TS16949主任审核员培训 五天课程RABQSA批 - 图文 下载本文

五天课程,本教程讲解TS16949标准,并以汽车工业真实案例和练习,使学员掌握审核群的划分、审核计划、审核技巧、审核判定和审核报告等技能。学员个人将具备开展ISO/TS16949审核的资格;希望自行贯彻ISO/TS16949的公司将具备能力;已经实施ISO/TS16949标准的公司,在质量体系的维护上将更具置信度。 培训特色:获得了美国质量认证认可委员会(RABQSA)的批准。学员成功完成本教程后,满足了RABQSA注册主任审核员所需的培训要求,可根据其所拥有的审核经验和审核管理经验,申请RABQSA注册审核员和注册主任审核员。同时也满足IATF(8大主机厂如:美国三大主机厂、大众、PSA、宝马、雷诺、菲亚特等)对第二方的审核员要求。 该培训极具附加价值,强调过程途径、如何分析和策划,围绕过程途径去开展审核 参加人员: * 希望获得QS9000&ISO/TS16949审核员资格的人员。 * 准备实施ISO/TS16949或将现有的质量体系提升为TS16949的公司管理者代表、质量经理、内部审核员、第二方审核员。 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 学员背景要求:

? 明白ISO/TS16949(或QS-9000,VDA6.1,EAQF,AVSQ) 要求。 ? 有实施QS-9000,VDA6.1 或 TS16949 的工作经验。 培训目标:

? 了解ISO/TS16949:2009的审核群 ISO/TS16949和QS9000的背景 什么是ISO/TS16949? ISO/TS16949注册的理由 ISO/TS16949的历史和背景 TS16949是如何产生的 AIAG与TS16949标准的未来 IATF的注册过程 介绍审核群 ISO/TS16949业务体系 审核计划 审核群 管理体系链 如何审核APQP 工厂审核链 如何审核工厂审核链 如何审核其他审核群 培训教材: 每位参加人员可获得一套培训手册,小组练习手册包括许多案例分析、TS16949 要求和最近IATF 授权的对TS16949解说。 课 程 内 容 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ISO/TS16949文件体系 文件审核 审核的计划和准备 目的和范围 ISO/TS16949审核计划 实施审核 召开首次会议 开展审核 撰写不符合项(运用8D法) 总结陈辞 召开末次会议 完成审核报告 纠正措施和结案 实施章程 ISO/TS16949注册公司的认可 ? 学会审核计划、实施、报告和验证的基本方法和技能; ? 培养针对各种审核现场进行审核决定的能力;

? 具备开展ISO/TS16949审核的资格,使审核更具置信度; 满足RABQSA 40小时主任审核员培训课程的要求

本课程满足RABQSA 批准和认可要求:

RABQSA course accreditation must meet the following requirements:

RABQSA witness of course delivery and audit as per RABQSA course accreditation program requirements

Evidence of a quality system by the course provider. An office audit must take place within six months of the course delivery witness audit

Industry or sector specific requirements must be submitted to RABQSA for approval Notification to RABQSA in writing of planned changes to the course

本课程满足IATCA (国际审核员和培训认证协会)批准和认可要求:

This course meets the training portion of the requirements for RAB certification of individual IATCA QMS Auditors, IATCA QMS Senior Auditors, QMS Provisional Auditors and QMS Lead Auditors


? Breakout Exercises (小组练习)

– The class will be divided into two or more teams of three to six people. The objective is to provide diversified auditing experience on each team.

– The purpose of breakout exercises is to develop skills important to the audit process by having individuals or teams working on practical situations, such as evaluating a particular quality management system for conformance to ISO/TS 16949:2009, or conducting quality manual reviews.

? Individual Presentations (个人演讲)

– Each attendee will have opportunities to make brief, prepared oral presentations. A registered auditor must be able to communicate effectively both orally (auditor, auditee, team leader, opening and closing meeting participant) and in writing (checklists, pre-audit planning, recording observations and nonconformities, audit report).

? Evaluation of Individual Participation (参与程度评估)

– Attendees will be evaluated on class participation, which encompasses the following aspects:

– Asking meaningful questions in class

– Sharing professional auditing experiences – Taking an active role in team exercises – Engaging in effective role-playing

– Effective class participation provides the attendee with opportunities to demonstrate practical understanding of the many audit principles

? Graded Exercises (评分练习)

– Graded exercises will be given to test understanding of subject matter discussed that day. Questions will be multiple choice or short essay style.

? Role-Playing (角色扮演)

– Participants will have the opportunity to play the role of auditor/auditee, or lead

auditor/lead auditee in simulated audit situations previously discussed in the classroom.

? Final Exam (最终考试)

? This This is a two hour open book examination consisting of multiple choice, short

narrative and several essay questions. The exam is designed to test auditees’ judgment and understanding of auditing principles and practices as applied to the ISO 9001 and ISO/TS 16949 series guidelines and requirements. Participants will be able to use all materials supplied during the class for the final exam, specifically: ? Student Personal Notes (from seminar) ? Daily exercises

? ISO/TS 16949:2009 specification ? Course textbook

? AIAG or equivalent reference material

Final Exam: No other materials are allowed


Exercises/Exam Final Exam Graded Exercises Passing Grade Continuous Assessment Attendance/Punctuality Contribution and Participation Demonstrated Understanding 20% 20% 20% Weighting 90% 10% 70% (minimum) Communication Skills (written, oral, listening) 20% Personal Attributes Passing Grade* 20% 70% (minimum) Attendees who fail the written examination will be allowed one retest (using a different test)

provided they have passed the continuous assessment portion within 12 months of the last day of the course. Also, attendees who fail the continuous assessment portion must retake the course (or another registered course).


Student complaint and appeal procedures and forms are located in the students’ training manual at the end of the Seminar Structure section.

Any student complaints or appeals should be submitted using the printed procedures and forms.


Day 1 Introduction and Welcome Chapter 1: The Challenge for Top Management Chapter 2: Eight Quality Management Principles Break Chapter 3: ISO Standard and ISO/TS Technical Specification Explained Break Graded Exercise 1: ISO 9000:2000 Family of Standards Chapter 4: Overview of ISO/TS 16949:2009 Requirements Team Breakout 1: Exclusions Lunch Chapter 4: Overview of ISO/TS 16949:2009 Requirements: Clause 4 Chapter 4: Overview of ISO/TS 16949:2009 Requirements: Clause 5 Break Graded Exercise 2: Module A Chapter 4: Overview of ISO/TS 16949:2009 Requirements: Clause 6 Break Chapter 4: Overview of ISO/TS 16949:2009 Requirements: Clause 7 Graded Exercise 2: Module B Total Times for Day 1