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C. More than an hour. (

D. About 15 minutes.

)40. It is NOT a good idea to take ________ with you if you take the trip.


Now we have good news for panda lovers—a simple click(点击) will give you the chance to see pandas at any time.

On August 6, 2013, China Network Television started the website(网站) iPanda. As the world’s first online pandas channel, it shows panda lovers a 24-hour view(观看) of pandas’ life in the Chengdu Research Base(基地) of Giant Pandas. The base is an excellent place to breed pandas. And baby pandas can grow up happily and freely there.

There are six main parts including “garden for adult pandas”, “kindergarten” and “mother and child playground”. Panda lovers can click any of them to learn about the pandas’ life. Visitors can also find an encyclopedia(百科) on the homepage(主页). It offers panda lovers much specific information.

The panda is one of the world’s rarest animals. Most of them live in central and southern China. The panda is a national icon of China. So far, 38 pandas have been invited as guests to the zoos of other countries. ( (

)41. The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “breed” is _______.

B. 治疗

C. 饲养

D. 拍照

)42. The website iPanda is run(运营) by ________.

D. some zoos of other countries

A. 抓捕

A. the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Pandas B. China Network Television C. some panda lovers (

)43. The website iPanda is for _______.

B. mother pandas to breed baby pandas

A. baby pandas to grow up (

C. pandas lovers to learn about pandas D. panda keepers to look after pandas

)44. Where can people get specific information about pandas on iPanda?

B. In the “garden for adult pandas” part.


A. On the homepage.

C. In the “kindergarten” part. D. In the “mother and child playground” part. (

)45. Which can be the best title of this passage?

B. IPandas Helps You Watch Pandas

A. Pandas, China’s National Icon 四、任务型阅读(20分)


Are you good at high jump? Do you want to know some unique(独特的) skills to win high jump? The most important thing you should learn about high jump is not to stop trying. You will do well only by practising. With a lot of hard work, you can jump higher. Here is some advice for you.

The first thing you should learn about is using a longer run-up(助跑). You must be at least 20 feet behind the bar(杆) for the run-up to do a better jump.

You also need to feel good with how fast you run. Remember this is not a running competition, even if your classmates run faster than you, the important thing is how high you jump.

Last but not least, lifting weights will help you jump better. This is very important if you wish to jump high. Try not to do this exercise on the same day when you are planning to jump. You need a good plan for this exercise. By lifting weighs, you will make yourself stronger.

The only way to jump high is to work hard. You must know that it may take some time. So don’t stop trying. Do your best and some day you will get the best jumping skills in your class. Main idea Three pieces of __47__ __46__ will help you do well in high jump. A longer run-up is __48__. To do a better jump, start running at least 20 feet __49__ the bar. Try to jump as __50__ as you can. Don’t care if others run __51__ than you. Practise lifting weights to make yourself __52__. A good __53__ for this exercise is also important. The only way __54__ trying. Remember you need to __55__ time on jumping. Do your best and you will get the best jumping skills. B、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(10分)

Did you notice that more men had moustaches(胡须) last November? That was because it was Movember!


C. Chengdu Research Base of Giant Pandas D. Panda Lovers Learn About Pandas

Movermber is not a spelling mistake. Moustache+November=Movember! Every year in November, millions of men around the world grow moustaches to raise money for charity and to help people learn about men’s health problems.

If a man wants to take part in the Movember event, her should start with a clean face on November 1st, and then he grows a moustache for the next 30 days. We will call the man a “Mo Bro (short for Moustache Brother)”. He registers(注册) at the website Movember.com and asks his family and friends to sponsor(赞助) him. If you sponsor a Mo Bro, it means you agree to give him money if he keeps his moustache until November 30th.

A Mo Bro is a man. What do you call a woman who donates to the Movember event? A “Mo Sista (sister)”, of course! She can organize Movember parties to collect money, or buy a ticket for one of the Movember parties.

Movember first started in Melbourne, Australia in 2003. The organization has grown quickly over the last ten years and more than 3 million people from 21 different countries have taken part in the event.

56. Why did lots of men grow moustaches last November?

_______________________________________________________________ 57. How long should a man keep his moustache if he takes part in the Movember event?

__________________________________________________________________ 58. When did Movember first start?

__________________________________________________________________ 59. Can women do anything for the Movember event?

__________________________________________________________________ 60. What is the purpose(目的) of the Movember event?

___________________________________________________________________ 五、词汇(每小题1分,共25分)


61. Many wild animals are in danger because of ____________(人类). 62. The horse is standing with its eyes ___________(闭着). 63. Tigers can run fast, but only for a short w___________.

64. We need to study hard. O___________, we can’t make our dreams come true. 65. What a s____________! People shouldn’t kill wild animal any more. 66. Peacock (孔雀) has colorful f____________.

67.The Chinese ______________ (政府) wants to protect these endangered birds. 68.___________(幸运), I wasn’t hurt badly.

69. Simon and Linda looked at each other and they kept their secret to ______(他们).


70.Can you tell me their telephone numbers and e-mail______________(地址). (B)用所给词的适当形式填空:

71. ___________(sad), the doctor couldn’t save the little boy’s life.

72. As we all know, the Ebola virus(埃博拉病毒) can cause a kind of ________(ill), which has killed many people.

73. Will you have a ______(discuss) with me about your future plans? 74. At 20 months old, Xi Wang learnt ____________(look) after herself.

75. My brother Tom failed __________(pass) the exam. (C)根据短文内容和首字母提示,写出合适单词(每空1分,共10分)

Cheetahs(猎豹) live in Africa. You should 1. n__________ race with them. Do you know 2w_________? That is because they can run very 3f__________. They can run up to 75miles an 4.h__________. Cheetahs eat only 5.m__________. They eat their prey(猎物) by 6.r__________ after them. But sometimes lions take their food away. Cheetahs and lions eat each other. If Cheetahs are 7. w__________, lions eat Cheetahs, and vice versa(反之亦然).

A cheetahs has three or five 8.b__________, but usually only two of the babies live into adulthood. Cheetahs are 9.a___________. I 10.h__________ you will like Cheetahs. I know I do! 六、书面表达(15分)

狼是一种聪明友善的动物,而人类认为它们很危险。人类大量捕杀它们,它们的数量越来越少,濒临灭绝,我们要采取措施保护它们。根据以下问题及提示写一篇不少于80个词的有关狼的短文。 要点:1. What do wolves look like? (not big, thick fur) 2. What can they do? (see, hear, smell, run)

3. What qualities do they have? (work as a team, never kill for fun) 4. What do they live on? (animals, fruit)

5. What danger do they face? 6. What should we do?







