English-Chinese Translation
Õâʱ£¬ÎҲŸе½ÀÛÁË£¬ÔëÒôºÍÈÈÀËʹÎÒÍ·»èÄÔÕÍ¡£ Omission
¡ï In terms of grammar I. Omission of the pronoun
1. Omit personal pronouns used as subjects
1) But it¡¯s the way I am, and try as I might, I haven¡¯t been able to change it. µ«ÎÒ¾ÍÊÇÕâ¸öÆ¢Æø£¬ËäÈ»¼¸¾Å¬Á¦£¬È´Î´Äܸıä¹ýÀ´¡£
2) We will advise you of the date of dispatch. We are at your service at all times. ÎÒ·½½«Í¨Öª¹ó·½·¢»õÈÕÆÚ£¬²¢Ëæʱ׼±¸Îª¹ó·½Ð§ÀÍ¡£
3) I am 80 years old; I have been confined to my room with a paralytic stroke for the past 14 months.
4) We can measure the amount of water in a pot, but we can¡¯t measure its heat. We haven¡¯t an instrument for that.
ÎÒÃÇÄܲâÁ¿¹ÞÄÚµÄË®Á¿£¬µ«²»ÄܲâÁ¿Ë®µÄÈȶȣ¬ÎÒÃÇ»¹Ã»ÓÐÕâÖÖÒÇÆ÷¡£ 5) Everywhere you can find new types of men and objects in New China. ÐÂÖйú´¦´¦¿ÉÒÔ¿´µ½ÐÂÈË¡¢ÐÂÊ¡£ 6) We have 365 days in a year. Ò»ÄêÓÐ365Ìì¡£
7) By analysis, we mean analyzing the contradictions in things. Ëùν·ÖÎö£¬¾ÍÊÇ·ÖÎöÊÂÎïµÄì¶Ü¡£
8) We are afraid that the L/C may expire before shipment because of the strike in our factory.
9) Payment is due on April 30. We look forward to seeing your remittance within a week.
English-Chinese Translation 2. Omit pronouns used as objects
1) If you have read these stories, please tell them in your own words. Èç¹ûÄãÒѾ¶Á¹ýÕâЩ¹ÊÊ£¬ÇëÓÃ×Ô¼ºµÄ»°¸´Êö³öÀ´¡£
2) All metals are crystals. In other words, their atoms arrange themselves in patterns. ËùÓнðÊô¶¼ÊǾ§Ìå¡£»»¶øÑÔÖ®£¬ËüÃǵÄÔ×ÓÊÇ°´Ò»¶¨Í¼°¸ÅÅÁеġ£
3) Gathering fact, confirming them, suggesting theories, testing them, and organizing findings, -- this is all the work of science.
ÊÕ¼¯ÊÂʵ²¢¼ÓÒÔÂÛÖ¤£¬Ìá³öÀíÂÛ²¢¼ÓÒÔ¼ìÑ飬ÒÔ¼°ÕûÀíËù»ñµÃµÄ½á¹û£¬-- Õâ¾ÍÊÇ¿Æѧ¹¤×÷µÄÈ«²¿ÄÚÈÝ¡£
4) Friction manifests itself as a force that opposes motion. Ħ²Á±íÏÖΪ×è°Ô˶¯µÄÁ¦¡£
5) The government has put the new coins into circulation, but only a small number of people have ever seen them.
3. Omit possessive pronouns
1) She covered her face with her hands as if to protect her eyes. ËýÓÃÊÖÃÉÁ³£¬ºÃÏñÈ¥±£»¤ÑÛ¾¦¡£
2) Mike put his pipe down, crossed his hands behind his neck, and turned his face towards the window.
Âó¿Ë·ÅÏÂÑ̶·£¬Ë«ÊÖ½»²æ×Å·ÅÔÚ²±×ÓºóÃ棬ת¹ýÍ·È¥¿´´°×Ó¡£ 3) Please quote your lowest price of men¡¯s polo shirt Tommy Hilfiger MY-390. Ç뱨ÌÀÃ×MY-390ÄÐʽTÐôÉÀµÄ×îµÍ¼Û¡£
4) This process of separating a metal from its ore is called smelting. ÕâÖÖ´Ó¿óʯÖзÖÀë³ö½ðÊôµÄ¹ý³Ì£¬³ÆΪұÁ¶¡£
II. Omission of the expletive it
1. Omit impersonal it, which denotes natural phenomena, time, distance, or state of things in general.
1) It is 112 miles from London to Birmingham.
