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Unit2 SectionB(3a-Self Check)教案

课型5 Reviewing and Writing (Section B 3a-Self Check)

1.0 Teaching Analysis教情分析

1.1 Teaching objectives 教学目标 1.1.1 Language targets 语言目标 Key Words and Chunks For applying: interest, sir, be strong in, as a volunteer, work out For comprehending: madam Sentence Structures

1) I’d like to/ I’m interested in/ I want to volunteer as…

2) I’m good at/ I’m strong in/ In my free time, I like to … so I think I’d be good at this job.

3) I want to help out as a volunteer in your old people’s home/ school/museum/ group because…

4) I’m free to help in/on…

5) The idea that he came up with worked out fine.

6) He now has 16 bikes to fix up and give away to children who don’t have bikes. Grammar Focus

1) The idea that he came up with worked out fine. (这个句子的主句是The idea worked out fine, that he came up with 是一个定语从句,修饰先行词the idea)

2)He now has 16 bikes to fix up and give away to children who don’t have bikes. (who don’t have bikes 是由who引导的定语从句修饰先行词children, 意为“没有自行车的孩子们”)

1.1.2 Ability goals 能力目标

让学生参与同伴的合作与讨论,思考出更多的志愿服务工作。 教会学生根据自己的特点及3b所设问题的帮助,写一封自荐信来介绍自


1.1.3 Emotional goals 情感目标


1.2 Important and difficult teaching points 教学重难点 1.2.1 帮助学生搭建写作所需的表达与框架。

1.2.2 关注与分享学生写作中的闪光点。

1.2.3 及时纠正学生写作中的错误并引导学生改正。 Student analysis学情分析

1.3 Fundamental State基本情况


愿者服务工作,深化了对志愿者工作意义的理解,能够客观理性地看待参与志愿者工作可能面对的问题,学会了如何表达对他人帮助的感激之情。在价值观方面,学生们能够正面积极地看待志愿与慈善工作,有较强的服务他人意识。 1.4 Knowledge Reserve知识储备


作话题形成了全面的认识,能够通过构建思维网状图,运用正确的篇章结构和多样的语言表达,来构建自己的文章。 1.5 Class Data本班实际

本班学生善于表达,乐于展示,有较强的写作动力和分享欲望。通过前期对本单元话题(offer help)的探讨与分享,学生对成功完成写作充满信心。教师应基于学生的心理特点,组织学生构建写作思维导图,提供接近学生最近发展区的语言拓展资料,开展生生互助学习,搭建学生作品的展示平台,帮助学生基于所学,落笔实操,提升能力。

2.0 Teaching methods教法建议

2.1 Self-directed learning method自主学习法; 2.2 Discussion method讨论法; Exercise method练习法 教学辅助

blackboard and chalk, computer or iPad, projector

3.0 Teaching procedures 教学进程

Reviewing and Summarizing 复习与总结

Provide Ss with a comprehensive review of key vocabulary and functions presented in this unit.

3.1.1 Self Check 1

Encourage students to fill in the blanks with possible words. Possible answers: 1. give, cheer, call, set, fix 2. put, cut 3. give, put 4. take, look

5. come 3.1.2 Self Check 2

T asks Ss to fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs or infinitives.

Answers to Self Check 2:

ran out of, to buy, cheer, put up, call up, to talk to, put up, set up, came up with, to fix, give away

3.2 Discussing and Expressing 讨论与表达 3.2.1 Activity 3a

T gets Ss to prepare for the writing practice by organizing them to discuss with their partners about what other kinds of volunteer work they know. Brainstorm as many kinds of volunteer work as possible.

3.2.2 Ask Ss to make a list of all the kinds of volunteer work that Ss mentioned.

1) Working in an old people’s home 2) Helping kids in an after-school program 3) Being a guide at a museum

4) Helping to clean up the streets in your neighbor

5) Teaching primary students in the countryside

6) Handing out notices to call on people to use cars less 7) Giving out food at the food bank …

3.2.3 T can use W-H questions to help students’ writing. The possible W-H questions:

1. What are your interests and hobbies?

2. Who do you want to help? Or which volunteer job do you want to do? 3. How can your interests and hobbies help to do the job? 4. Why do you want to do the volunteer job? 5. When are you free to do the job?

3.3 Writing and Improving 写作与完善 话题剖析


3.3.1 写作任务

假如你是Lisa,是一名中学生。你想根据自己的兴趣和爱好,向志愿者中心(Volunteers’ Center)申请参加志愿者工作。请根据以下要点,写一封自荐信给志愿者中心。词数为100字左右。开头和结尾已经给出。 要点可以包括:

1. 你的兴趣和爱好; 2. 你哪些时间是空闲的;


3. 你为什么想做这份工作。

Dear Sir or Madam,


Yours truly,


3.3.2 写作指导

1) 人称:第一人称。

2) 时态:一般现在时为主。


(1) 来信目的及自我介绍

(2) 参加何种志愿活动,空闲时间及原因等; (3) 感谢志愿者中心能提供这个帮助别人的机会。



I’m writing to ask for the chance of being a… 介绍自己:

I am a middle school student from... I’m interested in…

I’m good at/ I’m strong in/ In my free time, I like to … so I think I’d be good at …

参加何种志愿活动及原因: I’d like to…

I want to volunteer as…

I want to help out as a volunteer in…

I think… can help me get my future dream job. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I …

I am a …lover.

Volunteering is a dream come true for me.

I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time. 3.3.3 范文实例 Dear Sir or Madam,

I am glad to know that you give primary students chances of being volunteers to help others. My name is Lisa, a middle school student who is interested in singing and dancing. I am free after 5 o’clock every afternoon. What’s more, I am good with children, so I think I am able to volunteer in an after-school study program to teach kids to sing and dance. In my eyes, it’s better to give than to take. Every time I see the happy faces of the little kids, I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction. Helping others makes it possible for me to do meaningful things. So please give me the chance to do the job.

Yours truly,


4.0 Homework 课后作业

Write a new composition of your own.