(江苏专用)2020高考英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(二十)阅读理解C篇专练(一) 下载本文

专题限时检测(二十) 阅读理解C篇专练(一)

(共3篇,限时24分钟) A

(2020·无锡一模)Captain America and Blackpanther were about to defend Earth from the criminal Thanos when Kevin Foley first noticed something was wrong.Foley, a 46-year-old information-technology worker from Kyle, Texas, was heading into the theater to see Avengers: Infinity War when he realized he was having trouble breathing normally.The same symptom struck again during another movie the following night, but more severe this time.Once the cast on the second film rolled, Foley took action: he looked at his wristwatch.It was a bigger step than you might imagine, because Foley was wearing an Apple Watch equipped with medical sensors and experimental software to track basic functions of his heart.And the watch was worried.It had, according to the display, detected signs of an irregular heartbeat.

Before long, Foley was in an emergency room, where doctors hooked him up to an ECG (心电图), which showed that he was in atrial fibrillation (心房颤动), an irregular heartbeat that can lead to blood clots (血栓), stroke and other potentially disastrous diseases.Foley spent the next few days in the hospital while doctors worked to return him to a normal heart rhythm — eventually turning to a procedure called electrical cardioversion to shock his heart back to normal.Foley is doing fine now.But he believes that, if not for the warning on his watch, he might not have sought help in time.“I would have never known,” he says.

Foley and his watch were part of an experiment run by Apple and Stanford's medical school.But beginning Dec.6, anyone can get an on-the-fly heart checkup, assuming they've paid $399 or more for an Apple Watch.That's when

Apple will launch a software update that turns its latest model, called the Series 4, into a personal ECG, thanks to an innovative new sensor.Though less complicated than hospital ECG machines, the watch version can still provide basic information and warnings of potential risks worthy of a closer look by a medical professional.

For Apple, this new ECG on your wrist is its biggest bet yet that personal technology will inevitably include personal health.Along with competitors, Apple has already offered fitness functions, such as apps to track the steps you've walked.But with the new ECG scan, Apple is moving straight into medical aspects of health, a distinction underlined by the fact it sought — and received — Food and Drug Administration clearance for the heart monitor.

语篇解读:本文主要介绍了苹果手机的一个特殊功能:极速测试心脏的功能。 1.What's the function of the story of Foley in Paragraphs 1 and 2? A.To arouse the readers' interest. B.To raise a common problem. C.To lead the readers to the topic. D.To guide the readers to do first aid.

解析:选C 推理判断题。第一、二两段写了Kevin Foley因为收到了苹果手表的警示而求医与死神擦肩而过的故事,这个故事向我们清晰的展示了苹果手表ECG功能的效果,因此这两段的作用是引导读者进入正题,所以答案选择C。

2.How can Foley's wristwatch detect signs of an irregular heartbeat? A.By being equipped with an innovative new medical sensor. B.By being hooked straight up to an ECG in an emergency room. C.By being paid not less than $399 for the latest Apple Watch. D.By being accessible to Food and Drug Administration clearance for the heart monitor.

解析:选A 细节理解题。由Foley's wristwatch 和 detect signs of an

irregular heartbeat 定位到第一段倒数第二句“It was a bigger step than you might imagine, because Foley was wearing an Apple Watch equipped with medical sensors and experimental software to track basic functions of his heart.”可知,Foley的手表能够检测到心跳不规则的迹象的原因是因为它上面装了用来追踪心脏的基本功能的医疗传感器和实验软件。

3.According to the passage, if someone wants to get an on-the-fly heart checkup, he or she ________.

A.can equip himself/herself with an ECG machine B.can purchase an Apple Watch of any model C.can buy a new Apple Watch Series 4

D.can have his or her old Apple Watch updated

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的第二句和第三句“But beginning Dec.6, anyone can get an on-the-fly heart checkup, assuming they've paid $399 or more for an Apple Watch ... that turns its latest model, called the Series 4”可知,如果有人想做快速心脏检查,可以买一个新的苹果4系列的手机。

4.The purpose of the passage is to ________. A.advertise and promote a new kind of Apple Watch B.inform us of a new function of the latest Apple Watch

C.tell us a lucky story of Foley's being saved by his new Apple Watch D.warn us of the danger of not being equipped with the latest Apple Watch 解析:选B 写作意图题。文章一开始两段就举了个例子说明苹果手机的一个特殊的功能:极速测试心脏的功能,挽救了一个人的生命,然后说明了原因。由此可见作者写这篇文章的目的是为了介绍这款新手机的功能。


(2020·常州一模)Sam, I say to myself as I start across the bridge, you must stop these thoughts and start thinking about what to do now that you have lost your falcon (猎鹰), Frightful.

Life, my friend Bando once said, is meeting problems and solving them

whether you are an amoeba or a space traveler.I have a problem.I have to provide my younger sister Alice and myself with meat.Fish, nuts, and vegetables are good and necessary, but they don't provide enough fuel for the hard physical work we do.Although we have venison (鹿肉) now, I can't always count on getting it.So far this year, our venison has been only road kill from in front of Mrs.Strawberry's farm.

I decide to take the longest way home, down the flood plain of the West Branch of Delaware to Spillkill, my own name for a fast stream that cascades down the south face of the mountain range I'm on.I need time to think.Perhaps Alice and I should be like the early Eskimos.We should walk, camp and hunt, and when the seasons change, walk on to new food sources.But I love my tree and my mountaintop.

Another solution would be to become farmers, like the people of the Iroquois Confederacy who once lived here.They settled in villages and planted corn and squash (南瓜), bush beans and berries.We already grow groundnuts in the damp soil and squash in the poor land.But the Iroquois also hunted game.I can't do that anymore.

I'm back where I started from.

Slowly I climb the Spillkill.As I hop from rock to rock beneath shady basswoods and hemlocks, I hear the cry of the red-tailed hawk who nests on the mountain crest.I am reminded of Frightful and my heart aches.I can almost hear her call my name, Cree, Cree, Cree, Cree.

Maybe I can get her back if I beg the man who is in charge of the peregrines (游隼) at the university.“But it's the law,” he would say.I could write to the president of the United States and ask him to make an exception of Alice and me.That won't work.The president swore to uphold the Constitution (宪法) and laws of the United States when he took office.

I climb on.I must stop thinking about the impossible and solve the problem