上海市各区2017-2018年高三英语一模汇编----完型填空-学生版(已经校对) 下载本文


Five【20181徐汇区】 III. Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Eating fast food makes people impatient even when they are not short of time, a new study claims. Students in the study became __(41)__ even when shown the logo of burger chain McDonald’s so quickly on screen that they could not __(42)__ it.

Researchers say that daily exposure to fast food brands could have a subliminal(潜意识的) effect on __(43)__, making people hurry regardless of whether they are pushed for time. They conclude: “Our experiments suggest that the __(44)__ goal of saving time embedded in fast food may have the unexpected consequence of causing hurriedness and impatience.”

Thinking about fast food increases __(45)__ for time-saving products. “More __(46)__, we found that the mere exposure to fast food symbols reduced people’s willingness to save and led them to prefer immediate __(47)__ over greater future return, finally harming their economic interest.”

Student volunteers were quickly shown six logos from fast-food chains — McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, Subway, Wendy’s and Taco Bell. They could not consciously see what they were but the subliminal effect was __(48)__. Their reading speed was measured before and after seeing the logos and it was significantly faster afterwards. Participants also preferred time-saving products like three-in-one skincare treatments rather than __(49)__ versions after seeing the logos. When asked whether they would accept a small sum of money immediately or a larger amount in a week’s time, they again chose __(50)__ reward after being exposed to the brands.

Researcher Chen-Bo Zhong, assistant professor of organizational behaviour at Canada’s Toronto University, said: “Fast food represents a culture of time efficiency and immediate __(51)__.” The problem is that the goal of saving time gets activated upon exposure to fast food __(52)__ whether time is a relevant factor in the context. “__(53)__, walking faster is time-efficient when one is trying to make a meeting, but it’s a sign of impatience when one is taking a walk in the park.”



“We’re finding that the mere exposure to fast food is __(54)__ a general sense of hurriedness and impatience. When I sit in a fast food restaurant, I find myself gobbling(狼吞虎咽) my Big Mac down at this incredible speed even though there is no __(55)__ at all.”

41. A. hungry

42. A. recognize 43. A. motivation 44. A. common

45. A. preferences 46. A. naturally 47. A. gain

48. A. concealed 49. A. separate 50. A. potential 51. A. cultivation 52. A. in terms of

53. A. In other words 54. A. promoting 55. A. chance

B. stressful B. investigate

B. appearance B. unconscious B. implications B. strikingly B. proof

B. imposed

B. special B. resistance B. on account of

B. On the contrary B. assuming B. sense

C. anxious

C. diagnose

C. emotion C. primary

C. ingredients C. fortunately C. respond C. edited

C. expensive C. intense C. satisfaction

C. regardless of C. For example C. insulting C. rush

D. timid D. recall D. behaviour D. temporary D. intentions D. personally D. attention D. marked D. original D. instant D. awareness D. with respect to D. In addition D. assessing D. harm


B. constant 上海市各区2018届高三英语一模试卷分类汇编:完形填空

Six【20181闵行区】 Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Your boss tells you that you did a bad job. Your coworker criticizes you in front of your whole team. Ouch! It's not easy to take criticism, no matter who it comes from. But, it is easy to _41 _ the blow when you offer criticism to someone in English. Merely by altering your wording and your attitude, you can help someone grow instead of making them feel 42 .

Phrases like \wrong! ” and “Your presentation was terrible!\have no place in effective 43 . In fact, it's best to leave the word \ 44 attacks make people feel defective, and then they won't really listen to anything you have to say.

Before starting with the criticism, warm the person up with 45 .If you are discussing their work, find several things you truly like about what they have done. For example, \your presentation today. You presented a lot of good and helpful information in it, and I can tell you put a lot of effort into it. I appreciate your hard work.\This will lower their 46 and make them feel appreciated.

However, a short 47 compliments followed by \you really need to improve your presentation skills\won't do much to help the process. After you’ve shared your compliments, allow them time to be 48 . As a matter of fact, 49 following your compliment with a “,but” will destroy all you've tried to accomplish by making your 50 seem false and insincere.

Remember that the goal of constructive criticism isn’t to make the person feel terrible: it's to help them grow. Instead of directly 51 the person, try to get the message through to them in the form of light-hearted advice. Phrases like. \you might want to…” or “I find it helpful to \ 52 the blame while still leaving an impact: \give a little more attention to the audience. I find it helpful to look people in the eyes while I am speaking\

People can't change overnight, especially if they don’t get detailed 53 . As you might 11


have known, 54 saying “you need to work on your presentation skills “won’t help a soul! Be detailed in your advice! Show moderation when you criticize anyone and keep in your mind that over-criticism can easily 55 people. Remember, you want them to keep trying and improving. Don't leave them feeling defeated' 41. A. suffer 42. A defeated

43. A. discussion 44. A. Immediate 45. A. interactions 46. A. defense 47. A. decisive

48. A. corrected 49. A. carefully 50. A. praise 51. A. helping 52. A. make up

53. A. command 54. A. sincerely 55. A. overload


B. accept

B encouraged B. argument B. Personal B. impressions B spirit B. serious

B. challenged B. reluctantly B. attitude B. accusing B. focus on

B. comment B. simply B promote

C. soft

C. motivated C. explanation C. Accurate C. personalities C. moral C. vague C. debated

C. immediately C. assistance C. praising C. lead to

C. instruction C. politely C. inspire

D. ignore D. disturbed D. criticism D. Continuous D. compliments D. position D. concrete D. absorbed D. occasionally D. achievement D. dismissing D. take away D. information D. unwillingly D simulate