(完整word版)2017年人教版三年级英语下册Unit1-Unit3练习题 下载本文


姓名 班级 成绩



( ) 1. A.China B. UK C. USA ( ) 2. A. cat B.panda C. bag ( ) 3. A. pupil B. student C.teacher ( ) 4. A.she B.he C.friend ( ) 5.A.hand B. leg C. pen


( ) My name is Zhang Peng. A.这是我的朋友。 ( ) Where are you from? B.我来自上海。 ( ) This is my friend. C.我的名字叫张鹏。 ( ) We have two new friends today. D.你来自哪里?

( ) I’m from Shanghai. E 我们今天有两个新朋友。 四、看图,连线。


China Canada Australia USA

五、 读句子,选择恰当的答语。

( ) 1. ----Nice to see you! ----_____________

A. Nice to meet you! B. Nice to see you, too. ( ) 2. ----Where are you from? ----_____________ A. I’m from Canada. B. My name is Mike. ( ) 3. ----We have a new friend today! ----_________ A. Welcome! B. Good morning! ( ) 4. ----What’s your name? ----_____________ A. I’m from Canada. B. My name is Mike ( )5.----ZhangPeng is a______and Sarah is a_______ A.girl, boy B.boy, girl ( )6.----Hi,I’m Amy.I am from_______UK. A. a B. the C. /


This is Mr Pan.

He’s a teacher.( ) She’s a teacher.( ) 10 !

This is Amy.

She’s from the UK.( ) She’s a teacher.( ) This is Sarah. She’s from the USA.( ) He’s a student.( ) This is Mike. She ’s from Canada.( ) He’s a student.( ) 11

Unit 2 My Family

命题人:陈小琴 王刚


一、 我会排。(将下列句子排成一段通顺的对话) ( )He’s my father. ( )Nice to meet you. ( )Who’s that man?

( )Hi, Dad ! This is my friend , Amy . ( )Nice to meet you, too.


任务活动中运用:我是小记者 请学生采访,相互了解家庭成员。 参考句型:Who’s that woman?

Who’s that man?

三、利用手中的照片或其他道具,自编对话。 Nice to meet you.


一、 找出这些汉语的英文名字吧!

1.father 2.my 3.friend 4.who A.我的 B.父亲 C. 谁 D. 朋友 二、我会排。(将下列句子排成一段通顺的对话) ( )He’s my father. ( )Nice to meet you.