【最新版】股权质押的法律风险分析毕业设计 下载本文

摘 要


关键词:非上市公司 股权质押 法律风险 风险防范


After the property law and some other related legal provisions were successively issued, the importance of the system has been gradually realized by the companies, especially which have fell into the funding crisis. In recent years the implementation of property law, equity pledge system have been widely used in practice, followed generated a lot of legal disputes, lack of institutional equity pledge law accordingly exposed. Through the survey of the system, I found that the stock of the unlisted companies is hard to be accepted by the lenders. The reason is that there exits much more risks when take the stock of unlisted companies as the object of the pledge. However, the unlisted companies are more anxious to get money using this system compared with the listed companies. Therefore, this paper mainly from the perspective of protecting the interests of the pledgee unlisted companies pledged equity risk prevention research.Because of the possibility of risk in the equity pledge equity pledge process has risks, so the main analysis in this article may share pledge process risk and prevention.

Key Words:unlisted company ,equity pledge ,legal risk, the prevention of the risks

目 录

摘 要 .............................................. 1 ABSTRACT ............................................ 2 文献综述 ............................................ 1 引 言 .............................................. 3 1.非上市公司股权质押风险防范概论 .................... 4

1.1非上市公司股权质押的基本理论 ........................... 4 1.2.非上市公司股权质押的风险及判断 ......................... 5

2.出质人欺诈的风险及防范 ............................ 7

2.1出质人欺诈的类型 ....................................... 7 2.2降低出质人欺诈风险的措施 ............................... 7

3.股权质押标的隐含的风险及防范 ...................... 9

3.1质押标的不适格的风险分析 ............................... 9 3.2质押股权的选择 ........................................ 10

4.质权人权利体系不规范的风险及防范 ................. 14

4.1质权人权利缺陷的风险分析 .............................. 14 4.2完善质权权利体系 ...................................... 16

结 语 ............................................. 20 参考文献 ........................................... 21 致谢辞 ............................................. 23

附录 ............................................... 24