2014年中考英语专题练习 - 句子翻译(1) 下载本文


There's no doubt that computers are very_________ in_______ and business. 4.如此迷人的景色常常使得游客们流连忘返。

The scenery is so attractive that_______ often lose_______ in it. 5.他在二十多岁时出国了。 He went_______ in his_______. 6.台湾被誉为中国宝岛。

Taiwan is_______ the Treasure________ of China.

7.它既体现丁着装者的个人风格,又体现了中国丰富的传统文化。 It expresses both the wearer's________ style and China's rich_______ culture, (十五)(2013.益阳)


You can_______ _______ the new word in the dictionary. 2.让我们去远足而不是呆在家里,好吗?

Let's go hiking_______ _______ staying at home, shall we? 3.如果你熬夜看你喜欢的电视节目,你会感觉困的。

If you_______ _______ for your favourite TV programmes, you will feel sleepy. 4.汤姆下午将在机场为他的朋友送行。

Tom will_______ his friend_______ this afternoon in the airport. 5.他太害羞,以至不敢在公共场合说话。 He was too shy to speak_______ _______. (十六)(2013.遂宁)


We should learn how to_______ _______ well with others. 2.对我们而言保持健康很重要。

It's very important for us to_______ _______ . 3.高中和初中的教学方式是不同的。

The ways of teaching in senior school are_______ _______those in junior school. 4.直到回家,他才意识到他把钥匙忘在办公室了。

He_______ realize he had left his keys in his office_______ he got home. 5.我们被分成四组做实验。

We are_______ _______ four groups to do the experiment. (十七)(2013.淮安)


This old man doesn't______________. His children go to see him_____________________. 2.读完故事后,布莱克先生让我们彼此分享看法。

After we______________ the story, Mr Black asked us to share ideas with_______. 3.那对孪生姐妹总是认真听老师讲课同时做笔记。

The twin sisters always______________ the teacher carefully and take notes______________. 4.妈妈已经离开家快一个月了,我盼望看到她。

Mum______________ from home for nearly a month. I______________ seeing her. 5.郎平挚爱排球,她认为值得为此奉献一生。

Lang Ping loves volleyball so much that she thinks it______________. (十八)(2013.北京)


______________ buy an English dictionary.



My father______________ go to work by car, but now he takes the bus. 3.大家正盼望着暑假呢。

We ______________ the summer holiday. 4.我一读完这本书就还给你。

I will return the book to you______________ it. 5.北京园博园每天下午六点才关门。

Beijing Garden Expo Parks______________ six o'clock hl the afternoon every day. (十九)(2013.兰州)


My dear friends, let's_______ _______ to our dreams, and they may just come true some day. 2.那个小孩在登山中意外地摔伤了腿。

That child broke his leg_______ _______ when he was climbing the mountain. 3.上个月,南方部分地区的天气真是糟糕啊!

_______ terrible weather it was in some parts of southern China last month! 4.如今很流行的“大学游”对青少年来说是很有教育意义的。

University Tours, which are quite popular these days, are very_______ to teenagers. 5.不论发生任何事,我都不会改变心意。 _______ happens, I won't change my mind. (二十)(2013.常州)

1.我们正在猜想这首歌曲会让他想到什么。 We are guessing_____________________.

2.这个男孩年龄大到能独立上网查信息了吗? ______________ on the Internet? 3.这个作家直到获了奖才出名。 The writer______________.

4.多亏你的帮助,我的房间看起来整洁多了。 ______________,my room______________. 5.他别无选择只能严格要求他的学生。 He______________ his students. 6.酒后驾车是多么危险啊! How______________! (二十一)(2013.十堰)


Would you mind______________ my garden when I am on business? 2.南希非常喜欢这首歌。她经常随着它跳舞。

Nancy loves the song very much. She often_______ it. 3.昨天直到雨停了学生们才离开公园。

The students______________ the rain stopped yesterday. 4.现在她渐渐习惯了在国外生活。

Now,she is getting_____________________ abroad. 5.中国最大的城市上海是最有活力的地方之一。

Shanghai, the biggest city in China, is one of______________.



1.根据中文补全句子 (一)

1. as big as 2. is listening to music 3. are used-for 4. too tired to 5. have turned off (二)

1. have fun 2. are sure 3. be able 4. recycle; put 5. reminded; experience (三)

1. looking after/taking care of/caring for 2. hand in

3. educational stories/tales/fables

4. all (the) year (round/around)/the whole year 5. not only; but (also)/both; and (四)

1. thirds; joined 2. along/on with 3. protect endangered 4. raise money 5. suitable/fit for 6. help laughing 7. somewhere relaxing 8. takes; pride 9. climbing; watch (五)

1. arrived out of breath

2. has-been on for several hours 3. refused to reply

4. make a decision as soon as possible 5. No attention was paid to

6. how much pressure teenagers are suffering (六)

1. live on 2. came out 3. at first 4. go sightseeing 5. all over (七)

1. was set 2. no longer/more 3. make friends 4. dreamt/dreamed of 5. rather than (八)

1. couldn't/can't; until 2. Have; been 3. learn; themselves 4. cheer; up 5. practise speaking 6. use up 7.supposed to 8. Why not 9. getting on/along 10. looking forward (九)

1. too; to 2. passed by 3. considered going 4. either; or 5. broke down 6. giving up 7. remembered leaving 8. so; that 9. fight against 10. by mistake (十)

l. do/try our best to help

2. How many times have you been to 3. for us to learn English well

4. such an important job that/such important work that 5. (to) take a close look at the life of wild animals (十一)

1. used to 2. too much 3. proud; pride 4. is given 5. daily activities (十二)

1. two-month; son's 2. regards; as 3. cheapest; good/fine/great 4. it; clearly 5. was reported (十三)

1. turn off 2. too; to 3. How dirty 4. is played 5. where to buy (十四)

1. place; recent 2. missed; had 3. useful; technology 4. visitors; themselves 5. abroad; twenties 6. called; Island 7. own; traditional (十五)


1. look up 2. instead of 3. stay up 4. see; off 5. in public (十六)

1. get on/along 2. keep healthy 3. different from 4. didn't; until 5. divided into (十七)

1. feel lonely; once a week

2. had finished reading; each other 3. listen to; at the same time

4. has been away; am looking/look forward to

5. is worth devoting herself/(all) her life/lifetime to (十八)

1. You'd better 2. used to 3. are looking forward to 4. as soon as I finish reading 5. won't be closed until (十九)

1. hold on 2. by accident 3. What 4. educational/ instructive 5. Whatever (二十)

1. what the song can remind him of

2. Is the boy old enough to search information alone 3. wasn't famous until he won the award 4. Thanks to your help; looks much tidier 5. has no choice but to be strict with 6. dangerous it is to drive after drinking (二十一)

1. looking after/taking care of/caring for/watching 2. dances to 3. didn't leave the park until 4. used to living 5. the liveliest places