2020届天津市第一中学高三下学期第四次月考英语试题 (Word版) 听力 下载本文

C. To encourage us to protect the environment.

D. To remind us not to use digital devices too much.

51. What do digital wellness and bad reality TV shows have in common? A. They both reveal the dark sides of society. B. They are both self-contradictory in nature. C. They are both popular among young people. D. They both encourage us to reduce phone use. 52. What is Cal Newport’s attitude towards Forest? A. Supportive.

B. Negative.

C. Objective.

D. Unclear.

53. What is the author’s suggestion for us? A. Have someone monitor us strictly. B. Use technology to keep healthy. C. Refuse electronics simply.

D. Manage our time properly.

54. What does the author mainly talk about in the passage? A. Effects of addiction to technology on people’s health. B. The function of a popular app on our phones. C. The real effectiveness of digital wellness. D. Methods to ensure our digital wellness.

第 II 卷(非选择题,共 35 分)


第一节:阅读表达(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 阅读短文,并按照题目要求用英语回答问题。

Dressed in a dark blue waterproof jacket, outdoor shoes and a small backpack, 25-year-old Ye Tian tries to get in an abandoned coking plant (焦化厂) in Beijing.

An intern (实习生) for a German company in Beijing, Ye is among thousands of youth interested in city adventures, what they call “ urban exploration ” — “urbex” for short.

The aim of this trending hobby is to explore structures — usually abandoned ruins or hidden areas of the manmade environment.

Urban explorers are interested in these sites because they can understand cities from a different angle. Ye, for example, said he enjoyed the contrast between Beijing’s two sides.

“ Widely known scenic spots and historical sites can only reflect the bright side of the city, or what the city wants you to see,” Ye said. “ But abandoned places show you the past [that is] hidden deep in people’s memories.”

In the eyes of Pan Ran, who is in her early 30s and works in Canada, an abandoned building can also evoke the spirits of those who lived and worked there.

“ There are diaries and letters recording the owners ’ lives, ” she said. “And one time, I found a whole box of 8-millimeter videotapes of a family.”

Pan couldn’t watch the tapes at the site, as the power supply had been cut. She didn’t take them away with her either, as there is “a very important rule of urbex that you can't remove any souvenirs’ from a site”, Pan said.

While urban exploration can get people to extraordinary places that few have visited, it ’ s sometimes dangerous. Climbing up tall buildings and tip-toeing through abandoned structures can sometimes be a life-threatening affair.

Injuries and even death are not unheard of within the urbex community.

“In the beginning, I was pretty audacious and believed the riskier the places you go, the better photos you get, ” said Du Tianyu, 22. “ But that is not necessarily the case. After doing my calculations, I learned to stop when I reach the limit.”

55. According to the passage, what is Ye Tian’s hobby? (no more than 5 words) 56. Why are some young people interested in places like the coking plant in Beijing?

(no more than 15 words)

57. What is the important rule of urbex according to Pan Ran? (no more than 10 words)

58. What does the underlined word “audacious” probably mean in the last paragraph? (1word)

59. Would you like to take part in urbex of a city? Give your reason. (no more than 20 words)

第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分)

60. 假设你是晨光中学的李津,你的英国好友 Peter 最近给你来信,询问你对自己未来职业的规划。请你给他回信,内容要点包括: 1、梦想中的职业; 2、选择此职业的原因; 3、如何为实现梦想努力。注意:

1. 词数不少于 100;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Peter,

_此处不能答题 Yours, Li Jin

参考答案 单项选择 1-5 ACCDB 完形填空 16-20 ABBCC 阅读理解 36-40 ABBAA 阅读表达

6-10 CADDA

11-15 CBCDB

21-25 ADBCD

26-30 ACDCB

31-35 BAADD

41-45 BCCAD

46-50 DBACA 51-55 DBBCC

56. Being interested in city adventures. Or: Urban exploration.

Or: Exploring abandoned structures in cities.

57. They want to appreciate different aspects of a city. Or: They can understand the cities from a different angle.

Or: They can learn about the past hidden deep in people’s memories. Or: They can get to know the spirits of those who lived and worked there. 58. Explores can’t take souvenirs from the site.

Or: Souvenirs are forbidden to be taken away from the site. 59. Adventurous. / Daring. /Bold.

60. Yes. I’d like to enjoy the contrast of our city and get to know the past hidden in people’s memories.

Or: No. I think it dangerous to explore those abandoned places.