¡¶´©ÆÕÀ­´ïµÄÅ®Íõ¡·ÖÐӢ˫Óï¾ç±¾ ÏÂÔر¾ÎÄ


She hasn't eaten in weeks. L-I can't¡­ do that. ΪÕâËýÒѾ­ºÃ¼¸¸öÐÇÆÚ¶¼Ã»³Ô¶«Î÷ÁË¡£ÎÒ²»ÄÜ~~~ÕâÑù×ö Miranda, I can't. ÂíÁմÎÒ²»ÄÜÈ¥

If you don't go, I'll assume you're not serious about your future¡­ Èç¹ûÄ㲻ȥ£¬ ÎÒ»áÈÏΪ£¬Äã²¢²»ÖØÊÓÄãµÄ½«À´ at Runway or any other publication. ²»¹ÜÊÇÔÚ¡¶ÌìÇÅ¡·»¹ÊÇÆäËû³ö°æÉç The decisiors yours. Äã×Ô¼º¾ö¶¨ That's all. ¾ÍÕâÑù

[Woman Singing] [Laughing] [Continues]

-[Continues] -Hey, Andy. -ºÙ£¬°²µÏ

-Hey. -You coming to bed anytime soon? -ºÙ -ÄãʲôʱºòË­°¡£¿

Uh, yeah. Five minutes, okay?


[Fax Printing] [Clears Throat]

Andrea, don't forget to tell Emily. °²¼ªÀöÑÅ£¬ ±ðÍü¸æËß°¬Ã×Àò Do it now. ÏÖÔÚ¾Í˵

-[Line Ringing] -Don't pick up. -±ð½Óµç»°

-Don't pick up. Don't pick up. Don't pick¡­ -Hi. -±ð½Óµç»°£¬±ð½Óµç»° ~~~ -àË -Emily. -Hi, hi. Sorry I'm late. -°¬Ã×Àò ¨CàË£¬àË£¬±§Ç¸ÎÒ³Ùµ½ÁË

It's just Miranda wanted some scarves from Hermes. ÂíÁÕ´ïÈÃÎÒÈ¥°®ÂíÊËÄÃË¿½í

And she did tell me yesterday, but I forgot like an idiot. Ëý×òÌì¸æËßÎҵģ¬¿ÉÎÒºýÀïºýÍ¿µÄ¸øÍüÁË And so I freaked out, of course. ËùÒÔÎÒÏÖÔÚÒª·èÁË

Emily, Emily, l-I need to talk to you. °¬Ã×Àò£¬°¬Ã×Àò £¬ÎÒÓÐÊÂÒª¸æËßÄã

I called Martine at home, and she opened the shop early. Whoa! I'm sorry.

ÎÒ´òµç»°È¥Âí¶¡¼Ò£¬ ÈÃËýÌáÇ°¿ªµêÁË£¬ ¶Ô²»Æð She opened the shop early for me, so I got them, which is great. ËýÌæÎÒ¿ªÁ˵êÃÅ£¬ È»ºóÎÒÄõ½ÁËË¿½í£¬·Ç³£Ë³Àû Okay. Um, Emily, wh-when you come in¡­ ºÃµÄ£¬ °¬Ã×Àò£¬ µÈÄã»ØÀ´ÁË~~~

there's something I have to talk to you about. ÎÒÓеãÊÂÏë¸æËßÄã

-Well, I hope it's not another Miranda problem. -Not exactly. -µ«Ô¸±ðÊÇÂíÁÕ´ïµÄÎÊÌâ -²»ÍêÈ«ÊÇ

Well, good, because I've got so much to deal with before I go. I swear to God¡­

ÄǾͺã¬ÎÒ×ß֮ǰҪæµÄÊÂÌ«¶àÁË£¬ ÎÒ·¢ÊÄ -[Gasps] -[Horn Honks, Tires Skid] -[Clamoring] -[Woman] Oh, my God! Ŷ£¬ÌìÄÄ Emily? °¬Ã×Àò£¿

[Woman On P.A., Indistinct] [Elevator Bell Dings]

I don't care if she was gonna fire you or beat you with a red-hot poker! ÎÒ²»¹ÜËýÊÇÍþвÄãÒª³´ÄãöÏÓ㣬 »¹ÊÇÄñÞ×Ó³éÄ㣡 You should have said no. ÄãÓ¦¸Ã˵²»µÄ£¡

Emily, I didn't have a choice. °¬Ã×Àò£¬ÎÒûÓÐÑ¡Ôñ

-Oh. Please. -You know how she is. -°ÝÍÐ -ÄãÖªµÀËýÄǸöÈË

-That is a pathetic excuse. -[Door Opens] -ÕâËãʲôÆƽè¿Ú£¿ Thanks. лл

Do you know what really just¡­ ÄãÖªµÀÕû¼þÊÂÀï~~

gets me about this whole thing¡­ ʲô×îÈÃÎÒÉúÆøÂð£¿

is that, you know, you're the one who said you don't really care about this stuff.


And you don't really care about fashion. You just wanna be a journalist. ÄãÒ»àÇÒ²²»ÔÚºõʱÉУ¬ ÄãÖ»Ïëµ±¸ö¼ÇÕß What a pile of bollocks! È«¶¼ÊǺú˵°ËµÀ

Emily, I know you're mad. I don't blame you. °¬Ã×Àò£¬ÎÒÖªµÀÄãºÜÉúÆø£¬ ÎÒ²»¹ÖÄã