朱祥 学生姓名: 学号:1005014240 光电工程系 系 别: 电子信息科学与技术 专 业: 杨学峰
中 文 摘 要
本文在深入研究了稀疏表示理论及相关重构算法的基础上,将小波去噪转化 为一个最优化问题,从而建立了基于稀疏表示的去噪模型。文中分别采用了最速 下降法和OMP重构算法,通过恢复小波系数的稀疏性,达到去除噪声的目的。
建立一种基于稀疏表示的小波去噪模型。将小波去噪的问题转化为一个最优 化问题,通过求解该问题,得到不含噪声的小波系数,最终达到去除噪声的目的。 利用最速下降法求解上述问题,实现信号与图像的去噪。该方法将小波系数作为一个整体进行求解,利用了小波系数的整体特性,克服了小波阈值去噪仅对系数逐点处理的缺点。实验结果表明,该算法切实有效,特别是针对低信噪比信号和图像,表现出很好的效果。
Image denoising is one of the important branches in the field of signal processing.Sparse representation has also attracted researchers’attention recently especially with the development of the new compressed sensing theory.Therefore image denoising based on sparse representation becomes one of the frontier issues in signal processing.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows:A new wavelet denoising model based on sparse representation is presented.The traditional wavelet denoising problem is converted to all optimization problem.And Then the noise—free wavelet coefficients are obtained by solving the optimization problem.
The steepest descent method is used to solve the problem above and Thus complement the signal and image denoising.This method considers the overall wavelet coefficients as a whole and makes use of the structure properties of the coefficients.It greatly overcomes the shortcomings of the wavelet thresholding method which deals with the wavelet coefficients in a point-wise manner.The experimental results show that the algorithm
is efficient especially for those signal sand images with low signal to noise ratios.
An idea of the iterative threshold is introduced to OMP algorithm for signal and image denoising.As the OMP algorithm is only effective for image reconstruction and doesn’t have the denoising property,the idea of the iterative threshold is introduced in the iterative process of the OMP algorithm,which could make the reconstructed wavelet coefficients sparser.The experimental results show that the method is efficient for one-dimensional signal denoising.
KEYWORDS:Image Denoising;Sparse Representation;Steepest descent method;OMP algorithm
目 录
1 绪论............................................................. 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 .............................................. 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 .............................................. 1 1.3 本文内容与结构 .............................................. 2 2 图像去噪综述..................................................... 2
2.1 引言 ....................................................... 2 2.2 传统图像去噪方法 ............................................ 5 2.3 经典小波去噪方法 ........................................... 6
2.3.1 小波去噪方法模型和特点................................. 6 2.3.2 小波去噪方法........................................... 7 2.3.3 小波阈值去噪法......................................... 8 2.4 本章小结 .................................................. 12 3 稀疏表示的图像去噪.............................................. 13
3.1 小波变换理论 ............................................... 13
3.1.1 多分辨分析............................................ 13 3.1.2 离散小波变换.......................................... 14 3.2 稀疏表示理论 .............................................. 16 3.3 基于稀疏表示的图像去噪模型 ................................ 19 3.4 最速下降法图像去噪 ........................................ 21
3.4.1 最速下降法理论........................................ 21 3.4.2 最速下降法去噪模型.................................... 22 3.4.3 去噪算法步骤.......................................... 23 3.4.4 最速下降法实验结果及分析............................. 24 3.5 基于改进的OMP重构算法图像去噪 ............................ 31
3.5.1 OMP重建算法 .......................................... 31 3.5.2 基于改进的OMP图像去噪算法步骤....................... 32