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RABQSA course accreditation must meet the following requirements:

RABQSA witness of course delivery and audit as per RABQSA course accreditation program requirements

Evidence of a quality system by the course provider. An office audit must take place within six months of the course delivery witness audit

Industry or sector specific requirements must be submitted to RABQSA for approval Notification to RABQSA in writing of planned changes to the course

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This course meets the training portion of the requirements for RAB certification of individual IATCA QMS Auditors, IATCA QMS Senior Auditors, QMS Provisional Auditors and QMS Lead Auditors


? Breakout Exercises £¨Ð¡×éÁ·Ï°£©

¨C The class will be divided into two or more teams of three to six people. The objective is to provide diversified auditing experience on each team.

¨C The purpose of breakout exercises is to develop skills important to the audit process by having individuals or teams working on practical situations, such as evaluating a particular quality management system for conformance to ISO/TS 16949:2009, or conducting quality manual reviews.

? Individual Presentations £¨¸öÈËÑݽ²£©

¨C Each attendee will have opportunities to make brief, prepared oral presentations. A registered auditor must be able to communicate effectively both orally (auditor, auditee, team leader, opening and closing meeting participant) and in writing (checklists, pre-audit planning, recording observations and nonconformities, audit report).

? Evaluation of Individual Participation (²ÎÓë³Ì¶ÈÆÀ¹À)

¨C Attendees will be evaluated on class participation, which encompasses the following aspects:

¨C Asking meaningful questions in class

¨C Sharing professional auditing experiences ¨C Taking an active role in team exercises ¨C Engaging in effective role-playing

¨C Effective class participation provides the attendee with opportunities to demonstrate practical understanding of the many audit principles

? Graded Exercises £¨ÆÀ·ÖÁ·Ï°£©

¨C Graded exercises will be given to test understanding of subject matter discussed that day. Questions will be multiple choice or short essay style.

? Role-Playing £¨½ÇÉ«°çÑÝ£©

¨C Participants will have the opportunity to play the role of auditor/auditee, or lead

auditor/lead auditee in simulated audit situations previously discussed in the classroom.

? Final Exam £¨×îÖÕ¿¼ÊÔ£©

? This This is a two hour open book examination consisting of multiple choice, short

narrative and several essay questions. The exam is designed to test auditees¡¯ judgment and understanding of auditing principles and practices as applied to the ISO 9001 and ISO/TS 16949 series guidelines and requirements. Participants will be able to use all materials supplied during the class for the final exam, specifically: ? Student Personal Notes (from seminar) ? Daily exercises

? ISO/TS 16949:2009 specification ? Course textbook

? AIAG or equivalent reference material

Final Exam: No other materials are allowed


Exercises/Exam Final Exam Graded Exercises Passing Grade Continuous Assessment Attendance/Punctuality Contribution and Participation Demonstrated Understanding 20% 20% 20% Weighting 90% 10% 70% (minimum) Communication Skills (written, oral, listening) 20% Personal Attributes Passing Grade* 20% 70% (minimum) Attendees who fail the written examination will be allowed one retest (using a different test)

provided they have passed the continuous assessment portion within 12 months of the last day of the course. Also, attendees who fail the continuous assessment portion must retake the course (or another registered course).


Student complaint and appeal procedures and forms are located in the students¡¯ training manual at the end of the Seminar Structure section.

Any student complaints or appeals should be submitted using the printed procedures and forms.


Day 1 Introduction and Welcome Chapter 1: The Challenge for Top Management Chapter 2: Eight Quality Management Principles Break Chapter 3: ISO Standard and ISO/TS Technical Specification Explained Break Graded Exercise 1: ISO 9000:2000 Family of Standards Chapter 4: Overview of ISO/TS 16949:2009 Requirements Team Breakout 1: Exclusions Lunch Chapter 4: Overview of ISO/TS 16949:2009 Requirements: Clause 4 Chapter 4: Overview of ISO/TS 16949:2009 Requirements: Clause 5 Break Graded Exercise 2: Module A Chapter 4: Overview of ISO/TS 16949:2009 Requirements: Clause 6 Break Chapter 4: Overview of ISO/TS 16949:2009 Requirements: Clause 7 Graded Exercise 2: Module B Total Times for Day 1