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摘 要



关键词: 营销道德; 道德失范;分析;对策



The Analysis of the reason of Unethic-Marketing and

solutions Abstract

With the development of economic,enterprises put the benefit first place which caused many unethic-marketing.The Ministry of Health pointed out in September 11,2008:Recently,many infant urinary tract stones cases were reported,and the reseach pointed out most of the infant have ever drunk Sanlu milk.Depends on the related department investigation,it is supposed the mile production produces by Sanlu company limited by shares in Shaijiazhuang was polluted by melamine.Since September 12 to September 17 morning,6224 cases of urinary tract have been fonud in all parts of China.At the same time,it has a bad influence to more than 22 milk produce enterprises such as Monmile,Ely,Bright milk and so on,which causes the”latent rules” of milk industry surfaced sonner. What is more serious is that lots people have crisis of confidence in China milk industry.In recent years,more and more similar question was reported,the “Davinci furniture” and “man-made egg” was a part of the questions.They brought serious harm to customers? life.No healty,no trust.So ,the voice of increasing the responsibility of enterprise is louder and louder.The enterprise responsibility have to be limit for them.Marketing should be honest,responsible.The enterprise should give an accurate picture of the company.implement the sustainable development of the enterprises.

Key words: Marketing-ethics;Unethical-marketing

Analyse; Solution



目 录

1 营销道德的定义及判定标准 ··············· 1

1.1 道德的定义 ···················· 1 1.2 营销道德的定义 ·················· 3 1.3 营销道德的判定标准 ················ 3

2 企业营销过程中的道德问题及表现形态 ········· 4

2.1 产品方面 ····················· 4 2.2 价格方面 ····················· 6 2.3 分销方面 ····················· 7 2.4 促销方面 ····················· 7

3 企业营销道德失范成因分析 ·············· 8

3.1 片面追求利益最大化 ················ 9 3.2 信息的不对称性 ················· 11 3.3 法制不健全 ··················· 11

4 提高企业营销道德水平的措施 ············· 8

4.1 企业方面 ···················· 13 4.2 消费者自身 ··················· 13 4.3 政府方面 ···················· 14

结 论 ······················· 16 参考文献 ······················· 17 致 谢 ······················· 18