(试卷合集)怀化市2019届九年级英语期中考试卷16份试卷合集含答案 下载本文

that olive oil is used for a lot more than just food. People make soap (肥皂) out of it and burn it for light. In old days, people 54. _____ olive oil as a weapon (武器).

These days, more and more people all over the world are 55. _____ that olive oil may be the 56. _____ oil for cooking. In the US, people use five times (倍) more olive oil today than they did 20 years ago.

C. 阅读下面短文,在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。(每空格限填一词)

Alison Lapper, a very unusual painter, pains paintings for a living. She doesn’t use her hands when she paints. She uses her mouth! Alison was born 57. _____ any arms. Her physical problem caused her to spend the first seventeen years of her life in a hospital.But this 58._____ stop her from making her dreams in life come true. She 59. _____ that even though she was disabled (残疾) , she could express (表达)herself as freely as normal (正常的) people. This was what got her to start drawing paintings.

60. _____ Alison lives quite a different life from others, she believes that she can succeed as others. Her 61._____ are excellent and they do not look like they were drawn by someone who used her mouth. Alison has become a symbol of courage (勇气). Her active (积极的) way of living has encouraged many disabled people around the world and will continue to do so in the future.

VI. 阅读理解(二)(本题共6小题,每小题2分,共12分)


Young children don’t have the skills or knowledge to stay safe in heavy traffic. The following tips (忠告) will be helpful for you to keep your children safe in heavy traffic. Children learn about road safety by watching others. As parents, make sure that you always set good examples. Your children will follow you and think it’s OK to do like you. Teach your children to pay attention to traffic lights when you cross the road together with them. This helps them understand when it’s safe to cross. Make sure that you walk between your children and traffic, and hold their hands all the time.

When your children are a little older, you can start to tell them the importance of traffic knowledge. Let them start to understand the reasons why they need to be so careful. Talk with them about road signs and traffic rules.

Ask your children to play in a safe place. Never let them ride bikes on the road without an adult present at rush hours.

The most important thing you can do is to keep your children from getting hurt, so parents encourage them to follow traffic rules. After knowing about traffic rules, they’ll volunteer to obey them. In this way, they’ll be careful enough to keep themselves away from danger.

62. When do the parents tell their children about road signs and traffic rules?

63. Do young children know how to stay safe in heavy traffic?

64. Who should set good examples to young children on the road?

65. When do young children never ride bikes alone on the road?

66. When will children volunteer to obey traffic rules?

67. What is the passage mainly about?

VII. 写(30分)

A. 句子翻译。(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)

68. 国庆节我们通常有七天的假期。

69. 尽管我计划早到家,但还是晚了。

70. 我想让你养成一放学回家做家庭作业的习惯。

71. 人们认为这本书是美国最好的小说之一。

72. 大声说话是违反规定的。

B. 书面表达(共20分) 73. Maggie是学校的心里咨询老师,她每天都会收到很多同学的来信。假如你是初三学生Cherry,请你写信给Maggie,向她咨询一下你在学习和生活中遇到的问题。 内容提示:

1. What is your problem?

2. Why do you have such a problem? 3. Ask for advice. 要求:

(1)中心突出,语意连贯,层次清楚,书写规范; (2)文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名; (3)词数不少于80词。


I. 1---6 DCCDDC 7---12 ABBBDD II. 13---18 BADCCB 19---24 ADDCAD III. 25---28 BBCD 29—32 DBCB 33---37 CCABD 38---41 BDAE IV. 42---46 AECFB

V. 47---51 their, stopped, more carful, twelfth, to improve 52---56 hundreds of, But, used, discovering, best

57---61 without, didn’t, realized, Altuough/Though, paintings Vi. 62. When their children are a little older. 63. No.

64. Parents.

65. At rush hours.

66. After knowing about traffic rules.

67. How to keep children safe in heavy traffic.

VII. 68. we usually have seven days off / a seven-day holiday. 69. Although I planned to get home early, I was still late. 70. to get into the habit of doing your homework

71. is thought to be one of the greatest American novels by people.

72. Speaking / Talking loudly is against the rules./It is against the rules to speak/talk loudly


第I卷(客观性试题 共55分) Ⅰ、单项选择(共20小题;共20分)

1.Beijing is ______capital of China and it is ____city with many places of interest. A .a , a B. a , the C, the , a D. the , the

2. The twins are talking about the book Who Moved My Cheese. It's fun to _______ them.

A. join B. join in C. take part in D. enter 3. Over ten years' work in education field, Simon has got a lot of _____ in teaching. A. information B. experience C. discussion D. importance 4._______ Switzerland is very small, ________ it is the land of watch and it is very rich. A. Though; but B. Because; so C. Because; / D. Though; / 5. We went to the train station and saw our friend______. A. out B. on C. off D. over

6. The students ______ the Art Festival when I passed by their school.

A. celebrate B. were celebrating C. will celebrate D. have celebrated 7— How long have you lived in the new flat? — ________ 2010. A. In B. After C. Since D. Before

8. The young woman watched her daughter ______ a yo-yo yesterday afternoon. A. to play B. to play with C. playing with D. played 9 You'd better take the map with you ________ you won't get lost. A. as long as B. as soon as C. now that D. so that 10 –Peter doesn’t know many people here. --________.

A. So do I B. So am I C. Neither am I D. Neither do I 11. The scenery on Mount Emei is _____. I’m really _____ at its beauty. A. amazing, amazed B. amazed, amazed C. amazed, amazing D. amazing, amazing

12---It’s difficult for the village children to cross the river for school.

---I think a bridge _________ over the river.

A. was built B. should be built C. has been built D. is being built

13.The math problem is _______ difficult and _______ of the students can work it out . A .too much , a few B. much too , a few C. too much ,few D .much too , few 14 .We are going to have the sports meeting _______ it _______ tomorrow .