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大学体验英语综合教程1 课文翻译及重点词汇解析 Unit 1 ~ Unit 8


I have no pride of authorship in this draft, so you may change it however you like. 这份草稿我不满意,你随便改吧。

6. In some departments a research project might constitute an honors thesis (para.5): A research project may meet a requirement in a special program for honors students, who must write an extra research paper to graduate with honors. 有些系的学生通过做研究项目,可能据此写出一篇(教学计划规定之外的)论文,从而在毕业时获得(这个学科的单科优秀)荣誉。

honors thesis: An honors student who does an extra research project in the major and writes a research paper can graduate with honors. This extra research project paper is usually called an honor thesis, which resembles a short master's thesis.


She had good grades but wanted to get into graduate school, so she did an honors thesis to impress the graduate admissions committee.


In Australia it's expected that most future postgraduates will do an honors thesis while they are still undergraduates. 在澳大利亚,大多数未来的研究生会被要求读本科时就写一篇荣誉论文。

7. paid research work gives her an opportunity to transform a work-study job into an engaging aspect of her education (para.6):

Working part-time for the college can be made more interesting and informative if it involves research.


work-study job: part-time job on campus


My work-study job was to deliver inter-office mail on the campus, which allowed me to meet many interesting people while earning money to pay for college.


If you can't get a work-study job, you should look for a job off-campus. 如果校内无法找份工作勤工俭学,你就到校外去找。

8. on... basis (para.7): a longer way to create an adverb from the noun


I tutored my friend on a volunteer basis, in other words, voluntarily.

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大学体验英语综合教程1 课文翻译及重点词汇解析 Unit 1 ~ Unit 8


A spy operates secretly, in other words, by obtaining information on a secret basis. 间谍的活动是秘密地开展的,也就是说,通过秘密的方式获取情报。

9. Usually, these are students pursuing a career that requires some demonstration of altruistic commitment, such as medicine (para.7):

These students have chosen careers which involve helping other people, such as being a doctor. 这些学生将来从事的职业通常需要他们关心他人,比如当医生。

demonstration: n. evidence, proof; illustration or example

(demonstration of ) altruistic commitment: (evidence of) a desire to help other people


Fruit falling offers a demonstration of gravity. 果实落地就是对地球引力的论证

His willingness to work with AIDS patients was a clear demonstration of his altruistic commitment.


Unit 8

Passage A

Freshman Friendship


Almost two years ago, I stood on a dromitory balcony, joined hands with my three most intimate friends and listened to one of them tell a story about four girls with different backgrounds and talents who left home and went to college at a mythical place called Happy Valley.

After we left our friend's apartment that last night of our freshman year, we ended up on the lawn, playing frisbee at 3 a.m. and sitting on the dormitory steps talking for hours.

Alisa, Karen, Gabrielle and I had spent that day together just being freshmen ---- going to the sandwich shop for the last lunch of the semester, trying on each other's clothes, watching movies and acting like we would never see each other again.

Three Months is a Long Time

For freshmen, and especially for us, saying goodbye at the end of the first year can feel like saying goodbye forever.

Three months can seem like a long time when you are leaving friends and acquaintances whom you have only known for a year. Your freshman year moments are irreplaceable.

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大学体验英语综合教程1 课文翻译及重点词汇解析 Unit 1 ~ Unit 8

My advice to any freshmen reading this is to cherish those moments. You may grow completely apart from the people you spent your first year with, or you may find yourself fortunately comparing them to siblings at the end of your junior year as I did.

Even if you have almost forgotten your freshman year roommates two years later, and barely recognize them when you encounter them in front of the gymnasium, you can never replace that year and the brand-new feeling that your first year of college brings. Roommates and Majors in American Colleges

A lot will change after your freshman year. You will meet new people and do new things. You will do a lot more growing up.

At the beginning of our senior year, Karen took her hometown boyfriend Kevin on a tour of campus and downtown. \where the four of us spent our first two years at Penn State.

We learned more outside the classroom than we learned inside it. That dorm is where we learned and discussed the lessons of our freshman and sophomore years. I think the principal lesson I learned was the definition of true friendship. And I have never had nor will ever have better teachers than Alisa, Karen and Gabrielle. American and Chinese Friendships

That lesson can best be summarized by something Alisa and Karen told me when I was upset at the end of last semester and needed a shoulder to cry on. They said no matter how far we drift apart or who else we become friends with after college, we will always incline to recall each other first whenever we think of college.

I couldn‘t agree more.

The story Alisa told on that balcony is far from over. I sometimes wonder if the following is how it will end:

―…and those four little girls grew up and realized their dreams. They found themselves all over the country, from farms, to cities, to the suburbs, doing everything they wanted to do – a computer technician, a physician, an attorney, and an architect ---with the companions they wanted in husbands, children and pets.

And occasionally they would make it back to reunions at that mythical valley and see their old friends, laughing about the good times. They had succeeded in forgetting any of the bad times.

And they lived happily ever after.‖

(575 words)

Passage A

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大学体验英语综合教程1 课文翻译及重点词汇解析 Unit 1 ~ Unit 8



A篇 新生的友谊 大约两年前,我与三个最亲密的朋友手拉手站在寝室的阳台上,听其中一个讲述有关四个女孩的故事。这四个女孩背景不同,天赋各异。她们离开家,来到大学校园,一个叫作\幸福谷\的神秘地方。




对新生来说,特别是对我们来说,在第一年的年末相互道别确实就像要永别似的。 当你离开刚认识一年的朋友和熟人,三个月也许是一段漫长的时间。但大学第一年的时光却是无法替代的。


即使两年以后,你可能几乎完全忘却了大学一年级时候的室友,在体育馆门口碰到时也几乎认不出他们,但是大学第一年和这一年所带给你的全新感觉却是绝对无法替代的。 第一年过后,很多东西都会改变。遇到新朋友,尝试新事物。你会在成长过程中经历更多的事情。

大学四年级开始的时候,卡伦带着她家乡的男友凯文游览我们这座城市和参观我们的校园。她指着我们在宾夕法尼亚州的头两年住过的阿瑟特顿大厦说:\这就是我们长大的地方。\ 我们在课外学到的东西要比课内多。寝室是我们学习讨论大一和大二的功课的地方。我学到的最重要的东西就是真正的友谊是什么。我从未有过比艾莉莎、卡伦、加布里埃尔莉更好的良师益友,以前没有,将来也不会有。





有时候,她们还会回到那个神秘的山谷,与老朋友见面,笑谈那些美好的时光。将失意完全抛到脑后。 从此过着幸福的生活。\

Passage A Notes to the Text

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