双十二又来了!“剁手”用英语怎么说 51Talk无忧英语来教你 下载本文

双十二又来了!“剁手”用英语怎么说 51Talk无忧英语来教你

“双十一”刚过没多久,“双十二”就又来了,你是不是又要成为剁手党(hands-chopping people)了呢?


\people\are big online spenders who self-mockingly say that they would like to chop their hands off after buying too much online.


1、Throw money around

四处扔钱,看来是钱没有花到该花的地方,意思是花钱不走心,大手大脚。 例子:

He lost his job, but still seems to have plenty of money to throw around. 他丢了工作,可是看上去还是有好多钱可以随便花。

2、Blow big bucks on

钱不是大风刮来的,可是花的时候却像是大风刮走的??这个短语指的就是“花大钱”。 例子:

He likes to show off by blowing big bucks on dinner at restaurants. 他到饭馆用餐时,喜欢花大钱来显摆。

3、Pay good money

这个短语不是说“花好钱”,而是“花好多钱、一大笔钱”。 例子:

We paid good money to see this show, and we want our money's worth! 我们花了好多钱来看秀,就想要这钱花得值!

4、Plunk down

除了“突然落下”,这个短语还有“支付”的意思,虽然不像前面的表达那样壕,但是有时候用起来也还是蛮有范儿的。 例子:

He plunked down the money and walked out.(他扔下钱就走了。) 表示支付还可以说:

He just plunked down $25,000 for a new car. 他刚刚花了25000美元买了辆新车。

5、Clean out

这个短语本身有“清除”、“清扫”的意思,说到钱上就是指“把钱花光”。 例子:

Buying the house really cleaned us out. Now we're broke. 买这套房子真是花了我们所有的钱,现在我们没钱了。

