HP UXIX 小型机 维护笔记 下载本文


mkfs -F hfs -o largefiles /dev/vg02/rlvol1 或者

newfs -F hfs -o largefiles /dev/vg02/rlvol1 (2)。文件系统内有数据文件时:

fsadm -F hfs -o largefiles /dev/vg02/rlvol1 当然,你也可以将大文件系统转换为小文件系统,不过要注意的是这个大文件系统中不能有大于2GB的文件,否则无法转换成功。示例如下: fsadm -F hfs -o nolargefiles /dev/vg02/rlvol1 72.XP512配置secury manager时注意事项

(1)在配置时,当选中chip口,enable secury时这个chip口IO会有瞬间中断现象 (2)XP512的secury manager生效时,会有一些lun无法屏蔽掉,需要修改参数111。

方法时,按ctrl-shift-M——password:modemode——install——system option——选中mode111,完成后这些盘虽然能看到,但无法对他操作。 73.Oracle报错时的检查方法: 1) su – oracle

2) cd $ORACLE_BASE/admin 3) cd *

4) cd bdump

5) vi alert*.log

报错编码查询:oerr ora xxxxxx 74.使用pvg对已存在的vg镜像



现在需要新加一台VA,建立c5t0d1和c5t0d2,需要将vg01上的LV镜像到新盘上。 方法:

为确保LV镜像跨VA,需要使用pvg 步骤:

1). vgextend vg01 /dev/dsk/c5t0d1 /dev/dsk/c5t0d2 2). vi /etc/lvmpvg VG /dev/vg01 PVG pvg1

/dev/dsk/c4t0d1 /dev/dsk/c4t0d2 PVG pvg2

/dev/dsk/c5t0d1 /dev/dsk/c5t0d2

3). 对每一个LV都执行:

lvchange -s g /dev/vg01/lvol1

4). lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg01/lvol1 pvg2

75.客户端主机ping HP-UX主机报 source quench timeout 的解决方法 具体内容:


1).get current setting of source quench: #ndd -get /dev/ip ip_send_source_quench

Note: If it returns 1 it is on, if returns 0 it is off.

2).To turn off source quench:

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#ndd -set /dev/ip ip_send_source_quench 0

notice:用ndd命令设置source quench的值会在系统重启后丢失。

要让source quench设置永久生效,应该编辑/etc/rc.config.d/nddconf文件,增加以下内容: TRANSPORT_NAME[0]=ip

NDD_NAME[0]=ip_send_source_quench NDD_VALUE[0]=0


The drivers can be manually added to the kernel as follows. 1). cd /stand/build

2). /usr/lbin/sysadm/system_prep -s system

3). vi /stand/build/system - add the following 2 lines: asyncdsk & asyncdsk_included

4). mk_kernel -s /stand/build/system 5). cp /stand/system /stand/system.prev 6). cp /stand/build/system /stand 7). kmupdate /stand/build/vmunix_test 8). cd /

9). shutdown -r -y now

10). after the system is reboot..

Use sam to change the value of the parameter max_async_port from 50 -> 1024 11). check that the driver is installed: lsdev | grep 101 12). mknod /dev/async c 101 0x000000 13). chown oracle:dba /dev/async 14). chmod 660 /dev/async

15). vi /etc/privgroup - add 1 line: dba MLOCK 16). run the command: setprivgrp -f /etc/privgroup

17). run the command: getprivgrp, and make sure that you can the following output:

global prvileges: CHOWN dba: MLOCK

18). make sure that the oracle team add the following parameter to the oracle init files:

disk_asynch_io=true 77.ipcs的用法:

用来查看swap区的使用情况 ipcs –pmb ipcs –mod 78.EMC的命令 syminq

powermt display dev=all powermt check powermt config

Onduty mobile:13501110555


HPUX 11.00(如果安装了PHCO_18519),HPUX 11i(一般不用打patch)会包括以下工具: Show_patches:显示系统中所有激活的和被替换的patch 例如:

show_patches –a列出所有active的patch Show_patches –s列出所有被替换的patch. Check_patches:检查patch中的错误

