【摘 要】
面对庞杂繁多的原始信号, 如何提取所需信号、抑制不需要的信号这就需要使用滤波器。滤波器的作用主要是选择所需频带的信号内容而抑制不需要的其他频带的信号内容。数字滤波器因其精度高、可靠性好、灵活性大等优点, 在语音信号处理、信号频谱估计、信号去噪、无线通信中的数字变频以及图像处理等工程实际应用中都很广泛。根据其冲击响应函数的时域特性可将数字滤波器分为IIR(有限长冲击响应)和FIR(无限长冲击响应)。作为强大的计算软件, MATLAB提供了编写图形用户界面的功能。所谓图形用户界面, 简称为GUI, 是由各种图形对象, 如图形窗口菜单按钮、文本框等构建的用户界面。
MATALB 可以创建图形用户界面GUI ( GraphicalUser Interface) ,它是用户和计算机之间交流的工具。MATLAB 将所有GUl 支持的用户控件都集成在这个环境中并提供界面外观、属性和行为响应方式的设置方法,随着版本的提高,这种能力还会不断加强。而且具有强大的绘图功能,可以轻松的获得更高质量的曲线图。
Facing the huge range of original signal, how to extract the required signal and suppress unwanted signals which need to use the filter. The role of filters is to select the desired signal frequency band and suppress the contents of the other bands do not need the contents of the signal. Digital filters because of their high accuracy, reliability, and flexibility advantages, in the speech signal processing, signal spectrum estimation, signal de-noising, the number of wireless communications in frequency as well as image processing and other projects are wide practical application. Impulse response functions in accordance with its time-domain characteristics can be divided into digital filter IIR (finite impulse response) and FIR (infinite impulse response). As a powerful software, MATLAB provides a graphical user interface to prepare the function. The so-called graphical user interface, referred to as the GUI, by a variety of graphic object, such as the graphics window menu button, text box, such as building a user interface.
MATALB can create a graphical user interface GUI (GraphicalUser Interface), it is between user and computer tools. MATLAB support for all users GUl controls are integrated in this environment and provide the interface appearance and behavior in response to the way attribute settings methods, with the improved version, this capability will continue to strengthen. And a powerful graphics capabilities, can easily access to higher-quality curve.
Keywords: MATLAB;GUI;IIR;filter
基于MATLAB GUI的“滤波器设计软件”设计
目 录
1 设计任务 .......................................... 1 2 MATLAB GUI的简介 .................................. 2 3 滤波器设计原理 .................................... 3
3.1滤波器概述................................................... 3 3.2 IIR数字滤波器............................................... 4
3.2.1 IIR数字滤波器设计原理 ................................ 4 3.2.2 IIR滤波器设计思想 ................................... 22 3.2.3 IIR滤波器设计编程实现 ............................... 23
4 基于Matlab GUI的数字滤波器设计思路及实现 ........ 25
4. 1 GUI界面设计概述.......................................... 25 4.2 “滤波器设计软件”设计所实现任务 ........................... 26 4.3 基于Matlab GUI的数字滤波器设计实现 ........................ 28
4.3.1 “滤波器设计软件”GUI界面设计 ........................ 28 4.3.2 “滤波器设计软件”回调函数编写........................ 28 4.3.3AutoChoose.m程序的编写 ................................ 33 4.4 运行和结果显示 ............................................. 37
5 设计总结和心得 .................................. 42
5.1 设计总结 ................................................... 42 5.2 设计心得 ................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Abstract ........................................... 43 参考文献 ........................................... 43