2018年秋《外贸函电》期末考试复习题 下载本文


Dear Miss Wang,

Thank you for your fax of 19 May. Please find (6) our order No. 88694 for five EMC 180 Scanners.

We would like to (7) that the payment for this initial order will be made by banker’s draft on (8) . We will take advantage of the 30-day credit (9) for any subsequent orders.

We would appreciate it if you could (10) for the scanners to be shipped as soon as possible.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Jane Swift Chief Buyer

Letter 3


Dear Mr. Kingsbury,

We are dealing in (11) trade of electrical appliances. We would be interested in selling your product, Bharat Fans through our retail (12) . We guarantee you that we are able to help you to (13) your market.

Could you, therefore, send us your (14) and let us know the terms and conditions of (15) . Thank you very much. We are looking forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully, Mark Brooke Sales Manager

Letter 4

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your letter dated May 5. We were glad to know that the consignment was delivered promptly, but it was with our much regret that we heard Case No. 23 did not (16) the goods


quotation retail showroom payment dispatch matter according contain confusion 实用标准文档

you ordered.

On going into the (17) we find that a mistake was indeed made through a (18) of numbers and we have arranged for the right goods to be (19) to you at once.

Please keep Case No. 23 and its contents until called for by our Commercial Counselor’s Office, whom we have informed of the matter (20) .

We are very sorry for the trouble caused by the error. Yours faithfully, John Will Sales Director

Letter 5

Dear Mr Davis,

We are glad to (21) you that 100 cases of hand drills you shipped to Sydney on 1 July have arrived in (22) condition. It shows that you have made great (23) in packing.

As for the hand drills to be shipped to us, we would like you to have them packed in boxes of 2 dozen each, 50 boxes to a (24) case. We are certain that you will give special care to the packing in order to avoid any damage in the process of (25) .

Please let us know by cable if you can meet our requirements. Regards, Emily McPhee Sales Director


transportation perfect wooden improvement inform 三、名词翻译(本大题共18小题,每小题5分,共90分)

将下列术语翻译成相应的英语或汉语。 1. pay against quarterly statement 2. small profit margin

3. documents against acceptance 4. open account facilities 5. irrevocable L/C 6. goods on approval



7. circular letter 8. stock a selection of 9. try a new line out 10. 光票托收 11. 上海抵岸价 12. 结关手续 13. 空运提单 14. 托收行 15. 分期付款 16. 小册子 17. 独资经营 18. 股票上市公司



1. In order to avoid such situation, please make sure that your account is in credit. Otherwise

please discuss with our bank manager about your overdraft facilities.

2. Your order has been fulfilled and loaded on board SS Star of the Orient, which is expected

to reach you within 3 weeks. The relevant documents have been forwarded to your agent bank in Dalian.

3. The china should be packed in wooden crates lined with grass, wrapped individually, 10 sets

in one crate, and marked “Fragile” outside and numbered 1-8.

4. Our prices are very competitive; therefore we insist that payment should be made in cash.

5. Please find enclosed our order No.DL1286 for 500 sets of you tableware. Please ship the goods

via Dalian-Yantai ferry to avoid unnecessary delay.

6. You have always settled promptly since we began trading. But your invoice of No.L89452 is

still outstanding which should have been cleared two weeks ago. We wonder if we could be of any help to you if you have come across any difficulty.



7. The amount plus our fees has been debited from your account. You can get the relevant documents

when visit us in the bank.

8. We are a well-established supplier with a long history. We provide a wide selection of

microwave ovens which are high in quality, competitive in price and guaranteed for five years.

9. We are the leading retail bookstore in China with outlets throughout the country and

headquarters in Shanghai. We strive to provide our customers with the best spiritual food and excellent services.

10. Our bank advised us that your transfer of £7760 was credited to my account in payment of

your invoice dated 5 November.

11. 贵公司在广交会展台上展出的多功能电饭煲给我们留下了深刻的印象,恳请惠寄最新产品目录和价目


12. 随函寄上我们订购的红木面梳妆台订单1份,订单号为DSF7883。如所订货物无库存,请勿发代用品。

13. 我们订购的300套精细瓷器应分装300箱,每箱1套,每件都要单独用旧报纸包装,箱外应写上我们


14. 很高兴告知您,您订购的产品我公司正在给您备货,一定能按你方要求在5月10日前顺利交货。

15. 您也许已经注意到现在经济形势很微妙,因此我们要求一律现金结算货款,且所报价格有效期为3周。

16. 我方已通知银行将37,000美元货款汇入贵公司在伦敦的中国银行的账户,以结清我方1187号订货单


17. 你要求的折扣比我们提供给所有客户的折扣都高出很多,而我们经营的原则又是薄利多销,所以我们


18. 我可以向你们保证,这种新型洗衣机不仅物美价廉,设计精美,坚固耐用,而且省水省电,终生保修。
