087-英语翻译-试卷答案-(14) 下载本文

one that best completes each statement. 11.提出“文学翻译的最高标准是‘化’”的是______。( ) A.严复 C.钱钟书 ( ) A. 四十二章经 C. 阿毗昙 ______。( ) A.许渊冲 C.朱光潜 ______.( ) A. Cicero C. A.F. Tytler 15.





B. Saint Jerome D. Theodore Savory “Three





B. 周煦良 D.周建人 B.四阿含 D.妙法莲华经 B. 林琴南 D.鲁迅



14. The Art of Translation was written by

浙00087# 英语翻译试卷 第9页(共15页)

by______.( ) A. Theodore Savory C. Saint Jerome point for each)

A. Directions: Put the following words and phrases into Chinese.

16. full member of the CPC 17.sex discrimination

18. extracurricular activities 19.GDP

20. fundamental human rights 21.the flows of global capital

22. full diplomatic relations 23.information technology 24.UNESCO phrases into English. 26.国际贸易与投资 28.合资企业

27.资本密集型产业 29.社会主义法制国家

浙00087# 英语翻译试卷 第10页(共15页)

B. Cicero D. A.F. Tytler

II. Words and phrases translation(20 points,1

25.management mode

B. Directions: Put the following words and

30.教育部 32.内陆水域 34.金融危机 each)

31.健康保险 33.自然保护区 35.粮食总产量

III. Translation Revision(20 points,2 points for A. Directions: Each of the following translated sentences is inadequate. Revise the given versions. Example:

原文:Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate. 译文:阿德莱德享有地中海气候。 改译:阿德莱德属地中海气候。

36.原文:I was like that ship before my education began.

译文:在我的教育开始前,就像那样一条船。 37. 原文: “Don’t order me about like that, John Durbeyfield.”


浙00087# 英语翻译试卷 第11页(共15页)

38. 原文:N and S Adelaide are divided by the Torrens River, spanned by four bridges and lined with ornamental gardens.


39. 原文:When the crude oil is obtained from the field, it is taken to the refineries to be treated.

译文:油田打出原油以后,便送到炼油厂去对待。 40. 原文:Belts of parklands line three sides of the area and four large open squares of lawns and trees break the regularity of the city buildings.


B. Directions: Each of the following translated sentences is inadequate. Revise the given versions. Example:

浙00087# 英语翻译试卷 第12页(共15页)