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–i检查丢失patch -o检查对象模块丢失的

-s检查文件集不在configured状态的 -v检查patch filesets that fail swverify(-v) 缺省情况下check_patches执行所有4种检查。 Remove_patches:提供一种方法溢出指定类别的patch. remove_patches trial_patch移走种类为trial_patch的patch

remove_patches不带参数则移走所有种类不是critical或hardware_enablement的patch. Cleanup -I从11.0系统移除10.0的patch

Cleanup –d 移走depot中任何被替换的patch.


xd –j 8200 –tu –N16 /dev/dsk/cxtxdx

81.修改instance number三招

有时我们需要更改设备的instance number,(例如配置MC的时候),下面是WTEC的最权威步骤: 其中procedure I比较简单,但并不总是好用,最彻底的还是procedureII。 另外,建议大家先做一个系统备份,这些方法还是有一点危险性的。 Procedure I -----------

Default procedure, requires one reboot and works without additional tools. 1. Extract a configuration template from the current ioscan output. Execute the following command:

# ioscan -f | grep -e INTERFACE -e DEVICE | \\ grep -v target | \\

awk '{print $3, $1, $2}' > /infile

2. Edit /infile and change the ext_bus and lan instances as desired. No class is allowed to get more than one line for the same instance! 3. Bring down the system gracefully to run level 1. # init 1

4. Apply the ioconfig change: # /sbin/ioinit -f /infile -r

The system will reboot immediately if the change is successful. Warnings like 'Input is identical to kernel' can be ignored. If unsuccessful, the most likely error to happen is:


The problem is that your desired instance assignment conflicts with an existing instance number. If that instance is bound to hardware that is no longer visible in ioscan, then you are in trouble and need to perform the Procedure II or III.

5. Once the system reboots, verify that all the instance numbers

were changed as expected. It may be necessary to re-import volume groups to ensure that /etc/lvmtab contains the correct

entries. The lan configuration may need to be changed also. Procedure II ------------

Reliable, requires two reboots and works without additional tools. 1. Extract a configuration template from the current ioscan output. Execute the following command:

# ioscan -f | grep -e INTERFACE -e DEVICE | \\ grep -v target | \\

awk '{print $3, $1, $2}' > /infile

Make sure to store infile to the root file system!

2. Edit /infile and change the ext_bus and lan instances as desired.

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No class is allowed to get more than one line for the same instance! 3. Move away the current ioconfig files and Shutdown/Reboot: # mv /stand/ioconfig /stand/ioconfig.sav # mv /etc/ioconfig /etc/ioconfig.sav # shutdown -ry 0

4. Due to the missing ioconfig files the system will come to an ioinitrc prompt. Now recreate new ioconfig files from scratch.

This prevents you from running into possible assignment conflicts. (in ioinitrc)# /sbin/ioinit -c

5. Apply the ioconfig change with your prepared infile: (in ioinitrc)# /sbin/ioinit -f /infile -r

The system will reboot again now if the change was successful. Warnings like 'Input is identical to kernel' can be ignored.

6.Once the system reboots, verify that all the instance numbers

were changed as expected. It may be necessary to re-import volume groups to ensure that /etc/lvmtab contains the correct

entries. The lan configuration may need to be changed also. Procedure III -------------

Reliable, requires one reboot and needs the unsupported ioconfig2infile tool. Since the infile is directly extracted from the current ioconfig you get all mappings, even for hardware that is not longer visible in ioscan. 1. Extract a configuration template using ioconfig2infile: # ioconfig2infile /etc/ioconfig >/infile

2. Edit /infile and change the ext_bus and lan instances as desired. No class is allowed to get more than one line for the same instance! 3. Bring down the system gracefully to run level 1. # init 1

4. Apply the ioconfig change: # /sbin/ioinit -f /infile -r

The system will reboot immediately if the change is successful. Warnings like 'Input is identical to kernel' can be ignored.

5. Once the system reboots, verify that all the instance numbers

were changed as expected. It may be necessary to re-import volume groups to ensure that /etc/lvmtab contains the correct

entries. The lan configuration may need to be changed also.

82.EMC 命令

1)。Symcfg –sid 序列号后两位 –lockn # release 2)。Symcfg discover 3)。Syminq 4)。Powermt display dev=all





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