南艺英语补考习题整理 下载本文


1. 补考时间通常为开学后第一周。 2. 补考只算卷面成绩。

3. 题型和难度与期末考试相同,期末考试考过的内容不会再考。 词汇结构:25分(1’×25)

选自课后习题的vocabulary和structure部分。 完型填空:10分(1’×10)选自课外的内容。 阅读理解:40分(2’×20)共4篇 ,

其中一篇选自《快速阅读1》里的第1-10篇,期末考试已经考过一篇了,所以范围缩小为9篇。其余三篇来自课外的内容。 翻译句子:25分



4. 根据第4点可以算出,卷子中有50分全是书本或课后习题的内容,还有10分是送分题。所以,寒假好好突击一下,及格不难。关键要把每单元的文章弄懂+记住课后习题的正确答案。 5. 请大家以后学会自己整理。


Unit 1:

1. 泰姬陵是用洁白的大理石砌成的。

The Taj Mahal is made of fine white marble. 2. 世上没几个建筑能与泰姬陵媲美

Few buildings on earth can compete with the beauty of the Taj Mahal.

3. 花园里绿色的树木使那白墙显得愈发白皙。

The green trees in the garden make the white wall look even whiter. 4. 在水池边你就能看到自己在水中的倒影。

By the pool, you can see your own reflection in the water. 5. 这房子对我们家来说最合适不过了。 The house is perfect for our family. Unit 2

1. 贝聿铭为世界建筑做出了巨大的贡献。

Ieoh Ming Pei has made great contributions to the architecture of the world.

2. 他是一位真正影响了现代建筑界的了不起的人物。

He is someone who has truly influenced modern architecture. 3. 我们试图阻止他的行动,但是不成功。

We have attempted to stop his action, but failed completely. 4. 贝聿铭是我们这个时代最富于创造力的多产的建筑师之一。

Ieoh Ming Pei is one of the most prolific architects of our times. 5. 他把东西方的理念都融入了其建筑设计之中。

He has incorporated both eastern and western ideas into his designs. Unit 3

1. 不论你喜欢还是不喜欢这篇文章,你都得把它读完。

Whether you like it or not, you must read over the article. 2. 就艺术收藏而言,卢浮宫是世界上最大最著名的博物馆。

In terms of art collections, the Louvre is the largest and most famous museum in the world.

3. 一个艺术家必须接触自然才能富有创意。

An artist must make contact with nature so as to be creative. 4. 这幅风景画在色彩上跟克劳德莫奈的一幅相似。

The landscape is similar in color to one of Claude Monet’s. 5. 他看上去不像一个画家,倒像一个劳工。

He looks more like a laborer than an artist.

Unit 4

1. 与西洋画不同,中国画不受透视、比例及光的限制。

Different from Western paintings, a Chinese painting is not restricted by perspective, proportion and light. 2. 根据表现手法,我们可将中国画分成两类:写意画和工笔画。

According to the means of expression, we can divide Chinese paintings into two categories: the xieyi school and the gongbi school.

3. 可以说采用散点透视法是中国画的特点之一。

It can be said that the adoption of shifting perspective is one of the characteristics of Chinese painting 4. 他提出了独特的美学理论。

He has put forward a unique aesthetic theory. (用一般过去式也可)

5. 一幅画不仅要表现出物体的形,而且要表达出画家的内心感情。

A painting is to convey not only the appearance of an object but also an artist’s feelings.

Unit 5

1. 古代中国的艺术家们用青铜制作雕塑,他们最喜欢雕的是马。

The ancient Chinese artists used bronze to make sculptures, and horses were their favorite subject. 2. 中国人民将杂技演化为了艺术。

The Chinese people have turned acrobatics into an art.

3. 京剧中不同的脸谱颜色代表不同的性格,比如说,红色代表忠诚,黑色


Colors stand for different characters in Beijing opera. For example, red is for loyalty, and black is for uprightness. 4. 绘画是中国艺术的“三大造诣”之一。

Painting belongs to one of the “the Three Perfections” in Chinese arts .

5. 作为一门传统艺术,京剧在中国很受欢迎。

Beijing opera, as a traditional artistic form (或者as a type of traditional art), is extremely/highly/very popular in China.

Unit 6

1. 可以想象,计算机可以用来创作,演奏音乐。

It is imaginable that a computer/computers can be used to compose and play music.

2. 有了合适的软件,计算机可以辅助教学。

With appropriate software, computers/a computer can be used as teaching aid.

3. 计算机不太可能完全替代钢琴或调色板。

A computer is not likely to replace a piano or a palette. Or Computers are not likely to replace pianos or pallets.

或者:It is not likely that a computer will replace a piano or a palette.

4. 尽管计算机被广泛应用,其在艺术领域的应用还需要被不断发掘。

Although a computer has been used widely, its application in art still needs to be discovered further.