2018年秋《外贸函电》期末考试复习题 下载本文


19. 您已经与我们建立了稳固的贸易关系,不必提供资信证明,从下次订货起,您可以用40天远期汇票结


20. 上周我们的仓库发生了大火,烧毁了大部分的货物,所以无法按期为您交货了。很抱歉这一无法预料




1. 2017年5月的《亚洲杂志》上刊登了美国Mennex公司欲求购中国产的遥控车的广告,你是广州乐玩公司的业务员Liu Ming,请写信给对方,希望与对方建立业务关系,信中应包括公司介绍、随信附寄价目表等内容。 写作要求:

1)按照商务信函的格式进行写作,段落采用齐头式; 2)对所给信息进行必要的扩充。

2. 你是某公司的业务员Will Smith,你的公司向APL公司订购了1万瓶苹果酒,现写信请对方进行包装,包装要求为每瓶套一个塑料袋,再装入一厚纸盒内,每10盒装在一垫有泡沫塑料的纸板箱内。纸箱应足够坚固,以经得起野蛮搬运和海运。 写作要求:

1)按照商务信函的格式进行写作,段落采用齐头式; 2)对所给信息进行必要的扩充。






1-5 BAADB 21-25

6-10 CDBAA

11-15 BBCAC

16-20 BCDBD

36-40 CBBCC



1. associate 6. enclosed 11. retail 16. contain 21. inform

2. manufacturer 7. confirm 12. showrooms 17. matter 22. perfect

3. outlets 8. delivery 13. expand 18. confusion 23. improvement

4. term 9. period 14. quotations 19. dispatched 24. wooden

5. grant 10. arrange 15. payment 20. accordingly 25.



1. 按季结算 4. 账期 7. 通函

10. clean collection 13. airway bill 16. booklet

2. 盈利小

5. 不可撤销的信用证 8. 进一批货 11. CIF Shanghai 14. collection bank 17. sole proprietorship

3. 承兑交单 6. 赊销

9. 试销新系列产品 12. custom formalities 15. payment in installments 18. Public Limited Company


1. 为避免以后再出现类似的情况,请确保您的往来账户上有余额,否则,请和我们的经理商讨有关的透支业务。

2. 您的货已备齐,且已装上“东方之星”号货轮,估计三周内到达您处。相关单证已交付您在大连的代理行。

3. 这批瓷器应单件包装,木箱内衬稻草,每十套装一箱,箱外注明“易碎”并编号1-8。 4. 我们的产品定价很低,因此,一律要求现金支付。

5. 信中附有订单一份,号码为DL1286,订购您厂500套餐具。请用大连——烟台的轮渡运输,以避免不必要的延误。

6. 我们打交道以来,您总是按期结算货款的。可是您L89452号发票的货款两周前就应结清,但至今




7. 这笔钱外加我们的手续费已一并从您的帐上扣除,您来银行时可以取走相关单证。 8. 我厂历史悠久,信誉颇佳,生产各种各样的微波炉,物美价廉,且一律保修五年。

9. 我们是中国最大的书籍连锁零售店,总店设在上海,分店遍布全国,致力于向顾客提供最佳的精神食粮和优秀的服务。

10. 银行告知我们贵公司用于支付11月5日发票的7760英镑已经转入我方账户。

11. We were impressed by your multi-functional electric cooks that were displayed at your stand on Guangzhou Trade Fair. Would you please send us your latest catalog and price lists, quoting the lowest FOB Guangzhou?

12. Please find enclosed our order for mahogany finished dressing tables. If you don’t have the listed items in stock, please do not send substitutes in their place.

13. The 300 sets of chinaware we ordered should be packed in 300 crates, 1 set per crate, with each piece individually wrapped in used newspaper. The crates should be marked outside with our address and the words “Handle With Care”, and numbered 1~30.

14. I am pleased to tell you that the products you ordered can be supplied from stock and we will have no problem in delivering the order before the 10th of May.

15. You may have noticed that the market is fluctuating; therefore, the price quoted is firm 3 weeks only, and we only accept cash as payment.

16. We have pleasure in advising you that we have instructed our bank to credit $37,000 to your account with Bank of China, London in settlement of our invoice of the order of No. 1187. 17. Since the discount you asked for is far more than we have offered to any of our customers and we work on a fast turnover and small profit margin, we cannot supply you on your allowance. 18. We can assure you that this new type of washing machine is good in quality, competitive in price, delicate in design and durable in application. In addition, it has the feature of saving on water and electricity, and is supported by our life long guarantee.

19. You can settle by 40-day bill of exchange from your next order without supplying any reference due to the firm trading relationship you have established with us.

20. A big fire broke out in our warehouse last week and destroyed the majority of our goods. In that case, we are unable to make your delivery on time. We are very sorry for the inconvenience due to this unexpected event. Hopefully you can understand.





Dear Mennex Company,

We have your name and address from Asian Magazine and are glad to learn that you are seeking for Chinese electrical control racing car.

Our company was founded in 1990 and has grown into one of the leading companies in this industry in China. Our products are of good quality and fair price. We have won a great reputation from our clients all over the world.

After a careful study of your market, we find that our products can exactly meet your requirements. In that case, I am writing to introduce us to you. Hopefully, we can establish business relations on the basis of our mutual benefits.

You will find enclosed our company introduction and catalogue of our products. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question. We are looking forward to receiving your favorable reply.

Yours Sincerely, Liu Ming Salesman


1)建立商业联系的写作方法 2)格式:齐头式 2.

Dear APL Company,

Thank you for your quotation for apple wine. We are pleased to order 10000 bottles. Please note our packing requirements as follows.

Each of the 10000 bottles of apple wine is put in a plastic bag first, then in a thick paper box, and 10 boxes should be put in a cardboard carton padded with foamed plastic. The cartons should be strong enough to withstand rough handling and long ocean transportation.

Please pack the goods strictly according to our requirements to avoid damage during transit. As the season is approaching, please expedite shipment as soon as possible so that we can catch the brisk demand. Yours Sincerely, Will Smith Salesman [解析]



1)要求包装的写作方法 2)格式:齐头式
