土木工程专业英语课后答案 下载本文


(3)At this point(此时此刻) we need to discuss some of the aspects of structural behavior indicated in Fig.6.1 and to explain their respective relationships to the form and material of the structure.


(4)Materials may be classified as elastic, plastic, or viscoelastic. 材料可分为弹性,塑性,或粘弹性。

(5)The deformations of viscoelastic materials depend on time and therefore load history, whereas the deformations of elastic and plastic materials do not.


(6)Energy is generally lost if a system does not recover its initial shape after unloading owing either to plastic behavior of the material or to frication forces within or between parts of the structure .

如果一个结构体系在卸载之后不能恢复到原先的形状,则能量一般会丢失,原因是材料的塑性性能,或结构各部分内部或之间的摩擦力。 (7)All these behavioral aspects of the structure will have a significant influence on the nature of the analysis used in studying the structure. 所有结构的这些性能方面将对研究结构分析的本质产生重大影响。


(8)In addition, in developing the analytical model it will be necessary to consider whether the structural material is homogeneous(均匀的) or nonhomogeneous and whether it is isotropic, orthotropic, or anisotropic

此外,在发展分析模型中,将有必要考虑结构材料是否是均匀的,或者是非均匀的,以及它是否是各向同性,正交异性,或各向异性。 (9)However, it is important to recognize at the outset(起初) that the concepts that will be presented can be extended to the solution of many other classes of structural problems, including those involving(涉及) dynamic response(动力响应), material and geometric nonlinearities, inelasticity, instability, and continuous systems. 然而,一开始就要认识到提出的概念可以延伸到许多其他各种类型的结构性问题的解决方法,这些问题包括涉及动力响应,材料和几何非线性,非弹性,失稳和连续的体系。

(10)Loads usually need be treated as dynamic only if they are periodic in nature or they are applied very suddenly.


5、Translate the following sentence into English.


Structures can be classified in a variety of way. The casual observer(临


时观测人) might first consider classifying structures(把建筑分级) according to their respective functions(各自功能): buildings, bridges, ships, aircraft, towers, and so on.

(2)结构设计中,需要考虑的是结构的安全性、适用性和可行性。 In structural design, it is the need for a safe, serviceable, feasible. (3)如果结构对荷载的反应,比如一点的位移,与施加的荷载大小成正比,则结构为线性的。

A structure is linear if its response to loading, say displacement at a point, is directly proportional to the magnitude of the applied load. (4)各向同性材料的物理性能在任一点的所有方向是相同的。 The physical properties of homogeneous materials are the same at each point.


the picture of structural behavior is generally not so clear as that just painted. That is, materials are not either “linear” or “nonlinear” and “elastic” or “plastic”.