English-Chinese Translation Â׶ؾಮÃ÷º²112Ó¢Àï¡£
2) It is dead quiet and extremely dark in the outer space. Ì«¿ÕÍòô¥¾ã¼Å£¬Ò»Æ¬ÆáºÚ¡£
2. Omit it in the emphatic sentence
1) It was Pasteur who discovered that diseases are caused by living germs.
2) It is the gravitation which makes the satellites move round the earth.
III. Omission of conjunctions
1) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. ¶ÔÓÚÿһ¸ö×÷Ó㬶¼ÓÐÒ»¸ö´óСÏàµÈ¡¢·½ÏòÏà·´µÄ·´×÷Óᣠ2) This machine has worked in succession for seven or eight hours. Õą̂»úÆ÷ÒѾÁ¬ÐøÔËתÆ߰˸öСʱÁË¡£ 3) The door opened, and Jim stepped in and closed it. ÃÅ¿ªÁË£¬¼ªÄ·×ß½øÀ´£¬ËæÊÖ¹ØÉÏÃÅ¡£ 4) Wise men love truth, but fools shun it. ÖÇÕß°®ºÃÕæÀí£¬ÓÞÕ߻رÜÕæÀí¡£
5) He studied in the college for two years, and then he went to join the army. ËûÔÚ´óѧÄî¹ýÁ½ÄêÊ飬ºóÀ´È¥²Î¾üÁË¡£
3. Omit subordinating conjunctions (1) Omit conjunctions indicating cause
1) Because everyone uses language to talk, everyone thinks he can talk about language.
ÈËÈ˶¼ÓÃÓïÑÔ½»Ì¸£¬ÈËÈËÒ²×ÔÒÔΪÄܹ»Ì¸ÂÛÓïÑÔ¡£ 2) As the desert is like a sea, so is the camel like a ship. ɳĮËƺ££¬ÂæÍÕËÆÖÛ¡£
English-Chinese Translation
(2) Omit conjunctions indicating condition 1) A gas becomes hotter if it is compressed. ÆøÌåÊÜѹËõ£¬Î¶ȾÍÉý¸ß¡£
2) ¨DNow, if we put this sofa against the wall and move everything out of the room except the chairs, don¡¯t you think it all right?¡¬
(3) Omit conjunctions indicating time
1) Practically all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.
2) She hesitated for a minute and stood still while a tear or two splashed on the worn
red carpet.
Ëý³ì³ùÁËÒ»»á¶ù£¬¾²¾²µØÕ¾×Å£¬ÓÐÒ»Á½µÎÀáË®½¦ÂäÔÚÆƾɵĺìµØ̺ÉÏ¡£ 3) As the temperature increase, the volume of water becomes greater.
4) When the board was spinning slowly, you could see all the different colors.
IV. Omission of Articles
1) If an investor wants to up the ante, he borrows money to buy the shares. Ͷ×ÊÕßÈôÏë¼ÓѺ¶Ä×¢£¬¾Í»á½èÇ®¹ºÂò¹ÉƱ¡£
2) Any substance is made up of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas. ÈκÎÎïÖÊ£¬ÎÞÂÛÊǹÌÌ壬ҺÌå»òÆøÌ壬¶¼ÊÇÓÉÔ×Ó¹¹³ÉµÄ¡£ 3) We are trying to assess the damage which the shipment suffered in transit. ÎÒ·½ÕýÔÚÉè·¨¹À¼Æ»õÎïÔÚÔËÊäÖÐÔâÊܵÄËðʧ¡£
4) Should the buyers have to lodge a claim against the sellers, it must be done within 30 days after the arrival of the tanker at the port of destination. Âò·½Èç¹ûÏòÂô·½Ìá³öË÷Å⣬ÐèÔÚÓÍÂÖµÖ´ïÄ¿µÄ¸Ûºó30ÌìÄÚÌá³ö¡£