新版外研社小学英语三起点四年级下册全册教案 下载本文

T : Did you fall over? S1 : Yes,I did.

T : What happened to you? S2 : I bumped my head.

T : Did you fall off your bike? S2 : No, I didn’t.

T : What happened to you? S3 : I cut my finger. T : Did you cut papers? S3 : Yes, I did.

2)Practice in groups 3)Show in groups

4)Do an exercise : write a dialogue about the picture. ( 书写练习) 。

Step 4 Summary


Step 5 Homework

Ask and answer with your partner:What happened to you?Did you …? 教学反思

Module 10 Unit2 Sam had lots of chocolate

教学目标: 1、知识目标


(2)学习常见的身体不适状况(stomachache cold headache fever)及原因的英文表达。 2、能力目标

能正确描述自己和他人身体不适的状况及原因。 3、情感目标



描述自己与他人身体不适的状况及原因。 教学难点:

谈论自己与他人身体不适的状况及原因。 教学准备:

多媒体课件,单词卡片, 录音机, sticker 教学过程:

Step 1. Warming- up 1.Greetings.

2. Chant.

Boys and girls,do you like singing chant? OK,Let’s chant together. 师生一起拍手唱Unit1中的Chant.

We walked and walked, we talked and talked,we looked and looked, We laughted and laughted,we played and played. We danced and danced,we jumped and jumped, We hopped and hopped And hopped and hopped And then we stopped.

Step 2. Presentation 1. Leading –in.

课件出示图片西瓜,问学生What’s this? Do you like watermelon? I like it too, so , Today I have a watermelon.教师出示Today I’ll have a watermelon. 这句话,并做吃的动作帮学生理解句子。引导学生读这句话。 课件出示图片香蕉,问学生What’s this? Do you like bananas? I like it too,so, Yesterday I had two bananas. 教师出示Yesterday I had two bananas. 这句话, 并做吃的动作帮学生理解句子。引导学生读这句话。

引导学生注意have had ,问学生这两个词的相同点和不同点是什么? (他们都表示“吃”, have是现在吃, had是过去吃。Had是 have的过去式。) 然后让两名学生仿照这两个句子的模式造新的句子。

出示女孩拿苹果图和许多苹果图,并说Yesterday, She had lots of apples.(课件上显示这句话),教师再说Though apple are delicious,we shouldn’t eat too much. If you eat too much , you’ll ill. Look at the girl, Yesterday, She had lots of apples. So she had a stomachache. 然后出示胃疼的图,学习单词stomachache 短语had a stomachache. 句子she had a stomachache.(stomachache这个单词是本课的新词,教学时教师采用先教读再轮读指名读再齐读的方式教授,同时加上胃疼的动作帮学生理解意思)之后,教师再指导学生注意两句中的had,引导学生说说这俩个had 的不同。(第一had是吃的意思,第二个had 是患病的意思。) 2. New words.

This class we’ll learn some other words about ill. Look at these pictures.( 教师依次出示感冒,发烧,头疼的图学习单词cold fever headache及短语had a cold/ fever/ headache, 学习这些单词的流程同stomachache。) 学完这四个新单词后,教师再次快速展示这四幅图,看谁能又快又准的说出单词。之后教师和学生一起chant.

Today, today, I have apples. Yesterday , yesterday, Mum had bananas. Cold cold , Tiger had a cold. Fever fever, Monkey had a fever.

Headache,headache, Dog had a headache. Stomachache,stomachache, Little pig had a stomachache

Step3. New text. 1、一听课文。 Sam Daming Amy and Lingling are ill (生病)today. Listen and circle the answers.What’s the matter with them today?(他们到底怎么了)

幻灯片出示问题答案。Today he’s got a stomachache . Today he’s got a stomachache. Today she’s got a headache. Today she’s got a fever . 2、再听课文

Listen and circle the answer,What happened to Sam Daming Amy and Lingling yesterday? (昨天他们怎么了?) 幻灯片出示问题答案。Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday. Daming had two watermelons yesterday. Amy had a cold yesterday. Lingling had a headache yesterday. 3、Listen and say. 4、看图说句子

出示本课的课本图片,让学生说出学过的句子。 5、填空

1.Daming had two watermelons yesterday,( )today he’s got a stomachache.

2.Amy had a cold yesterday,( ) today she’s got a headache. Step 4. Practice

用Yesterday I…, and today I…

Yesterday I…, so today I…编故事。 Step 5: Summary 让学生总结学到的知识。

Step 6: Homework

1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一个苹果 医生将会远离你。 2.Listen and read Unit1 5 times,then remember. 教学反思: