英汉笔译例句 下载本文

English-Chinese Translation


2) Translation from English into Chinese is not as easy as that from English into French.


3) A chemical change is one in which the structure of particles is changed and a new substance is formed.


4) The creditor draws the bill; he is the person in the above definition and is called the drawer. He addressed it to another, who is the debtor and is called the drawee. 债权人开出汇票。债权人即上述定义中的出票人。出票人将汇票开给另一人,即债务人。债务人即所谓受票人。 5) Ignoring a problem does not solve it.


2. Repetition of the noun in Chinese for the possessive pronoun in English 1) Milk is liable to the growth of disease germs and hence pasteurization during its processing is required.

牛奶容易滋生病菌。因此,在牛奶的加工过程中需要用巴氏消毒法灭菌。 2) Radio waves are similar to light waves except that their wave-length is much greater.

无线电波与光波相似,只是无线电波的波长要长得多。 3) The old vagrant believes that poverty has its advantage. 老流浪汉认为穷也有穷的好处。

4) Each man has his own way of making friends. 各人有各人的交友方法。

5) Big families had their own difficulties. 大家庭有大家庭的难处。

3. Repetition of the relative pronoun

1) Wherever there is plenty of sun and rain, the fields are green.


English-Chinese Translation

哪里阳光雨水充足,哪里的田野就绿油油。 2) Whoever works hard will be respected. 谁工作努力,谁就会受到尊重。 3) You may take whichever interests you best. 你对哪一个最感兴趣,就可以拿哪一个。 4) Give it to whomever you like. 你愿意给谁就给谁。

4.Some…and others…

1) If a company is run by two, then both of them should share the risks and rewards of running it.


2) A scientist constantly tries to defeat his hypotheses, his theories, and his conclusions.


Repetition (Part II)

I. For emphasis

1. Repetition of the same word

1) This town is a small town, looking much like other towns of its size, but few towns enjoy so many natural advantages.

这个城市是个小城市,看上去和其它与它大小相仿的城市没有什么两样,但是其它城市却很少有这么多的天然优越条件。 2) If once virtue is lost, all is lost. 如果一旦丧失了道德,便丧失了一切。

3) Year after year and century after century the moon goes through its cycles. 一年又一年,一世纪又一世纪,月亮盈亏变化,周而复始。


English-Chinese Translation

2.Repetition of synonymous words

1) During their stay in Beijing, they visited some old friends of theirs, visited Beijing University and visited the Great Wall.


II. For rhetoric

1. Two groups of Chinese four-character structures 1) He showed himself calm in an emergency situation. 他在情况危急时,态度从容,镇定自若。

2) The questions were evidently unexpected to the slow-witted spokesman, who instantly found himself tongue-tied.


3) The onlooker sees most of the game. 当局者迷,旁观者清。 4) A miss is as good as a mile. 差之毫厘,谬以千里。 5) Fine feathers make fine birds. 佛靠金装,人靠衣装。 6) Seeing is believing. 耳听为虚,眼见为实。 7) Right here.


2. Reduplication of characters or words

1) The road was packed with a noisy crowd of men and women, who were selling and buying all kinds of things.


2) There were only half a dozen lines in her mother’s neat featureless writing, a


English-Chinese Translation Manhattan public school script.

她母亲用曼哈顿公立学校惯用的普普通通的字体,整整齐齐地写了五六行信。 3) He only knows that it was Mary who nursed him day and night. 他只知道,正是玛丽日日夜夜护理了他。

4) She dropped her voice, and looked so sad and piteous. 她把声音放得很低,一副悲悲戚戚的样子,真是可怜。

5) They read the afternoon through, while the cold November rain fell from the sky upon the quiet house.


6) Walking up and down the empty room, he stopped here and there to touch or look. 房间里空空荡荡,他走来走去,这儿停停,那儿停停,东摸摸,西瞧瞧。

3. Antithetical four-character structure

earth-shaking 惊天动地 moan and groan 唉声叹气 outlandish clothes 奇装异服 from door to door 挨门逐户 to issue orders 发号施令 disintegrated 土崩瓦解 dizzy 头晕目眩 upset 心烦意乱 careless 粗心大意 remote barren land 穷乡僻壤 a mixed accent 南腔北调 demons and ghosts 妖魔鬼怪

1) His anger vanished and he burst out laughing. 他的怒气烟消云散,他转而放声大笑。 2) The trial, in his opinion, was absolutely fair. 据他看来,这次审判是绝对公平合理的。 3) She is an awful fool of a woman. 她是一个非常愚昧无知的女人。

4) But at that time, she was the only woman there. 但是当时她是那里独一无二的女人。

5) It was then that I began to feel tired, the noise and the heat gave me a headache.