2017-2018学年广东省江门市普通高中高二调研测试英语试题(Word版) 下载本文



英 语



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1. Tom was very lazy. That was _______ he never achieved anything in his life.

A. which B. what C. why D. because

2. Our determination and patience _______ with a breakthrough—we’ve got an “A” in the exam.

A. broke out B. paid off C. paid back D. paid for

3. Only after you have had that recognition ______ that you are truly an inventor. A. can you say B. you can say C. say you can D. you say 4. Look at the trouble I am in. If only I ______ his advice! A. follow B. would have followed C. followed D. had followed 5. My interest in the stamp collection ______ back to my schooldays. A. dates B. dated C. is dated D. was dated

6. I will call in two weeks to arrange a meeting _____ your convenience.

A. with B. in C. at D. for

7. It is believed that ______ the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups.

A. long before B. before long C. never before D. long after 8. With a lot of work ______, she wasn’t allowed to leave her office.

A. to do B. to be done C. to have done D. being done 9. I’d like to start my own business—that’s ______ I’d do if I had the money.

A. why B. how C. what D. when 10. Mary is ______ a teacher—she is a writer, too.

A. above all B. nothing but C. except for D. more than 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)



If you are ever lucky to be invited to a formal dinner in Paris, remember that the French have their own way of doing things. Here Madame Nora, the marketing director of the Ritz Hotel in Paris, explained how it 11 .

The first duty of the 12 is to respond to the invitation within 48 hours. And, the guest may not 13 bring a guest because the hostess has 14 her own.

Flowers sent in advance are the 15 gift. They may also be sent 16 with a thank-note. It is considered a very 17 form to arrive with a gift of flowers in hand, 1 8 the hostess to deal with finding a 19 when she is too busy to do that. See, that’s the logic!

The type of flowers sent has a 20 of its own, too. One must never send chrysanthemums (菊花) because they are considered too poor a flower for 21 . A bouquet of red roses is a declaration of romantic intent. Don’t send those 22 you mean it, especially never to a married hostess. And though the French love wine, you must never bring a bottle to a dinner 23 . Why, it’s as if you feared your hostess 24 not have enough wine on hand, and that’s an insult. You may, 25 , offer a box of chocolates which the hostess will 26 after dinner with coffee.

Guests who arrive exactly 27 or early are mere thoughtless 28 that are not giving the hostess those 29 few minutes she needs to deal with details. The “correct” guest arrives between fifteen to twenty minutes after the hour because dinner will be 30 exactly thirty minutes past the time on the invitation. 11. A. interests B. sounds C. works D. says 12. A. guest B. company C. family D. hostess 13. A. like to B. ask to C. want to D. go to 14. A. brought B. taken C. increased D. chosen 15. A. referred B. preferred C. respected D. invited 16. A. afterwards B. soon C. quickly D. before 17. A. happy B. good C. sad D. bad 18. A. surprising B. pleasing C. forcing D. asking 19. A. bottle B. vase C. knife D. cage 20. A. code B. smell C. look D. taste 21. A. interview B. meeting C. occasion D. luck 22. A. or B. when C. if D. unless 23. A. party B. club C. time D. drink 24. A. will B. would C. should D. may 25. A. otherwise B. meanwhile C. however D. although 26. A. buy B. pass C. make D. receive 27. A. on duty B. in no time C. in advance D. on time 28. A. ones B. flowers C. presents D. hostesses 29. A. last B. next C. difficult D. easy


30. A. done B. cooked C. ordered D. served


(一)阅读下列短文,从所给的四个选项(A、 B、 C和D)中,选出最佳选项。


Stars Who Made History

The sounds and messages that musicians release through their art form can affect people’s lives in ways that not even a world leader can. The following are some of the most important musicians of all time. The king of rock ‘n’ roll

Who started the tradition of making pop music? It was surely Elvis Presley.

In 1945, as a 10-year-old, he performed a popular song while standing on a chair so that he could reach the microphone. He was competing with other kids and he got fifth. Actually, the road to fame for Elvis was long and hard. Anyway, he created a style of music that put many of the musical forms together and caught the mood of the times. World’s biggest bands

The Beatles were on top of the pop scene in the 1960s. The leaders of the band, John Lennon and Paul McCartney, had such talent that they always wanted to try something new. And since they were so successful, they had the freedom to do what they wanted. This means that The Beatles records are very varied and original. It’s also the main reason why musicians have admired and respected them. The king of pop

The late 1970s and early 1980s saw another big change in the world of pop music—the birth of the music video. Michael Jackson was the big star of this time and became the most successful black artist. He broke down the barriers that had existed between races and styles of music. Also he showed off his great dancing and strong sense of fashion in his video. He was as much a video artist as a music artist. 31. Why did many musicians looked up to The Beatles? A. The leaders have a gift for composition. B. They admired and respected him.

C. They set a new standard for popular music.

D. Their music showed the free, original and varied style. 32. Who is a great video artist according to the article?

A. Elvis Presley. B. John Lennon. C. Michael Jackson D. Paul McCartney 33. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text? A. To help the young set up a goal in life. B. To introduce some influential musicians.

C. To compare between several popular musicians.

D. To describe the changes that musicians have brought.



Ask a teacher to name the most annoying invention of recent years and they will often mention the mobile phone. Disturbed by the problems they create, many head teachers have ordered that pupils should keep their phones switched off at school. Others have told pupils to leave them at home.

However, education researchers at The University of Nottingham believe it is time that phone bans should be stopped, because mobile phones can be a powerful learning aid, they say. Dr. Elizabeth Hartnell-Young and her colleagues have reached this conclusion after they study the data of allowing pupils in five secondary schools to use their own mobile phones in lessons.

During the nine-month experiment, 14 to 16-year-old pupils used the phones for a wide range of educational purposes, including creating short movies, setting homework reminders, recording a teacher reading a poem. The smart-phones, which could be connected to the Internet, also allowed pupils to access revision websites. Log into the school email system, or transfer (转存) electronic files between school and home.

The research involved 331 pupils in schools in Cambridge town, West Berkshire and Nottingham. “At the start of the study, even pupils were often surprised at the thought that mobile phones could be used for learning,” Dr. Hartnell-Young said. “After their hands-on experience, almost all pupils said they had enjoyed the project and felt more inspired.”

Some teachers found the pupils who lacked confidence gained most from the project. However, they recognized that greater use of mobile phones in schools could cause problems.

34. We can infer from the first paragraph that ______.

A. teachers are strongly against students owning mobile phones. B. mobile phones should be developed to meet students’ needs. C. students are free to use their mobile phones at school. D. mobile phones are usually forbidden to be used at school.

35. When the students first used mobile phones for learning, they ______. A. all enjoyed the project very much B. didn’t know what they were used for

C. didn’t fully realize the learning functions of mobile phones

D. were happy that they were allowed to use mobile phones in schools 36. Who benefited most from the project?

A. Older pupils. B. Pupils who were not confident.

C. Younger pupils. D. Pupils who were often late for school. 37. The purpose of the text is to tell us that ______. A. mobile phones can actually help students learn B. mobile phones begin to be widely used in schools