flu epidemic of the early 1900s, his paintin8 depicted

Jonathan's first experience traveling by boat.

(A) his painting depicted Jonathan's first experience traveling by boat

(B) Jonathan's first experience traveling by boat was the subject of his paintiW~ (C) the first suloject of his painting was Jonathan's first experience traveling by


(D) Jonathan depicted his first experience traveling by boat in his painting

(E) Jonathan, who had his first experience traveling by boat, depicted this in

his first painting 【分析】


C在suhject前加first,改变了原意。注意,原句中的first和only本来在原句中修饰什么成分,那么在正确答案中一定修饰同样的成分。就是说,不能随便改动原句中first和only的位置。 正确答案:D

11. Jumping over fantastic obstacles in the video game, right before the player a

dragon roared

(A) right before the player a dragon roared (B)a dragon, right before the player, roared

(C) there was a dragon roaring right before the player (D) the player saw right before him a dragon was roaring (E) the player saw a dragon roaring right before him


A,B均以a dragon作主语,排除。 C的主语是there,排除。

在D和E中,D不符合see的用法。一般是see somebody/something doing(或do),而不会说see that somebody (something) is doing something(在D中a dragon 前面的that被省略了)。 正确答案:E

12. Costing much less than imported coffee,a third of Fiji's coffee supply now comes from locally Srown coffee.

(A)a third of Fiji's coffee supply now comes from locally grown coffee (B) of Fiji's coffee supply,a third now comes from locally grown coffee (C) Fiji now supplies a third of its totaI coffee from locally grown coffee (D) locally grown coffee now provides a third of Fiji's coffee supply

(E) Fiji's coffee supply from locally grown coffee produces about a third of it


是什么cost much less than进口咖啡呢?当然是国产咖啡。所以主语必须是locally grown coffee,故只能选D。 正确答案:D

13. Raised in a small, rural community, it was only when I moved to a larSe metropolitan area that I realized how exitin8 city life could be.

(A) it was only when I moved to a large metropolitan area that I realized how exiting city life could be

(B) when I moved to a large metropolitan area I realized how exiting city life

could be

(C) moving to a large metropolitan area made me realize how exiting city life could be

(D)I did not realize how exiting city life could be until I moved to a large metropolitan area

(E) exiting city life was unknown to me until I moved to a large metropolitan


由悬垂知识可知,只有D选项的主语“I”才能被raised,故选D. 正确答案:D

14. Hearing that the test results exceeded state mandates,a party was thrown by the math teacher for the students. (A)a party was thrown by the math teacher (B)a party was thrown

(C) the math teacher was thrown a party (D) the math teacher threw a party (E) the math teacher had thrown a party 【分析】

A,B均为悬垂错误,同时B因为省略了动作发出者而改变了原句的意思。 C误用了被动语态。一个被动结构后面要接名词,一定要在该名词前加bY。 加上by后句子变成teacher was thrown by a party,也不合逻辑。

在D和E中,文法都正确,但E采用过去完成时,不符合过去完成时的用法。 在本句中,exceed的动作在throw a party这一动作之前发生,因此,即使要用过去 完成时也只有exceed才能用。 正确答案;D

15. Staring out over the ocean, the waves gave the sailor a sense of stability. (A) the waves gave the sailor a sense of stability (B) the sailors gave a sense of stability to the waves (C) the sailor felt a sense of staloility from the waves (D) waving gave the sailor a sense of staloility

(E) the waves gave the sailor a sense of stability to the sailor 【分析】

由悬垂知识可知,只能在B和C中选择。但B的句意不通,水手怎么能给波浪 稳定感呢?故选C。 正确答案:C

16. Before registering a motor vehicle in our state, the applicants' cars must be checked by their mechanics.

(A) the applicants' cars must be checked by their mechanics (B) the applicants must have their cars checked by their mechanics (C) their mechanics must check the applicants' cars

(D) the cars of applicants must be checked by their mechanics (E)a check of each one's car must be done by their mechanics 【分析】

只能是“人”发出register a motor vehicle的动作,故只能在B和C中选择。B 和C的主语都为人,从句意上来看应是applicants去register a vehicle,在这之前,请mechanic(机械师)去检修汽车。故选B。

注意:B中的have something done的结构,中文意思是“请别人做something\。 例:I have my room cleaned我请人清理房间。 I have cleaned my room我(自己)把房间清理了。 正确答案:B

17. Used as either playthings or modes of transportation, scooters, they are increasingly trendy on city streets.

(A) scooters, they are increasingly trendy on city streets (B) their trend on city streets has increased (C) they have become more trendy on city streets (D) scooters are increasingly trendy on city streets (E) scooters, they are trendy on city streets 【分析】 A为双主语。

B和C悬垂,而且their和they无指代对象。 E为双主语。 正确答案:D

18. Born and raised on the coast of California, the Beach Boys' hit sonSs celebrate life in the sun and surf.

(A) the Beach Boys' hit songs celebrate life in the sun and surf (B) the Beach Boys celebrate life in the sun and surf in their hit songs (C)a celebration of life in the sun and surf is in the Beach Boys' hit songs (D) life in the sun and surf is celebrated in the Beach Boys' hit songs

(E) the Beach Boys, who celebrate life in the sun and surf in their hit songs



E为不完整句子,因为全句只有从句,没有主句。 正确答案:B